Interview with Brian Corrigan on Real World Study and Data Science
关于ISQP 2021
2021年,二十一世纪第三个十年的伊始之年,又恰逢国内定量药理学在新药开发方面继往开来,又在学科交叉中不断突破之时,第八届ISQP 将以“创新无止境:新十年的展望与挑战”为大会主题,邀请各大学术机构,以及国内外制药企业界的知名学者和专家,在今年11月5-6日于北京就目前定量药理学在各个方向的应用热点、学科突破以及未来的挑战与对策等关键问题,进行大会报告和专题报告,以期切实推动我国乃至亚洲的定量药理学学科发展和提高我国新药开发效率。
Brian Corrigan is Vice President
and Global Head of Clinical Pharmacology at Pfizer.
Brian received his B.Sc, Pharmacy
from the University of Alberta, Canada (1989), and Ph.D in Pharmacokinetics
from the University of Alberta (1996), and received the Distinguished Alumni
Award for lifetime accomplishments in 2021. During his 22 years at Pfizer, Brian’s
work has focused on application of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometric
approaches to facilitate decision making in drug development, most notably in
the neurosciences and pain field, working on Neurontin and Lyrica and other .
Yuancheng Chen PhD (陈渊成) is a research associate of Phase I Unit, Huashan Hospital, Fudan
University. He is a visiting scholar of Uppsala University. He serves as a
committee in the Professional Committee of Pharmacometrics of China, Chinese
Pharmacological Society. He is also a young committee member in the Professional
Committee of chemotherapy pharmacology, Chinese Pharmacological Society, as
well as a member of PK/PD study group in Professional Commitee of Clinical
Evaluation of Drugs, Chinese Pharmaceutial Association. His research focuses on
the clinical pharmacology, especially the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic
陈渊成, 博士, 复旦大学附属华山医院I期临床研究室助理研究员。乌普萨拉大学访问学者。兼任中国药理学会定量药理专业委员会委员、化疗药理专业委员会青年委员和中国药学会药物临床评价研究专业委员会PK/PD学组成员。研究方向为临床药理学,主要从事药动学/药效学研究。
陈渊成: The topic of the session is “The application of real-world study and data
science in the development of new drugs”. Can you brief introduce the research
status of the real-world study and its challenge?
Brian: For example, the real
world evidence guidance from the FDA that was issued last fall. Of a key point.
But we've also seen that even within health authorities, they're starting to
work together on reviews and provide common platforms for review. So for
example, the project in August, is a project from the FDA where different
health authorities can actually review a drug together. So you can see the
feedback from each of them, for example, authorities, the sponsor can basically
put the information up, so they all can review. There's also creation of
cynical, a cumulus energy, which the platform that will allow one filing for
use by various health authorities. If we use real world data, we can do it in
the standardized way. So I think some of those regulatory changes have been
very important. And then we're just saying that changing the overall ecosystem
as well so. So we have partners now like that there are called data aggregate
as the making that. Their business may be pulling together data records from
across different desperate health systems. So that you can sort of make sense
of it or bringing together electron health claim records for us to look at the
陈渊成: In China, the real-world study just begins 1-2 years ago, right? My
question is, are there many the real word studies performed in US?
Brian: Again, I think the FDA has
actually been a leader in the regulatory science and thinking about how can we
use of text and data approaches. For many years, we have something called post
approval commitments that may involve looking at safety. It may involve, for
example, looking at the populations that haven't been studied in the primary studies.
Those types of scenarios are ones that have been primarily where the use of
real-world data, real-world studies, design, and pragmatics study designs,
etc., have been utilized. I think, if you've been following, some of the
information is not just in the US though, and I think we're seeing the use of
new ways of thinking about the use of data to inform drug programs.One of the
examples that I'm going to use in my presentation is just the way the divisor
is collaborated with the Israeli Industry of Health.
陈渊成: The second question is, the data science is emerging rapidly in these
years. So can you brief introduce the data science?
Brian: There are many definitions
of data science. I'll just start with money. And I think there's some common
themes in the definitions. And No.1 is typically defined as an
interdisciplinary field. You have people who have statistical backgrounds,
computer science backgrounds, and so on etc.
陈渊成: I searched your published papers, and I see one of the papers was
entitled “Data standards for model-informed drug development: an ISoP
initiative”, and you publish another paper in 2020 last year. The title for
this comment is “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Will Clinical
Pharmacologists Be Needed in the Next Decade? The John Henry Question”.
Brian: So you can stop.The paper
was maybe a little bit slightly different perspective on AI and machine
learning. So like you're saying there, if you think about it, the definition of
the sciences is really sort of that interesting, bring scientific methods to
scrap data and understanding from various sources that's not dissimilar to the
definition of hormonal nutrition. That's what we do. We develop models. So
what's different? Are we all gonna be data scientists next week? And I think that
paper that john henry paper is suggesting that: No, you're not.
Second part is we take that
information. And from AI data perspective, we then we take it using our
understanding, put it into what I call expert systems. What are expert systems
in pharmacometrics? System pharmacology, PBPK, right? We take all the learning
to put together. Maybe it's a disease progression model. Where we have an understanding
sort of longer two more nature of the disease.
Brian: I will go back in the
realm of chemical pharmacology. I think what I don't see. Let me say what I
don't think will be the breakthroughs. But I think the actual technologies,
right? Let's say, for example, we're talking about deep learning or neural
networks or something like that. I don't see those as revolutionary that we
continue to evolve and get better at them. I published my first neural network
paper 26 years ago. It still hasn't become sort of the standard. It's one more
tool that you can use. It's one more method for you to sort of utilize it.
What's gonna revolutionize the field? Are the things that aren't so exciting
data standards within your country, from another country, right?
陈渊成: Thank you. The forth question: I searched your published papers. Your
team have done a lot of pharmacometric work in the field of nervous system. For
example, at least about six papers (see the word document). Can you brief talk
about them, and talk about your pharmacometric work within the field of nervous
Brian: Yeah, I spent many years
working in our sciences field and our generation field, and it's a field where
we have a long ways to go. We don't have good treatments for things like all
san francisco, Parkinson's. And what we were trying to do is really sort of
help with the design of trials that look at disease, modifying agents. Part of
that is understanding how the disease progresses. And really, so a lot of our
work is focused on sort of the understanding of the factors that influence how
patient progression might be, so that we could design trials that could answer
questions about whether this drug is modifying the effect.
陈渊成: Thank you. The fifth question: in data science, artificial intelligence
(AI) is an important aspect. So how we combine the AI and the traditional
pharmacometric models to solve some practical problems in the new drug
development? For example, develop new drugs in the nervous system area.
Brian: It's a good question. I
think, as I said, I see some of the machine learning approaches ---- a break
AI. AI is a broad term. So I can break it down at the, various components. I
think one good use of some of the emergent of some of the data technologies.
Some of the algorithms is around understanding unstructured data and large data
sets that are structured. As scientists, we want to understand what may be
driving, for example, all standards. We can use information, for example, from
a do us studies things like that, look for patterns, for example, in the genes
to suggest or maybe there's an atlantic or component, maybe there is various
components that we didn't understand before.
陈渊成: Thank you. The sixth question is, for the drugs in nervous system area,
can the real world study be performed? Can you talk about it?
Brian: I think there's a lot of
potential for real world studies to be used within that in the realm of
exercise. And even I would say what we're seeing is that we can use. We think
about real world trials, right? There's a number of different trial types that
we can have sort of those pragmatic trial designs. I think, for example, one of
the things that we have sort of always have that challenge, and that makes the
drug development process long as a role in patients.
Brian: I think it's a good
question. And what I would say is they believe that is the case. I don't think
that the standard randomized control trial can answer every question
effectively. I mean, it does a very good job of providing confirmatory type
answers. Does the drug work or no? And that dose. But there are things that you
can't necessarily answer within practically within that study. So you can't
answer questions about rare adverse events, right? That's a very easy place for
us to use real world trial designs. What's the incidence of mile card? I guess,
with a vaccine, for example, is something like the Israeli Ministry of Health
will give us so much better answer that type of data.
There's many other types of
questions. For example, what is the actual effectiveness of the drug in a real
senate? So we do this control trial, and then we put it out into the general
part population, and we get different treatment effects. And there's a term for
that's called the effectiveness gap. So the real world trump doesn't
necessarily tell us exactly how the brother is going to work in your hospital.
And so a real world design that has less inclusion criteria. That maybe doing a
controller that will give us actually information about drug effectiveness and
safety that might actually better reflect what actually happens with the drug.
So I think there's a lot of areas where we can use other types of trial signs
that as a process of sort of randomized controlled trial design, we used to
answer different types of questions.
Brian: Yeah, I don't know. This
is the most difficult question for me, because I'm not familiar with some of
those groups. I think the science. We are for more data scientists. Let's talk
about data scientists. Help the health field health care. Uncovered college is
just one customer. So there are probably some of the biggest data science
fields such as banking, finance, and things like that. And many of these are
groups you're talking about are doing work there as well. I think, again, coming
back to it, each of these centers.
陈渊成: Okay, that's fine. You provide many information on the data science, and
the real word study.
分会主题12: 真实世界研究与数据科学新药开发中的应用: 中国博鳌与美国实践与策略
分会时间:12月6日上午 上海分会场·远程会议中心
分会时间:12月6日上午 上海分会场·远程会议中心
刘晓曦 博士
普渡大学药学院药物化学和分子药理学博士学位,现为臻乐医药首席执行官。刘晓曦博士具有超过20年的药物研究,开发,管理的经验,是连续创业者。在创立臻乐医药之前,刘博士为和铂医药(2020年12月港交所上市)联合创始人,负责公司早期开发。创立和铂之前,刘博士在诺华,赛诺菲,葛兰素史克,以及Guilford Pharmaceuticals 等知名药企,负责临床药理,早期临床开发,以及药品生命周期管理,对于Lusedra, Anoro, Insuman, Mozobil, Signifor,
LEE011, LDK378, and LCI699等药物的早期开发,临床药理研究,以及注册做出过杰出贡献。
(ACC) 和美国药学科学家协会成员(AAPS)。
马广立 博士
马广立 博士,定量与临床药理,苏州艾博生物。
加入苏州艾博生物之前,马博士曾任恒瑞创新药临床药理负责人与瓴路药业临床药理负责人。在恒瑞期间,组建了近30人的临床药理团队,覆盖了恒瑞肿瘤与非肿瘤创新药从IND到NDA的临床药理及澳洲临床试验工作。加入恒瑞之前,马博士曾任辉瑞定量药理中国负责人,参与了多项重磅药物的NDA工作及从临床前至临床后期各阶段多个项目的支持工作。加入辉瑞之前,马博士受瑞典阿斯利康和美国辉瑞资助在瑞典乌普萨拉大学跟随Mats Karlsson和Lena Friberg教授从事定量药理学博士后研究。马博士于沈阳药科大学获得硕士学位,并于浙江大学获得博士学位,研究方向均为药物动力学。
Of course, all of that is I bm. The backdrop that's really kind of driving.
This is just the technological advances. We're seeing it's increased
availability of variables. You never watch. I think I can give an etcg on my
second. Look at oxygen saturation, for examples, that type of data is available
more and more readily. We're using things that allow patients to be at home to
do some of the measurements. We're moving to what we call a patient center,
capital approach, where the patients can stay at home, tele health approaches
and economic history and some of that. And then the other technologies, we're
looking at micro micrometrics, patient centers and technologies were as opposed
to maybe taking a venous blood sample. We might take a capillary blood sample,
and then a quarter get back. So we make it very easy for the patients through
to do this type of thing at home. Some changes are as well as the opportunities
the field is growing and it's emerging or seeing more examples of the tubes.
Functionally, what we did was we ran when the pandemic move, the vaccine was
first available. We made the vaccine available in Israel, the entire country.
