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Rong Tian
University of Washington

Dr. Tian is professor and director of the Mitochondria & Metabolism Center at the University of Washington. Her work is recognized in three inter-related areas: bioenergetics, metabolism, and mitochondrial biology. She has been continuously funded by the NIH for over two decades during which her laboratory has made groundbreaking discoveries in metabolic reprograming of the failing hearts. Dr. Tian is also recognized as a world leader in developing mitochondria-targeted therapy. He recent work on NAD metabolism, cellular stress response and inflammation has become a major stimulus for translational research and clinical trials. Dr. Tian received numerous award and honors including Distinguished Achievement Award of the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Science Council, Research Achievement Award of the International Society for Heart Research (ISHR) and 2021 George E Brown Lecturer of the AHA. She is currently the Editor in Chief for Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2022-08-07 09:10-09:30 宴会 1 厅/ 1号直播间


讲者 JMCC and JMCC Plus