编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 19:00-19:20 |
影像学特征与神经功能精准定位和精准康复 |
吴毅 | |
Imaging features and precise localization and rehabilitation of neural function |
Yi Wu | |||
2 | 19:20-19:40 |
神经调控新技术、新思路 |
单春雷 | |
New technologies and ideas for neural regulation |
Chunlei Shan | |||
3 | 19:40-20:00 |
脑卒中的神经调控治疗 |
宋海庆 | |
Neuroregulatory therapy for stroke |
Haiqing Song | |||
4 | 20:00-20:20 |
认知障碍康复评定新进展 |
沈滢 | |
Progress in cognitive impairment rehabilitation assessment |
Ying Shen |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 20:30-20:50 |
数码化认知评估及训练的应用 |
陈智轩 | |
Application of Digital Cognitive Assessment and Training |
Zhixuan Chen | |||
2 | 20:50-21:10 |
康复机器人对脑卒中患者脑功能的影响:基于fNIRS和脑电的研究 |
兰月 | |
The impact of rehabilitation robots on the brain function of stroke patients: A study based on fNIRS and EEG |
Yue Lan | |||
3 | 21:10-21:30 |
神经检测基础上的调控方案优化设计 |
许东升 | |
Optimization design of regulatory schemes based on neural detection |
Dongsheng Xu |