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Elaine Wirrell
Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic


Place of Birth Vancouver, BC, Canada

Citizenship Canadian, American



Professor and Consultant

Child and Adolescent Neurology

Mayo Clinic




i. Undergraduate


1985 B.Sc. Honours (Biochemistry)

Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.


ii. Medical School


1989 M.D. Honours

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.


iii. Post-graduate


1989-1993 Paediatrics Residency and Straight Internship

IWK Hospital for Children, Halifax, Nova Scotia

1993-1996 Paediatric Neurology Fellow

IWK Hospital for Children, Halifax, Nova Scotia




1993   F.R.C.P.(C) Paediatrics


1996   F.R.C.P.(C) Neurology




1996   Saskatchewan College of Physicians & Surgeons (Pediatrics)


1996   Saskatchewan College of Physicians & Surgeons (Neurology)


2000   Alberta College of Physicians & Surgeons (Neurology)


2000   Alberta College of Physicians & Surgeons (Pediatrics)


2007   Minnesota Board of  Medical Practice




1985 Dean of Science Award upon graduating with B.Sc. Degree

1986 David and Anne Beach Scholarship

1987 Jennie Gillespie Drennan Memorial Scholarship

1988 Dr. W.A. Whitelaw Prize in Medicine

1988 Dr. and Mrs. Schaffer Memorial Award

1988 Leon Lotzkar Memorial Scholarship

1989 CIBA Geigy Prize in Medicine

1989 Max and Susie Dodek Medical Prize

1993 IWK Governors Fellowship

1994 Parke-Davis Epilepsy Canada Research Fellowship.

2006 Professional Association of Residents of Alberta. Clinical Teaching Award: Calgary

2008 Patients’ Choice Award

2009 Patients’ Choice Award

2010   Patients’ Choice Award

2011 Patients’ Choice Award

2016 Distinguished Clinican Award – Mayo Clinic

2017 Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology








July 1996-June 2000 Child Neurologist, Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, SK


July 1996 - June 1999 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Division of Neurology, University of Saskatchewan.


July 1999 - June 2000 Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Division of Neurology, University of Saskatchewan.


July 2000  - Aug 2007 Child Neurologist and Physician Leader of Refractory Epilepsy Clinic, Alberta Childrens Hospital, Calgary, AB


July 2000 – June 2002 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Division of Neurology, University of Calgary.


July 2002 – Aug 2007 Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Division of Neurology, University of Calgary.


July 2002-Aug 2007 Program Director of Pediatric Neurology, University of



August 2007 – present Director of Pediatric Epilepsy, Mayo Clinic


September 2016-present Program Director, Child and Adolescent Neurology, Mayo




Committees Served:

June 01 – June 06 Secretary-Treasurer, Canadian League Against Epilepsy

June 00 – present Member, Canadian Pediatric Epilepsy Network

March 02-June 06 Member, Education Committee, Canadian League Against


June 03-Oct 04 Chair: Pediatric Epilepsy Section, Intractable Epilepsy

Working Group, Canadian League Against Epilepsy

June 03-Jun 07 Member, Scientific Committee, Canadian Association of

Child Neurology

Oct 03- May 2013 Member, Neurology Examination Committee, Royal College

of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

June 2004 Member, Neurological Determination of Death Evaluation

Committee, Canadian Association of Child Neurology

June 2004 Chair, Pediatric Neurology Platform Session, Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences

June 2006 Chair: Epileptic Encephalopathies: International Child Neurology Association Meeting, Montreal

Nov 2006 Hospital for Sick Childrens Foundation: Grant Reviewer

June 2007 Chair, Pediatric Neurology Platform Session, Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences

Oct 2007 Chair, Pediatric Epilepsy Platform Session, Canadian League Against Epilepsy

April 2007 to present Member, International League Against Epilepsy, Faculty of One Thousand

November 2009 Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Neurology

Oct 2009 to May 2013 Vice Chair – Child Neurology, Neurology Examination Committee, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Jan 2010-2014 Member ILAE Classification Committee Task Force

April 2012 Epilepsy Foundation of America – Grant reviewer

May 2012 Epilepsy Foundation of America – Grant reviewer

Dec 2010-Dec 2015 Steering Committee member – Pediatic Epilepsy Research


Dec 2014-Dec 2016 Member, Investigators Workshop committee, American

Epilepsy Society

Dec 2014-Dec 2016 Co-chair. Childrens Hour Special Interest Group, American

Epilepsy Society

December 2014 – present Member, Medical Advisory Board, Dravet Syndrome


Nov 2015-present Member ILAE Pediatric Commission on Comorbidites

Nov 2015 Abstract Reviewer, American Academy of Neurology

Feb 2015-Dec 2015 Milken Institue Epilepsy Scientific Advisory Group

December 2015-Dec 2016 Vice-Chair, Pediatric Content Committee, American

Epilepsy Society

Sept 2016-present Co-Chair, Pellock symposium, Child Neurology Society

Sept 2016-present Topic Chair for Epilepsy, American Academy

of Neurology

Dec 2016 – Dec 2019 Chair, Pediatric Content Committee, American Epilepsy


Dec 2016-Dec 2018 Member, Annual Program Committee, American Epilepsy


August 2017-present Co-Chair, Nosology and Definitions Committee,

International League Against Epilepsy

June 2018-present Member, Psychiatry group of Pediatric Commission,

International League Against Epilepsy

November 2018-present Member, International Child Neurology Association Executive Board

November 2018-present Chair, Research Committee, International Child Neurology


November 2018-present Co-Editor in Chief, Epilepsy.com



Membership in professional and learned societies:


- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada

- Minnesota Board of Medical Practice

- American Epilepsy Society

- International Child Neurology Association

- Canadian Medical Association

- International League Against Epilepsy

- Child Neurology Society


Editorial Boards:


June 06-present Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences

June 06-present Journal of Child Neurology

May 2010-Dec 2012 Epilepsia

Nov 15-present Epilepsy and Behavior

Nov 18-present Epilepsia


Journal Reviewer:


2001 Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences

2002 Epilepsia

  Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics

2003 Epilepsia  

  Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences  

2004 Lancet  

  Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences  


2005 Epilepsia  

Pediatric Neurology  

Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences

Journal of Child Neurology  

2006 Epilepsia  

European Journal of Pediatric Neurology  

Pediatric Neurology  

2007 Pediatrics and Child Health  


Epilepsy Research  

Epilepsy and Behavior  

Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics  

European Journal of Neurology  


Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences  

Pediatric Neurology  

Journal of Child Neurology  

2008 Lancet

Pediatric Neurology


Epilepsy and Behavior

Journal of Child Neurology


2009 Pediatric Neurology

Epilepsy and Behavior


Journal of Child Neurology


Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology

2010 Epilepsia

Epilepsy and Behavior

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology




Pediatric Neurology

Journal of Headache and Pain


2011 Neurology

Epilepsy and Behavior

Journal of Child Neurology



2012 Epilepsia

Journal of Child Neurology

Epilepsy and Behavior

Pediatric Neurology



2013 Epilepsia

Epilepsy and Behavior



Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology

Journal of Pediatrics


2014 Nature Reviews Neurology

Pediatric Neurology


Journal of Child Neurology


2015 Neurology

Journal of Child Neurology


Epilepsy and Behavior

Pediatric Neurology


2016 Neurology


Epilepsy and Behavior

Pediatric Neurology

Journal of Child Neurology


2017  Neurology


Epilepsy and Behavior

Pediatric Neurology

Journal of Child Neurology

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology


2018 Neurology


Epilepsy and Behavior

Pediatric Neurology

Journal of Child Neurology


2019 Neurology


Epilepsy and Behavior

Pediatric Neurology

Journal of Child Neuorlogy

Lancet Neurology


2020 Neurology


Epilepsy and Behavior

Pediatric Neurology

Journal of Child Neuorlogy

JAMA Neurology




A. Curriculum/Course Development

March 2007 Task force member: Professional Medical Skills education

for undergraduate medical students. University of Calgary.


