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Hong Kong Children’s Hospital Hong Kong Children’s Hospital

Academic Qualification


· MB.,BS. University of Hong Kong 1985



Professional Qualifications


· Foundation Fellow from Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 1993

· Fellow      from Hong Kong College of Radiologists     1992

· Accreditation          from Royal College of Radiologists   1992

· FRCR                    from Royal College of Radiologists, London 1992



Appointment Information


Dates Empolyment Institution Appointment Held


1 July 2011 to 30 Aug 2020 HK West Cluster (Radiology) Service Director

1 Sep 2012 to 30 Sep 2018 Department of Radiology, QMH Chief of Service

Mar 2004 to 30 Oct 2020 Department of Radiology, QMH Consultant




Position Held:



· President of World Federation of Paediatric Imaging    May 2017 to June 2018


· President of Asian Oceanian Society for Paediatric Radiology

  Oct 2013 to Sep 2017

· Vice-President and president elect of World Federation of Paediatric Imaging   

May 2016- May 2017

· Secretary of World Federation of Paediatric Imaging           2013- 2015

· Congress President of 13th AOSPR Congress 2013   2013

· Vice President of Asian Oceanian Society for Paediatric Radiology

Nov 2012 to Oct 2013

· Secretary of Asian Oceanian Society for Paediatric Radiology

Oct 2007 to Nov 2012

· Treasurer of Asian Oceanian Society for Paediatric Radiology

Sept, 2003 to Oct 2007

· HK representative in the Asian Oceanian Society for Paediatric Radiology since Dec, 2001

· Editorial board member of Pediatric Radiology since Jan 2015

· Reviewer of Pediatric Radiology since 2011

· Reviewer of the HKJR since 2011

· Reviewer of the International Reviewers Panel of ‘Medical Science Monitor’, ‘Pediatric Radiology’ since Mar, 2003





· Chairman of Exemption Subcommittee(RBES) of Radiation Board, HKSAR

1 Feb 2015  to Jan 2021

· Member of Radiation Board, HKSAR     1 Feb 2015 to Jan 2021

· Service Director, HK West Cluster (Radiology)                1 July 2011 to Sep 2020

· Chief of Service, Department of Radiology, QMH                Sep 2012 to Sep 2018

· Consultant, Department of Radiology, QMH                       Mar 2004 to Sep 2020

· Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong       Mar 2004 to Sep 2020

· Head of Pediatric Subspecialty, Department of Radiology, Queen Mary Hospital               1994 to Sep 2020

· Head of Pediatric Radiology Division, Department of Radiology, Queen Mary Hospital               2000 to Sep 2020

· Chairman, founder & initiator of HK Paediatric Imaging Group under HK Society of Diagnostic Radiology             Dec, 2001till now

· President of British Institute of Radiology, HK Branch  

       May, 1995 to Jun 2002

· Editor of ‘The HK Medical Diary’, which is the official publication of the Federation of Medical Societies of HK                  since Jan, 2002

· Observer in HKCR Part II Fellowship Examination                   Oct, 2004

· Examiner in Joint Final Fellowship Examination (Clinical Radiology) of the HK College of Radiologists and Royal College of Radiologist    2007 to 2009

· Exit Assessor, HK College of Radiologists                     2011 to 2013

· Reviewer of Journal of HK College of Radiologists       since Feb 2008

· Reviewer of Journal of HK Medical Association       since Jan 2008

· Departmental Representative (DR, QMH) in Quality Subcommittee HAHO

2000- July 2009

· Chairman of Quality Subcommittee, COC Radiology, HAHO  since Aug 2009

· Chairman of KPI  working Group, COC Radiology,  HAHO    since Aug 2009

· Member of COC Radiology in HAHO              since Aug 2009

· Member of Revision of Guideline of Sedation in Paediatric Patients HAHO

since Aug 2009

· Department Representative in Cluster Specialist Out-patient Services Subcommittee QMH              2004- 2011

· Departmental Representative (DR, QMH) in Workload Statistic Subcommittee, COC Radiology, HAHO                  2004 to 2010

· Departmental Representative (DR, QMH) in Institutional Review Board of University of HK             Mar 2005- 2012

· Chairman of Quality Assurance Subcommittee, Department of Radiology, Queen Mary Hospital                     1996 -2011

· Co-supervisor of Mammography Subspecialty in the Department of Radiology, Queen Mary Hospital              1996  to Sep 2020

· Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong             2000 to Feb 2003

· Advisor, representative of Pediatric Radiology in Children Hospital Project                    2007 to 2015

