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Lance Rodewald
中国疾病预防控制中心 National Immunization Program of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

National Immunization Program Department

Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Chinese Center for Disease Control   Senior Advisor, National  May 2018-present

and Prevention     Immunization Program


Peking University School of Public Health  Adjunct Professor  2018-2021


World Health Organization   Team Lead, Expanded Program on  2012-2017

China Office     Immunization



Organization        Year


American Pediatric Society      2002

Society for Pediatric Research      1994

Ambulatory Pediatric Association      1987

American Academy of Pediatrics      1987-present

Global Pediatric Pulmonology Alliance, Council Member   2019-present



Individual awards

2023 Liberal Arts & Sciences Alumni Humanitarian Award from the University of Illinois.


Quancheng Friendship Award from the government of Jinan, P.R. China; for strengthening public health in Jinan, 2015


Finalist, Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal, 2012


Southern Illinois University School of Medicine 2012 Distinguished Alumnus Award


Association of State and Territorial Health Officials’ Excellence in Public Health Award, July 2005.

American Pediatric Society, elected May 2002.


The Philip R. Horne Award from the National Immunization Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 1999.


Senior Biomedical Research Service, Department of Health and Human Services,  February 1998.


Society for Pediatric Research, elected December 1994.


Commendation by the Monroe County Legislature for work performed by the Rochester Pediatric Society Gun Safety Task Force, August 1991.


Group awards

China Association for Science and Technology, 2016, for Outstanding Scientific Article of 2016, for Su Qiru et al, National and International Experts’ Consensus on Key Technical Issues of Measles Elimination in China, Chinese J Vaccines and Immunization 2014;20(3):264-270,283.


Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service, 2012, to the Vaccines for Children Team for identifying vulnerabilities in physician storage and handling of VFC vaccines.


Government Computer News Information Technology Award, 2011, for VTrckS, CDC’s vaccine tracking system.


CDC Excellence in Frontline Public Health Service 2010, for 2009 H1N1 Vaccine Task Force Implementation Team.


CDC Excellence in Program Delivery, 2010, for American Reinvestment and Recovery Act 317 Initiative.


HHS Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service, 2006, for response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma during the 2005 hurricane season.


CDC Stephen R. Preblud Award, Excellence in Science, 2006, for publication of Economic evaluation of 7-vaccine routine childhood immunization schedule in the U.S., 2001; Arch Ped Adol Med 2005;159:1136-1144.


HHS Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service, 2004, for teamwork to control SARS and monkeypox.


CDC National Immunization Program Certificate of Appreciation, 2004, for enhancing preparedness through planning and implementation of the National Smallpox Vaccination Program.


CDC Stephen R. Preblud Award, Excellence in Science, 2002, for publication of Impact of multiple injections on immunization rates among vulnerable children; AJPM 2001;21:261-6.


CDC Collaborative Success Award for the Year 2000 Influenza Vaccine Delay Response, 2001




Reviewer, Pediatrics

Reviewer, Journal of Pediatrics

Reviewer, JAMA

Reviewer, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

Reviewer, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 

Reviewer, American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Reviewer, Health Affairs

Editorial board member, Pediatric Annals, 2000 to present

Editorial Board’s Council of 100 member, Vaccine, 2012 – present

Editorial board member, China CDC Weekly, 2019 - present

Editorial board member, Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization, 2012 – present

Editorial board member, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 2022 - present






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 13:55-14:20 大会主旨发言 Plenary

主会场 11日 下午 Plenary Day1 (p.m.)

讲者 Speaker 建议中国儿科医生参与儿童疫苗可预防疾病的防控Opportunities for Pediatricians to Protect Children in China from Vaccine Preventable Diseases
2021-12-11 14:20-14:30 大会主旨发言 Plenary

主会场 11日 下午 Plenary Day1 (p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion
2021-12-12 08:30-09:30 大会主旨发言 Plenary

主会场 12日上午 Plenary Day2 (a.m.)

主持 Moderator
2021-12-12 09:20-09:30 大会主旨发言 Plenary

主会场 12日上午 Plenary Day2 (a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion