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09-21 Sat
16:54-17:26 分会场1:江穆厅
16:54-17:02 观看视频
Decitabine combined with idarubicin in modified busulfan/cyclophosphamide conditioning regimen improves outcome in patients with advanced myelodysplastic syndrome: a prospective multicenter clinical cohort study
17:02-17:10 观看视频
Expression of VISTA regulated via IFN-γ governs endogenous T cell function and exhibits correlation with the efficacy of CD19 CAR-T cell treated B-malignant mice
17:18-17:26 观看视频
Factors associated with chronic graft-versus-host-disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation --- a single-center, prospective study
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