· Consultant In-charge of DR, Sandy Bay Hospitals (Duchess of Kent Children Hospital/FYKH/MMRC)                       2005- 2-11

· Member, PET-CT Unit Committee of Management, HKU     2013 to Sep 2020



Prizes and awards


Individual Award


1. Winner of 4th prize of Bracco Award

Poster Presentation at the 2nd Congress of Asian and Oceanian Society of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology on 23-27 March, 1997, Taipei.        " US measurement of subarachnoid space in infants: Normal values in Chinese patients"

WWM Lam, V Ai, V Wong, L Leong

2. Best Free Paper Award (Paediatrics)

At the 10th Congress of Asian Oceanic Society of Paediatric Radiology & 9th Annual Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka College of Radiologists Aug 2010 at Colombo, Sri Lanka


Team Award


1. Continuous Quality Improvement Team Award at the Quality improvement forum 1999, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, held on 9th Oct 1999.

“ Streamlining X-ray film retrieval process”

2. Continuous Quality Improvement Team Award at the Quality improvement forum 2000, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, held on 28th Oct 2000.

 “No loan form system of X-ray plain film”

3. Outstanding Team Award –

‘ DK Children Feeding Team’ in HK West Cluster Hospital outstanding Team Competition  2009.

4. Hospital Authority Best Poster Award-

 ‘Can computed tomography replace IVU for urinary tract disease? Should the CT radiation dose be a real concern?’

F Chu, CM Li, F Tang, WWM Lam, MT Chau

in HA Convention 2011 held on 7-8th Jun 2011

5. Outstanding Team Leader

“Renovation team for Radiological Department in DKCH” in Sandy Bay Hospital outstanding Team Competition 2012

6. Hospital Authority Outstanding Staff Awards 2013–

Nominator of Ms Anna Mak

7. Outstanding Team Award-

HKWC Neuromuscular Diagnostic and Management Program’ in HK West Cluster Hospital outstanding Team Competition 2015

8. Hospital Authority Outstanding Team Award 2016-

‘HKWC Neuromuscular Diagnostic and Management Program’ in HA Convention 2016 held on 3-4th May 2016

9. Hospital Authority Best Poster Award-

‘Automatic Call Duty Assignment System’

Fang BXN, Lam AKC, Ho WY, Lam WWM

in HA Convention 2016 held on 3-4th May 2016






Publications :



1. Yiu-fai Cheung, Wendy Wm Lam, Edwina KF So, Pak-cheong Chow

“Differential myocardial fibrosis of the systemic right ventricle and subpulmonary left ventricle after atrial switch operation for complete transposition of the great arteries”

IJC Heart & Vasculature (2020) 30:100612

2. M Cheung, G Ng, W Lam

“Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Spectroscopy Findings in Neonatal Nonketotic Hyperglycinaemia: A Case Report”

Hong Kong J Radiol. 2020;23:44-9

3. Leanne HQ Chin, Michelle Cheung, Wendy WM Lam

“Neurosonography of tuberous sclerosis with MRI correlation”

European Radiology July 2020

4. Chi Chung Foo, Hing Tsun Hung, Yuen Chi Ho, Wendy Wai Man Lam, Wai Lun Law

“Predicting the level of difculty of the doublestapling technique in laparoscopic total mesorectal excision”

Surgical Endoscopy (2020) 34:3382–3387

5. Wendy WM Lam, Janice JK Ip , Candy YC Mui , Daniel Cheuk, Godfrey CF Chan

“Comparison between Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance (DCE-MR) and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (DCE-US) in the Imaging of Pediatric Extra-Cranial Tumor”

OMICS J Radiology (2020) 9(4):1000321

6. Wendy WM Lam, D Cheuk, GCF Chan

“Pediatric Application of Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR Imaging (DCE-MR) in the Management of Extra-cranial Tumor: Experience in Routine Clinical Practice”

Open Journal of Radiology (2020) 10:57-68

7. KH Lee, V Lau, Y Gao, YL Li, BXH Fang, R Lee, Wendy WM Lam

“Ultrasound-MRI Fusion for Targeted Biopsy of Myopathies”

AJR May (2019) 212:1126-1128

8. KH Lee, MLD Tse, M Law, A Cheng, HYF Wong, ML Yu, YL Li, YC Ho, F chu, Wendy WM Lam

” Development and validation of an imaging and clinical scoring system to predict early mortality in spontaneous ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma treated with transarterial embolization.”

