编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 08:30-10:40 |
第二届生殖健康专业委员会换届选举 |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 10:40-11:10 |
PPOS促排卵内分泌反应模式与结局关系 |
匡延平 | |
COS endocrine reaction mode and ending with PPOS protocol |
Yanping Kuang | |||
2 | 11:10-11:40 |
早发性卵巢功能不全诊疗及机制探索 |
商微 | |
Diagnosis and treatment of early-onset ovarian insufficiency and exploration of mechanism |
Wei Shang | |||
3 | 11:40-12:10 |
如何突破核质置换技术安全性瓶颈 |
吕祁峰 | |
How to realize the technical security of nuclear replacement |
Qifeng Lv |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 13:30-14:00 |
新形势下,科普如何击中患者的内心? |
曾海涛 | |
Under the new situation, how does popular science hit the hearts of patients? |
Haitao Zeng | |||
2 | 14:00-14:30 |
肿瘤患者生育力保护临床实践 |
严杰 | |
Clinical practice of fertility protection for patients with tumor |
Jie Yan | |||
3 | 14:30-15:00 |
剖宫产瘢痕憩室合并不孕的处理思考 |
舒静 | |
Considerations for the management of caesarean section diverticulum with infertility |
Jing Shu |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 15:00-15:30 |
畸形精子症的遗传机制及个性化干预 |
张锋 | |
The genetic mechanism and personalized intervention of deformity sperm |
Feng Zhang | |||
2 | 15:30-16:00 |
GnRH激动剂用于扳机的研究进展 |
马延敏 | |
Research progress on the use of GnRH agonists for triggers |
yanmin Ma | |||
3 | 16:00-16:30 |
长效生长激素在低预后人群中的临床探索 |
于月新 | |
Clinical exploration of long-acting growth hormone in populations with low prognosis |
Yuexin Yu |