编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:50 | 专题发言 |
幼儿喘息的表型和自然史🎦 |
Nikolaos Papadopoulos 【希腊】 | University of Athens |
Symposium |
Phenotype and natural history of wheezing in young children🎦 |
Nikolaos Papadopoulos 【Greece】 | University of Athens | ||
2 | 10:50-11:10 | 专题发言 |
学龄前儿童哮喘 |
Hugo Van Bever 【新加坡】 | National University Health System, Singapore |
Symposium |
Preschool asthma |
Hugo Van Bever 【Singapore】 | National University Health System, Singapore | ||
3 | 11:10-11:30 | 专题发言 |
了解气候变化对儿童呼吸系统健康影响的最新进展 |
Peter Le Souëf 【澳大利亚】 | University of Western Australia |
Symposium |
Latest developments in understanding of the effects of climate change on children's respiratory health |
Peter Le Souëf 【Australia】 | University of Western Australia | ||
4 | 11:30-11:50 | 专题发言 |
学龄儿童和青少年的哮喘管理 |
申昆玲 【中国】 | 深圳市儿童医院/首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院 |
Symposium |
Asthma management in School Children & Adolescents |
Kunling Shen 【China】 | Shenzhen Children's Hospital/Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
呼吸道病毒感染的遗传和免疫决定因素🎦 |
Qian Zhang 【美国】 | St. Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Rockefeller University, New York, USA. |
Symposium |
Genetic and immunological determinants of respiratory viral infections🎦 |
Qian Zhang 【USA】 | St. Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Rockefeller University, New York, USA. | ||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
高IgE综合征🎦 |
Vivien Béziat 【法国】 | University of Paris, Imagine Institute |
Symposium |
Hyper-IgE syndromes🎦 |
Vivien Béziat 【France】 | University of Paris, Imagine Institute | ||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
呼吸道感染🎦 |
曹彬 【中国】 | 中日友好医院 |
Symposium |
Respiratory Infection🎦 |
Bin Cao 【China】 | China Japan Friendship Hospital |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 17:20-17:30 | 专题发言 |
典型IgE反应/严重过敏反应 |
Agnes Leung 【中国香港】 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Symposium |
Typical IgE reaction/anaphylaxis |
Agnes Leung 【Hong Kong, China】 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | ||
2 | 17:30-17:40 | 专题发言 |
非典型严重过敏反应表现 |
Punchama Pacharn 【泰国】 | Siriraj Hospital |
Symposium |
Atypical anaphylaxis presentation |
Punchama Pacharn 【Thailand】 | Siriraj Hospital | ||
3 | 17:40-17:50 | 专题发言 |
严重过敏反应的异常触发因素 |
Elizabeth Tham 【新加坡】 | National University Children's Medical Institute |
Symposium |
Unusual triggers of anaphylaxis |
Elizabeth Tham 【Singapore】 | National University Children's Medical Institute | ||
4 | 17:50-18:00 | 专题发言 |
非Ige介导的胃肠道食物过敏- FPIES |
Agnes Leung 【中国香港】 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Symposium |
Non-IgE mediated gastrointestinal food allergies – FPIES |
Agnes Leung 【Hong Kong, China】 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | ||
5 | 18:00-18:20 | 讨论点评 |
实践研讨会与问答环节:1.使用肾上腺素自动注射器 2.行动计划及预灌封注射器 3.针对临床实务中的障碍/研究思路进行小组讨论
Elizabeth Tham
National University Children's Medical Institute /
Punchama Pacharn
Siriraj Hospital /
Agnes Leung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Comment |
Hands-on workshop and Q&A:1.Use of adrenaline autoinjector 2.Action plan & prefilled syringe 3.Small group discussions about obstacles in clinical practice/ research ideas
Elizabeth Tham
National University Children's Medical Institute /
Punchama Pacharn
Siriraj Hospital /
Agnes Leung
【Hong Kong, China】
The Chinese University of Hong Kong