Abdom Radiol (NY) ( 2019)  03;44(3):903-911

9. MHC Yu, MHY Tsang, S Lai, MaSP Ho, DML Tse, Brooke Willis, Anna KY Kwong, Yen-Yin Chou, Shuan-Pei Lin, Catarina M Quinzii, Wuh-Liang Hwu, Yin-Hsiu Chien, Pao-Lin Kuo, Chi-man Victor Chan, Cheung Tsoi, Shuk-Ching Chong, Richard J T Rodenburg, Jan Smeitink, Christopher Mak, Kit San Yeung, Jasmine LF Fung, Wendy Lam, Joannie Hui, Ni-Chung Lee, CheukWing Fung

"Primary coenzyme Q10 Deficiency-7: Expanded Phenotypic Spectrum and a Founder Mutation in Southern Chinese"

NPJ Genomic Medicine (2019) 5;4:18. Epub 2019 Aug 5.

10. VSH Chan, DLH Chan, SY Hui, Wendy WM Lam

“Occult extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma in the urinary bladder.”

BMJ Case Rep 2019 Mar 8;12(3). Epub 2019 Mar 8.

11. VSH Chan, WH Ma, WY Ho, CWZ Chan, SCW Cheung, Wendy WM Lam

“An unusual cause of hamoptysis: Conenital absence of the right pulmonary artery in a young male”

Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging, CVIA 2019:3(1):24-26

12. G Chu, V Li, A Hui, C Lam, E Chan, M Law, L Yip, Wendy Lam

“Failure Analysis for Ultrasound Machines in a Radiology Department after Implementation of Predictive Maintenance Method.”

J Med Ultrasound 2018 Jan-Mar;26(1):42-44. Epub 2018 Mar 28.

13. Li YL, Wong KH, Law MWM, Fang BXH, Lau VWH, Vardhanabuti VV, Lee CKH, Cheng AKC, Ho WY, Wendy WM Lam

“Opportunistic screening for osteoporosis in abdominal computed tomography for Chinese population”

Archives of Osteoporosis (2018) 13:76

14. Victor SH Chan, Tin PW Lam, WWM Lam

“Ephroptosis- the wandering kidney”

Kidney Research and Clinical Practice 2018 DOI:10.23876/j.krcp.2018.37.3.306

15. Martin Law, WK Ma,  D Lau, K Cheung, Janice Ip, L Yip, Wendy Lam

“Cumulative effective dose and cancer risk for pediatric population in repetitive full spine follow-up imaging: How micro dose is the EOS microdose protocol? “

EJR 101 (2018) 87-91

16. Martin Law, Wang-Kei Ma, Eva Chan, Damian Lau, Candy Mui, WY Ho, Wendy Lam

“Cumulative effective dose and cancer risk for pediatric population in repetitive whole body scan using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry”

Journal of Clinical Densitometry 2017 Sep 29 pii: S1094-6950(17) 30129-4

17. GHT Ng, JJK Ip, SHS Chan, RSL Ho, WWM Lam

“Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Mild Recessive RYR1 Gene-related Congenital Myopathies: Genetic and Histopathological Correlation”

HK J Radiol 2017; 20(1):53-8

18. C Lo, LHY Sinn, K Wong, PWT Lam, E Chan, M Law, Wendy Lam

“Comparison of compression force & compressed breast thickness of Full-Field Digital Mammography and Combined FFDM plus Digital Breast Tomosynthesis when additional views considered”

ECR 2017 / C-3043

19. Lawrance KC Yip, Wendy WM Lam

“Enhancing the Quality of MRI Services with a MAGNETOM Aera MRI System”

Magnetom Flash (69) 3/2017

20. Martin Law, Wang-Kei Ma, Eva Chan, Damian Lau, Candy Mui, Kenneth Cheung, Lawrance Yip, Wendy Lam

“Evaluation of cumulative effective dose and cancer risk from repetitive full spine imaging using EOS system: impact to adolescent patients of different populations”

EJR 96 (2017)1-5

21. Yuen VM, Li BL, Cheuk DK, Leung MKM, Hui TWC, Wong IC, Lam WM, Choi SW, Irwin MG.

“A randomised controlled trial of oral choral hydrate vs intranasal dexmedetomidine before computerised tomography in children”

Anaesthesia 2017 doi:10.1111/anae.13981

22. C Lee, SHY Lam, L Sinn, WM Lam

“Lemierre’s syndrome: An often forgotten but potentially life-threatening disease.”