B. Teaching Activities

i. Medical Student Teaching


1996-2000  University of Saskatchewan


1996-1999 Clinical Sciences 412.18 2ndyear Uof S

1996-1999 Clinical Systems 411.18 3rd year Uof S

1996-2000 JURSI lectures 4th year Uof S


Tutorial/Small group based

1996-1997 Clinical Skills 301.6 2nd year Uof S

1996-1997 Clinical Systems 411.18 3rd year Uof S

1997-1998 Professional Skills 205.6 1st year Uof S

1996-1997 Clinical Correlations 203.3 1st year Uof S

1996-1998 Clinical Sciences 412.18 2nd year Uof S


2000-2007  University of Calgary

Oct 2000 - Feb 2001 Med 440 - Cl Encounter

2001 Nov 21, 2001 Clinical clerkship exam in pediatrics  

Aug - Sept 2001 Neuroscience Course (small group) 2nd yr   

April 2001 Supervision of elective student from University of


March 2001 – present Mentor for 2nd year medical student

Feb 26- Mar 13, 2001 Integrative Course 2nd yr   

Jan 22-24, 2001 Human Dev Course - DNU 2nd yr  

2001 Seizures (small groups) x 8    

(Feb 6, Mar 28, May 30, July 18, Aug 9, Oct 10, Nov 7, Dec 19


2002 Oct-Dec 2002 Supervision of elective students x 4, 2 week blocks each,

From University of Alberta (1), University of Saskatchewan

(2) and Dalhousie University (1)

Aug-Nov 2002 Clinical clerk exams  

Sept-Oct 2002 Neuroscience Course (small group) 2nd yr  

Jan 10-11, 2002 Human Dev Course-DNU 2nd yr  

Oct 2001-Jan 2002 Med 440 – Cl Encounter


2003 January 2003 Developmental Pediatrics Course  

Feb, Mar & Oct 2003 Clinical clerk half day teaching  

Jan 13, Apr 7, 16/03 Clinical clerk exams  

March 2003 Integrative Course, 2nd yr  

Oct 2002-May 2003 Physical exam course, 1st yr  

Aug-Sept 2003 Neurosciences course, 2nd yr  


2004    January 2004 Human Development Course  

Feb-Mar 2004 2nd Year Integrative Course  

Sept 2004 Clinical Neurosciences Course  


2005 January 2005 Human Development Course

Feb-Mar 2005 2nd Year Integrative Course  

Sept 2005 Clinical Neurosciences Course  

2006 January 2006 Human Development Course

Feb-Mar 2006 2nd Year Integrative Course  


2007 January 2007 Human Development course  

March, Aug 07 Pediatric Clinical Clerk Teaching  


2008-present Seizures and Seizure-like events in children – 3rd yr Mayo Medical students

Seizures in Children – 3rd year Mayo medical students

Both courses given annually


iii Resident/Fellow Teaching


1996-2000 Preparing Pediatric Residents for Royal College Exams, Uof S

1996-2000 Clinical teaching to Pediatric & Neurology Residents, Uof S

1997-2000 Lectures to Pediatric Residents in Pediatric Neurology, Uof S

1996-1999 Ward Supervisor - 2 rounds/week (1 month per year), Uof S

1999-2000 Residency Program Director - Pediatric Neurology, Uof S

2000 Academic ½ day teaching to pediatric residents, Sept 2000

2000 Lecture to Neonatology fellows. Nov 2000

2000 Clinical teaching to Pediatric Neurology, Pediatrics and Adult Neurology residents and to EEG fellow

2000 Examiner for General Pediatrics residents, November 2000

2001 OSCE Exam, March 18, Nov 8, U of C

2001 Ward precepting-  March 12-April 7, Uof C

  Academic ½ day teaching

Pediatric Residents

- Talk on Headache - July 26, 2001

-Case presentation -Neurodegenerative Disease, Sept 6, 2001

Neurology Residents

- Pediatric seizure disorders (Nov 8, 2001)

Clinical Bedside Teaching - Pediatric Neurology,

Pediatric and Adult Neurology Residents - when rotating through Pediatric Neurology Service

Pediatric Neurology: co-supervised 2 residents for total of 5 blocks

Adult Neurology Residents Rotating in Pediatric Neurology: co-supervised 2 residents for total of 6 blocks

