编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 13:30-14:10 |
现代康复医疗人才培养的方向和方法思考 |
黄国志 | |
Reflections on the direction and methods of cultivating modern rehabilitation medical talents |
Guozhi Huang | |||
2 | 14:10-14:50 |
基于国家教育标准的康复治疗学相关专业人才培养质量标准及评估指标体系建设 |
敖丽娟 | |
Construction of quality standards and evaluation index system for talent cultivation in rehabilitation therapy related majors based on national education standards |
Lijuan Ao |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 15:00-15:40 |
中国康复教育发展 |
陈健尔 | |
Development of Rehabilitation Education in China |
Jianer Chen | |||
2 | 15:40-16:20 |
康复医学住院医师规范化培养的实践与思考 |
王红星 | |
Practice and Reflection on Standardized Training of Residency Physicians in Rehabilitation Medicine |
Hongxing Wang |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 16:30-17:00 |
手足并用教学概念的提出及其在临床康复教学中的应用 |
刘瑞 | |
The Concept of Hand and Foot Combination Teaching and Its Application in Clinical Rehabilitation Teaching |
Rui Liu | |||
2 | 17:00-17:30 |
康复专业社区康复学课程改革探索与思考 |
潘燕霞 | |
Exploration and Reflection on the Reform of Community Rehabilitation Courses in Rehabilitation Majors |
Yanxia Pan |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 19:00-19:10 |
2023年工作总结 |
Work summary in 2023 |
2 | 19:10-19:30 |
2024年工作展望 |
Work prospect in 2024 |
3 | 19:30-20:00 |
就肿瘤运动康复指南及口袋书专业版撰写展开讨论并提建议 |
To discuss and make suggestions on the development of Cancer Exercise Rehabilitation Guidelines and Pocket Book Professional Edition |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 20:00-20:10 |
宣读竞赛规则 |
Speech and reading out the rules of the competition |
2 | 20:10-20:10 |
肿瘤康复多学科典型案例展示竞赛及评委打分(共4支团队,每队18分钟), 评委由专委会邀请 |
A multi-disciplinary case presentation contest for cancer rehabilitation was held and the judges' scores were given (4 teams, each team took 18 minutes) . The judges were invited by the special committee |
3 | 20:10-20:28 |
免疫治疗用于MSS型晚期转移性结肠癌后获得完全缓解一例 |
何丽娟 | |
One case of MSS type advanced metastatic colon cancer achieved complete remission after immunotherapy |
Lijuan He | |||
4 | 20:28-20:46 |
光动力治疗联合免疫治疗晚期食管癌金属支架植入后梗阻一例 |
邓小博 | |
Photodynamic therapy combined with immunotherapy for one case of obstruction after metallic stent implantation in advanced esophageal carcinoma |
Xiaobo Deng | |||
5 | 20:46-21:02 |
一例子宫内膜癌术后患者心肺功能的中西医结合多学科康复病历分享 |
谭天阳 | |
Sharing of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation medical record of a postoperative patient with endometrial cancer who underwent a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in terms of cardiopulmonary function |
Tianyang Tan | |||
6 | 21:02-21:20 |
尼妥珠单抗一线治疗晚期胰腺癌病例分享 |
陈茹 | |
First-line treatment with nituzumab for advanced pancreatic cancer cases shared |
Ru Chen |