编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 08:30-09:05 |
肌筋膜痛的解剖生理与临床 |
李义凯 | |
Anatomical physiology and clinical significance of myofascial pain |
Yikai Li | |||
2 | 09:05-09:40 |
推拿康复技术在“中乌友好医院”的应用 |
刘俊昌 | |
The application of tuina rehabilitation technology in the "Sino Ukrainian Friendship Hospital" |
Junchang Liu | |||
3 | 09:40-10:15 |
推拿与中药干预对肠道菌群作用机制的相关性研究 |
刘洪涛 | |
Correlation study on the mechanism of action of tuina and traditional Chinese medicine intervention on intestinal microbiota |
Hongtao Liu |
编号 | 时间 | 题目 | 讲者 | |
1 | 10:25-11:00 |
推拿治疗中风后遗症肌张力增高的思路与方法 |
王继红 | |
The ideas and methods of Tuina treatment for increased muscle tone after stroke sequelae |
Jihong Wang | |||
2 | 11:00-11:35 |
京派洪氏小儿推拿结合施罗斯技术对青少年脊柱侧弯的康复思路 |
邱丽漪 | |
The rehabilitation thinking of Jingpai Hong's Pediatric tuina combined with schros technique for adolescent scoliosis |
Liyi Qiu | |||
3 | 11:35-12:10 |
超声造影联合体外冲击波在肩部功能障碍的物理治疗实践 |
葛瑞东 | |
Physical therapy practice of contrast-enhanced ultrasound combined with extracorporeal shock wave for shoulder dysfunction |
Ruidong Ge |