Pediatric Residents Rotating in Pediatric Neurology – supervised 9 residents for a total of 9 blocks

2002 Pediatric Neurology OSCE Exam, Sept 6, Nov 1, Dec 13

2003 Pediatric Neurology Oral Exam, Aug 22, Oct 30  

Clinical Bedside Teaching - Pediatric Neurology,

Pediatric and Adult Neurology Residents - when rotating through Pediatric Neurology

Pediatric Neurology: 2 residents for total of 8 blocks

Pediatrics: 5 residents for total of 5 blocks


2003 Pediatric Resident Research Course, Nov-Dec  

Pediatric Neurology OSCE Exams, Jan 17, Apr 24, July 11,


Pediatic Neurology Oral Exam, March 26, July 11  

Academic half-day lecture to Neurology Residents, Apr 10   

Academic half-day lecture to Pediatric Residents, Aug 14

Clinical Bedside Teaching – Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric and Adult Neurology Residents

Pediatric Neurology: 4 residents for total of 22 blocks

  Pediatrics: 8 residents for total of 8 blocks

  Adult Neurology: 1 resident for total of 3 blocks


2004 Pediatric Neurology Oral exam, Jan 2004  

Pediatric Neurology OSCE exam, Jan 2004  

Neurology Resident Academic half-day teaching, Jan 2004  

Pediatric Resident Teaching Feb 10  

Pediatric Neurology Oral exams, March & Oct   

Genetics Resident Academic Half Day, Aug  

Clinical bedside teaching – Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric and Adult Neurology Residents


2005 Pediatric Resident academic half day: Non-epileptic paroxysmal events (Jan 2005)

Pediatric Resident academic half day: Epilepsy in the Infant and Young Child (March 2005)

Neurology Resident academic half day: Neurometabolic disorders (Feb 2005)

Pediatric Neurology OSCE (Oct 2005)

Adult Neurology OSCE (Dec 2005)

Clinical bedside teaching – Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric and Adult Neurology Residents


2006 Genetics Resident Teaching – Neonatal Seizures (Sept 2006)

Neurology resident academic half-day: Seizure Syndromes in

Children (April 2006)

Neurology resident mock examination sessions (Feb 2006/May 2006)

Pediatrc Neurology OSCE exam (March 2006)

Clinical bedside teaching – Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric and Adult Neurology Residents


2007 Pediatric Resident Teaching – Seizure Mimics in Children  

Neurology resident OSCE examination (June 07)

Clinical bedside teaching – Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric

and Adult Neurology Residents

Hemispheric epilepsies in children – Nov 6, Neurology


Sei Seizure mimics in children – Nov 9. Pediatrics Residents


2008-present Lectures to Child Neurology, Neurology residents and CNP

and Epilepsy fellows 6 x per year for Clnical

Neurophysiology course

Small group teaching with Child Neurology Residents 8-12 x

per year

Child Neurology OSCE exams 3 x per year

Adult Neurology OSCE exams annually

Lectures to Pediatric Residents on Seizures – annually

2016-present Co-Chair of Pellock Epilepsy Course for final year child neurology residents, Child Neurology Society.


iv Continuing Medical Education


1. Prognosis of Typical Absence Epilepsy in Childhood", Atlantic Canada Pediatric Association annual meeting, Charlottetown, P.E.I., September 1995.


2. Headaches in Children, POGO CME Course, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 1997.


3. “New Anti-epileptic Medication in Childhood Epilepsy”, Parent Support Group, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, March 1997.


4. “The ABCs of Epilepsy”, Epilepsy Workshop for Parents and Teens, Saskatoon, SK, September 1998.


5. Red Flags for Emergent and Urgent Pediatric Neurology Problems: When to Refer? Family Practice Review and Update Course, University of Calgary, November 19, 2001.


6. Neurology: Pediatric Short Snapper Cases. Headaches and Seizures. CME Evening Lecture Series, University of Calgary. Nov 2001.


7. “The Ketogenic Diet for Refractory Childhood Epilepsy” Epilepsy Calgary, November 2001.