HK Med J 2016 22(2):184.e1-184.e2

23. M Law, TC Chan, I Wong, WH Ma, F Go, WY Ho, Wendy Lam

“The added value of SPECT/CT in dacryoscintigraphy for the diagnosis of nasolacrimal duct obstruction: Differentiation between obstruction localization and radiation contamination”

International Journal of Radiology 2016, 3(1):106-108

24. M Law, WK Ma, D Lau, E Chan, L Yip, Wendy Lam

“Cumulative radiation exposure and associated cancer risk estimates for scoliosis patients: Impact of repetitive full spine radiography’

EJR 2016, 85: 625-628

25. YY Kwong, JJK Ip, WWM Lam

“Evaluation of Congenital Mitral-aortic Intervalvular Fibrosa Aneurysm: Role of Multidetector Computed Tomography in Congenital Heart Disease.”

HK J Rad 2016, V19, DO010.12809/hkjr 1615314

26. CWY Wong, IHY Chan, PHY Chung, LCL Lan, Wendy WM Lam, KKY Wong, PKH Tam

“Childhood intussusception: 17-year experience at a tertiary referral centre in Hong Kong.”

Hong Kong Med J 2015 Dec 11;21(6):518-23. Epub 2015 Sep 11.

27. Dr Janice JK Ip, Christine SY Lo, Peter KY Hui, WWM Lam

“Laryngo- Laryngo-Tracheo Tracheo Tracheo-Esophageal Cleft (Type IV) Esophageal Cleft (Type IV) Esophageal Cleft (Type IV) – Imaging Findings of this Rare Imaging Findings of this Rare Congenital Malformation”

Asian Oceanic Forum for Pediatric Radiology 2015, 1:25-30

28. WWM Lam

‘Contrast enhanced MR venogram to detect impalpable testis in pediatric patients: How I do it’

Asian Oceanic Forum for Pediatric Radiology 2015, 1:20-24

29. JS Donaldson, V Donoghue, Wendy Lam, K Moenne, J Naidoo, K Rosendahl

“International Day of Radiology 2015.”

Pediatr Radiol 2015 Nov;45(12):1731-2

30. CTM Lai, SJ Wong, JJK Ip, WK Wong, KC Tsang, WWM Lam, YF Cheung

‘Plasm levels of high sensitivity cardiac troponin T in adults with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot’

Scientific Reports 2015, 5:14050

31. CWY Wong, CT Lau, PHY Chung, WMW Lam, KKY Wong, P Tam

‘The value of the 24-h delayed abdominal radiograph of barium enema in the diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease’

Pediatr Surg Int 2015, 31:11-15

32. J Ip, P Hui, R Chen, E Wu, KH Lau, S Cheung, TC Ying, Wendy Lam

“Use of 3D prototyping in congenital cardiovascular diseases - initial experience in Hong Kong.”

Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2015, 17(1) 225


33. YF Cheung, Wendy WM Lam, JJK Ip, DKL Cheuk, FWT Cheng, JYK Yang, JPW Yau, KKH Ho. CK Li, RCH Li, HL Yuen, ASC Ling, VWY Li, GCF Chan

“Myocardial iron load and fibrosis in long term survivors of childhood leukemia.”

Pediatr Blood Cancer 2015 Apr 3;62(4):698-703. Epub 2015 Jan 3.

34. SHS Cha, R Ho, A Chan, J Ip, S Wong, G Ng, H Lee, Y Cheng, K Liu, C Lee, T Fung, W Clerk, Wendy Lam, W Shek, V Wong

“Congenital myopathies: Characteristics and subtypes in Hong Kong.”

Neuromuscular disorders 25 (2015) S184–S316

35. HK Yu, SJ Li, WWM Lam, SJ Wong, YF Cheung

‘Right Ventricular mechanics in adults after surgical repair of tetralogy of fallot: insights from three-dimensional speckle-tracking’

J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2014, 27(4):423-9

36. EY Lee, WCW Chu, WWM Lam

‘Regional activity of the Asian and Oceanic Society for Paediatric Radiology(AOSPR)

Ped Radiol 2014, 44:675-676

37. AWY Wong, DSF Tsang, WWM Lam

‘How useful is contrast enema in the diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease? Five-year experience from a local referral centre’

HK J Radiol 2014; 17(1):30-5

38. HL She, KC Lam, KK Wong, WWM Lam

‘Urinary bladder inguinal hernia: an uncommon cause of scrotal swelling’

HK Med J 2014; 20:351.e1-2

39. MP Chan, SN Ki, WWM Lam, YC Ho, SY Ha, GCF Chan, YF Cheung

‘Left ventricular torsional mechanics and myocardial iron load in beta-thalassaemia major: a potential role of titin degradation’

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2014, 14:49

40. HK Yu, SJ Li, J Ip, WWM Lam, S Wong, YF Cheung

‘Right ventricular mechanics in adults after surgical repair of Tetralogy of Fallot: Insights from 3-D speckle-tracking Echocardiography’

J Am Echocardiogr 2014 Apr;27(4):423-9

41. Christine Lo, Martin Law, Francis Cho, Dominic Pang, Patricia Cheng, Lawrance Yip, Wendy Lam

“Fetal Dose From Emergency CT Examination: Fetal Simulation and Dose Measurements.”