You lies the device, a vaccine. We've been able to get data from an entire
country looking at, for example, safety and efficacy. Really great example, as
we were thinking about, do we need a booster shot? Of looking at the data from
across the country, breaking down the information by the time that the people
actually were vaccinated. To show that there's decreasing effectiveness as a
function of time. As the delta variant is changing, we were able to the mystery
of health was able to utilize that information to be able to make sense of, is
this a rise in the delta variant? Or is this basically a winning of immune
response from the vaccine? They did the work, they did that analysis. So that
day it was a very unique partnership between twitter government Ministry of
Health and a sponsor. Utilizing data really sort of unprecedented levels,
things like adverse advanced minorities, for example, where we might study a
thousand or 2,000 patients.
And if the incidence is one of a thousand, you may not see it. When they're
looking at it and they're looking at 2 or 3 million people, you can get much
more effective estimates that are much better estimates of those types of rare
events. We use that data better to capture inform the advisory committee of the
FDA and have a successful resolution to the: do we need to be questioned
whether we need boost or not?
Now, there are things that will help. From the data science perspective, I
think many of the things that we think about with machine learning, for
example, our pattern recognition. So taking unstructured data being able to
understand it. Same thing. Maybe it's genome wide data. We're looking for
patterns of genes that might suggest how drug might work or in the target. But
at the end of the day, you still need somebody who has that underlying
scientific understanding of the field of clinical pharmacology. To be able to
take that information, turn it into hypotheses that you convince her test.
That's one part.
Then the last part where I think artificial intelligence is not ever going to
replace someone is right where you guys are sitting. I don't see you work at
the website, you work in the hospitals, you work with doctors. You communicate
your understanding of the drug, how it works through interactions. I don't see
that changing, right? I never see that you will be replaced by a computer in
your hospital. That's the good news. That part of artificial intelligence will
always be artificial, it will never replace natural intelligence. So I had a
little different perspective on that in general.
陈渊成: The third question is, which will be the
breakthrough in the field of data science in the following 10 years? What is
the challenge in the development of data science?
From and cost insurance plan when you can bring data together effectively and
easily. That is going to revolutionize how we use it. If there's a little work
that needs to be done in the data preparation, then it makes it very easy for
us to use it. The changes in the privilege toward background.
With more and more examples, I think it's becoming easier and easier for us to
either use design real world studies or use real world evidence. And I look at
that example from the Israeli Ministry of Health: Using different types of data
in new ways with new departments. I think those types of things are going to be
the things that really drive the change. I can see, for example, for us. You
maybe have a director of interaction. I see that it will become very common for
us to basically look at insurance, claims or hostile records, and as opposed to
sort of trying to get an estimate of how often is someone else on. Maybe this
is three a substrate. We could just ask the case. And we can estimate of 1
million patients that were with this disease. 16 % of them were on that drug.
So we get very accurate. We can use data in a new way we think of pharmacology.
Also, I think for some of our populations that we typically only sort of
address later in a normal adult program, we've studied pediatrics later. If
you're working in a hospital that often we don't have dosing recommendations
for pediatrics, I think there could be sort of some opportunities for us to
think about.
All right, we have good estimates, good predictions of what the dose like to
be. Maybe we don't need to do sort of the standard PK study, safety africa's
study. Maybe they're pragmatic trial designs that will allow us to actually
sort of. Those patients learn in a continuous matter. About whether the dose is
right, allow those patients to have benefit from within the study, the benefit
from the medicine itself. And get that information into the label, maybe years
earlier, normally were more than 5 years from the time. We have a drug approved
the time that we have a pediatric dosing recommendation in the label. I'd like
to see that being 6 months.
We did that for a lot of work in Alzheimer's and Parkinson. Along the way,
again, using outside sources, many, much that workers 10 or 50 years ago, some
of those outside sources were that we used in some of those people. Theaters
were simply the literature, right? We could look at control arms from studies
that have been done for the past 10 or 15 years, and then sort of understand
what the normal progression of the disease might look like, whether disease
severity impacted that, whether things like different genetic status is might
impact the disease progression.
We also later on sort of worked with a trasorsia, a consortium called a
critical path institute to sort of cruel data, patient level data from across
control arms. To bring that into our models, so that we can develop what we
call disease drug trial models. Looked at basically get different drug effects,
different disease, severities, and different trial aspects drop out. For
example, how is it bring that information together? We develop models that
could actually use patient level data as well as that sort of meta data from
the literature. And then the last piece, I think, again, coming back to the
general theme of the regulatory science, helping people, helping us to drive
innovation. We developed the model, but we wanted people to use it. So we
worked through the consortium with the FBA that developed a pathway approval
pathway called the fit for purpose pathway that allows people who develop drug
developer tools like this to actually have them reviewed and validate it is
good for purpose, so that other people can use the tools in the same manner.
So that's not just the one off and where they can take the models and continue
to evolve them, add new data, add new understanding, comes along to add to the
models. So that was a way for companies to de risk by having the approval of a
model by the FDA before the instance.
The use of that helps us to drive what I would call sort of or develop
hypothesis. You can say maybe there's an inflammatory component we should be
looking at. We should be targeted these types of medicines for those
indications. So can help us sort of pick the different targets that we might
look at. So that's one part. In AI space. I also talk about process, body
process, automation, process automation. So I think our day is you both are
there at 7:30 at night. It's been a long day for you. There's a lot that we can
do to automate some of the work that we do. With respect to data flow, things
like that. Those elements of robotic process, automation will always that value
and and in improve our ability to do the model modeling itself, whether or not
the model is using AI approaches or are more classic sorts of approaches that
we've used in the past.
I don't think is it's another tool in our tool box. So I think we have a
question, and depending on the question, we use different tools to answer, I
think it can be a tool, but it really facilitates a lot of the work that we do.
Yeah, and I think those are probably the other important ones is I do believe
that your domain expertise, right? And it is what is important is that it's
sort of that magic ingredient in between allowing you to get from real world
data into development and incorporation of that information into expert
systems, like system pharmacology or PBPK or things like that, where we can
actually make some use of and understand how does this title, the underlying
science and really advanced the discipline of pharmacology.
So in many of those designs, especially after for thinking about answering
questions that randomize control trial design is very effective. But then
afterwards? If we have put somebody at, an open label extension, for example,
the patient may not want to stay because they may or may not actually be
receiving drugs. So the use of brilliant data from the outside hand provides
the patient benefit. So I think the utilization of, for example, natural
history data model models that understand some of the information beijing
approaches. So that allow us to randomize more than 1 to 1 with a controller,
will be readily acceptable and should be readily acceptable to health
authorities, provide more benefit to patients so that they want to participate
in clinical trials. And I think some of those types of hybrid signs are
probably on the are being used now. We also have examples of where maybe not so
much as many in neuroscience as yet, but rare indications where we're able to
stand the label or different populations.
One of the examples I'll talk about is breast cancer. We have a drug where we
have approval for breast cancer in women. Male breast cancer is much more rare.
And so we were able to use real world evidence to show the use of our drug and
having the impact that it was having on male breast cancer patients and make
the case effectively. That we should extend our label to include men for breast
cancer. So I think there's a lot of examples up in out there.
Now, I think a number of companies have examples of sort of the use of those
pragmatic or external comparative studies to demonstrate effectiveness. If many
of them are coming in the ontology space for where to see so than the
陈渊成: The next question is, whether the real
world studies in US or North America make up the unmet needs of traditional
clinical trials?
陈渊成: The last question: can you brief introduce
the important research team in the field of data science? I searched the
internet yesterday, for example, the Manchester University, Duke University and
Chinese Hongkong University is recruiting the students in the specialty of data
science. How to culture the qualified personnel who work in the field of data
science. Can you briefly talk about it? Thank you.
And the data science is actually, if you're looking at some of the components,
are the computer science, that perspective components are the same. That you
understand that, the understanding of math and statistics is the same right
across all of those institutions and all of them, virtually every university
does a good job of teaching those skills. Very good. But whatever, however
you're applying it, and that's where those fields differ. And I think effective
universities. Again, coming back to the definition of this of data science,
they're interdisciplinary. The most different groups, the computer science
group can talk to the faculty of pharmacy or the faculty of medicine and they
work well together. That's where you probably have the very best training and
very best ideas come from out of those programs, but that can happen anywhere.
It can happen. And it is happening. We were, I don't think there's anybody that
really sort of owns this field.
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