8.  “New Developments in Medication for Youth with Epilepsy”, Edmonton Epilepsy Association, March 2002.


9. Neonatal Seizures. Medicine Hat, Alberta. Sept 2003.


10. Migraine in Children, University of Calgary Family Medicine, October 2003.


11.  Identification and Therapeutic Options for Refractory Epilepsy. Neurosciences Grand Rounds, Oct 2003, University of Calgary.


12. Update on Treatment of Epilepsy in Children. University of Calgary CME Video-Audio Conference Program, Jan 2004.


13. Urgent and Emergent Problems in Pediatric Neurology, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Jan 2004.


14. Refractory Epilepsy in Children. London Epilepsy Support Centre, London, Ontario, Sept 2004.


15. Migraine in children. Lethbridge, Alberta, Sept 2004.


16. Co-morbidity in pediatric epilepsy. Calgary Comprehensive Epilepsy Program Retreat. Nov 2004.


17. Management of childhood migraine. Pediatric ER Grand Rounds, Calgary, AB, Oct 2004.


18. Ketogenic Diet and Its Role in Epilepsy Management. Ketogenic Diet Educational Symposium. Alberta Childrens Hospital, October 2005.


19. Optimizing Therapy in Intractable Childhood Epilepsy: Medical Options. Child Health Research Group Focus Day, Calgary, Alberta, April 2006.


20 Benign Rolandic Epilepsy in Childhood, New Perspectives. Pediatric Neurology Rounds. Calgary, AB Oct 2006.


21. Co-morbidity in childhood epilepsy. Pediatric Neurology Rounds.Calgary, AB Feb 2007.


22. Epileptic encephalopathies. Pediatric Neurology Rounds, Calgary, AB, Feb 2007.


23. Autism and Epilepsy. Developmental Pediatrics Rounds, Calgary, Alberta. June 2007.


24. Seizures and fever in children. Mayo Noon Hour Rounds, Oct and Nov 2007.


25. Epilepsy Pot-Pourri. Child and Adolescent Neurology Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, Dec 2007.


26. Evidence-based Management of New Onset Seizures in Children. Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, Feb 2008.


27. Ketogenic Diet Treatment for Epilepsy. Child and Adolescent Neurology Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, March 2008.


28. Status Epilepticus in Children. Child and Adolescent Neurology Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, July 2008.


29. Management of Intractable Childhood Epilepsy. Neurology Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, Aug 2008.


30. Co-morbidity in Pediatric Epilepsy: Beyond “Just” Treating the Seizures. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, May 2009.


31. Pediatric Status Epilepticus. Pediatric Thursday Rounds, July 2009.


32. Predictive Value of EEG in New-Onset Seizure Disorders. Neurology Grand Rounds, Sept 2009.


33. Ketogenic diet in Neurology. Neurology Friday noon rounds, Mayo Clinic, Sept 2010.


34. Epilepsy Surgery in Children. Neurology Friday noon rounds, Mayo Clinic, Sept 2011.


35. Epidemiology of Pediatric Epilepsy: Lessons from the Rochester Epidemiology Project. Epilepsy  Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic, October 2011.


36. Classification of Epilepsy: Neurology Friday noon rounds, Mayo Clinic, July 2012


37. Classification of Epilepsy: Pediatric Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, Aug 2012


38. Pediatric Epilepsy Cases. Child and Adolescent Neurology Grand Rounds, Dec 2012.


39. Autoimmune Epilepsies and Encephalopathies, Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Iowa, Feb 2013.


40. Pediatric EEG. Mayo Clinic Scottsdale Clinical Neurophysiology Course, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2014.


41. Pediatric Epilepsy Monitoring in Children. Mayo Clinic Scottsdale Neurophysiology Course, Scottsdale AZ, March 2014.


42. Complications of Epilepsy. New York University, May 2014.


43. Impact, Prediction and Management of Intractable Pediatric Epilepsy. Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi, Jan 2015.







日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 10:40-11:00 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 上午 Neurology (a.m.)

讲者 Speaker 关于Dravet综合征的诊疗方案Dravet Syndrome:NEW and EMERGING Therapies
2021-12-11 11:40-11:55 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 上午 Neurology (a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion