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Pratibha Singhi
International Child Neurology Association International Child Neurology Association

Prof. Singhi is Director Pediatric Neurology at Medanta Gurugram and former Senior Professor and Head Department of Pediatrics and Chief, Pediatric Neurology and Neuro-Development of the Advanced Pediatrics Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh. She was the Honorary Chief Consultant at Prayas – the Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled children, Chandigarh since 1985. She has also worked as consultant Neurologist at the Great Ormond Street Hospital, London in 2005 and 2008. She did her MD Pediatrics from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. She trained in Pediatric Neurology  at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and at the Kennedy Krieger Institute Baltimore, USA, and in UK.


Prof Singhi has been listed among the top 2% scientists in a study published by the Stanford University USA (Published: October 16, 2020https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918). She completed several international research projects - WHO, INDO UK, INDO-EU and  INDO-Swedis. Published 488 scientific papers and book chapters, authored a book on “Seizures and Epilepsy in Children” and edited 4 books including the ICNA book on “CNS Infections” She is Editorial board member, guest editor and reviewer for several journals. She received numerous Research Awards: Oration of the Association of Child Neurology 2016, for Life-Time Achievement in Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment, Oration of the Growth, Development and Behavioral Pediatrics chapter of IAP, First S. Janaki Memorial Oration by the National Academy of Medical Sciences 2013, for outstanding contribution to Pediatric and Adolescent Neurology, First PK Mishra Oration on “Cerebral Palsy and its management-recent Concepts”, Asian Research Award at the 6th Infantile Seizure Society Meeting Tokyo Japan, 2003. “Medical Scientist Award”, James Flett Gold Medal (First Prize) of  the IAP, Fellowship of National Academy of Medical Sciences and the IAP, Several ‘best paper’ including the BMJ South Asia Awards 2015,

She was awarded several Fellowships - Rotary International Foundation Graduate Fellowship USA, WHO Fellowship, Heinz Fellowship of the British Pediatric Association, Visiting Fellowship, Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health; London, Nehru Chair visiting Professor. She received Several gold medals including President of India Medal.

She was invited speaker/chairperson in over 450 international and national conferences

And Visiting Professor to several international prestigious universities including Johns’ Hopkins University, Baltimore, Boston Children Hospital, Indiana University and Detroit Wayne State University USA, Hospital for Sick Kids Toronto, Karolinska Institute – Stockholm,.

Prof Singhi has been a founder member of the Childhood Disability and Child Neurology groups in India. She was the National President of the Association of Child Neurology India and Vice President Indian Academy of Cerebral Palsy. She has been actively involved as an expert with UNICEF, World Bank, etc. She is National Delegate Asian Oceanian Child Neurology Association, and The Secretary and President Elect of the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA).






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 14:40-15:00 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 下午 Neurology (p.m.)

讲者 Speaker 中枢神经系统结核病-进展CNS TB - An update
2021-12-11 15:40-15:55 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 下午 Neurology (p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion