编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:30-09:00 | 大会报告 |
儿童变应性鼻炎的免疫治疗和哮喘的预防 |
Sakura Sato 【日本】 | National Hospital Organization Sagamihara National Hospital |
Plenary Lecture |
Immunotherapy Treatment in Children for Allergic Rhinitis and Prevention of Asthma |
Sakura Sato 【Japan】 | National Hospital Organization Sagamihara National Hospital | ||
2 | 09:00-09:30 | 大会报告 |
食物过敏的口服免疫疗法 |
Shiro Sugiura 【日本】 | Aichi Children's Health and Medical Center |
Plenary Lecture |
Oral immunotherapy for food allergy |
Shiro Sugiura 【Japan】 | Aichi Children's Health and Medical Center | ||
3 | 09:30-10:00 | 大会报告 |
过敏反应的治疗-肾上腺素自动注射及长期管理 |
Sooyoung LEE 【韩国】 | Ajou University School of Medicine |
Plenary Lecture |
Treatment of anaphylaxis: Epinephrine auto-injector and long term management |
Sooyoung LEE 【Republic of Korea】 | Ajou University School of Medicine |