International J Radiol 2014 Vol 1, No 1

42. G Ho, KW Cheung, HK Lam, JK Ip, HYM Tang, WWM Lam

“Echogenic and cystic fetal lung lesions: Evaluation by prenatal sonography and postnatal imaging”

Hong Kong J Rad 2013;16(1):5-16

43. JJK Ip, P Hui, SHY Lam, SCW Cheung, WWM Lam, MT Chau

“Anomalous systemic arterial supply to normal basal segments of the left lower lobe of the lung”

Hong Kong J Rad 2013;16(2):137-42

44. J Ip, M Marcet, KW Yan, WWM Lam, MT Chau

Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles: A rare entity

HK J Radiol 2013: 16(3):236-40

45. B Fang, F Cho, WWM Lam

‘Prostate gland development and adrenal tumour in a female with congenital adrenal hyperplasia: A case report and review from radiology perspective’

Genitourinary Radiology Case 2013 7(12):26-34

46. Edward Y. Lee, Lorna P. Browne, Wendy Lam.

‘Noninvasive Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Thoracic Large Vessels in Children’

Seminars in Roentgenology 2012; 47: 45-55

47. PKT Hui, JYL Tung, M To, C Wang, WWM Lam, MT Chau

“Radiological Features of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type V: A Report of Two Cases”

Hong Kong J Rad 2012 15:36-40

48. JJK Ip, P Hui, WWM Lam, MT Chau

“Chiari I Malformation in Patients with Pfeiffer Syndrome: Important Aspects of Preoperative Imaging”

Hong Kong J Rad 2012:15:247-51

49. JJK Ip, PKT Hui, L Lan, WWM Lam. MT Chau

“Umbilical Enteric Fistula: a rare cause of neonatal umbilical mass”

Hong Kong J Radiol 2012; 15:192-6

50. JJK Ip, PKT Hui, MT Chau, WWM Lam

‘Merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy: A case report with MRI, MRS and DTI findings’

Ped Radiol 2012 Aug; 6(8):1-7

51. YF Cheung, W Yu, SN Li, WWM Lam. YC Ho, SJ Wong

‘Dynamic Dyssynchrony and impaired contractile reserve of the LN in beta-Thalassaemia Majoir: An exercise echocardiographic study’

PLOS ONE 2012 Sep; 7(9): e45265

52. KTP Hui, WMW Lam, MT Chau

“Why does the fracture not heal? Vascular channel mimicking skull fracture”

HK J Paediatr 2011;16:184-187

53. PKT Hui, JYL Tung, M To, C Wang, WWM Lam, MT Chau

“Osteogenesis imperfecta type V”

Skeletal Radiol 2011 40(12):1609, 1633

54. PKT Hui, JYL Tung, Wendy WM Lam, MT Chau

‘Teenager with multiple fractures’

Skeletal Radiol 2011 40:1609

55. TL Chan, Wendy WM Lam, Flora HF Tsang, Cally KL Ho, Timmy WK Au, Lik-Cheung Cheng

Late tricuspid surgery: predicting outcome with computed tomography’

Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2011;19:128-132

56. Ivy H Y Chan, Wendy WM Lam, PKH Tam

Renal pelvis haematoma causing pelviureteric obstruction: a first case of Antopol-Goldman lesion in a neonate

Journal Of Paediatrics And Child Health 2010; 46:361

57. XC Liang, WWM Lam, Eddie Cheung,  Akp Wu, SJ Wong, YF Cheung

‘Restrictive right ventricular physiology and right ventricular fibrosis as assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance and exercise capacity after biventricular repair of pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum’

Clin Cardiol 2010 33, 2,104-110

58. Eddie Cheung, XC Liang, WWM Lam, YF Cheung

‘Impact of Rt ventricular dilation on Lt ventricular myocardial deformation in

patients after surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot“

AJ Cardiology 2009; Nov 1;104(9):1264-70

59. Eddie Cheung, WWM Lam, S Cheung, YF Cheung

‘Functional implications of the Rt ventricular myocardial performance index in patients after surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot’

Heart & Vessels 2008 23:112-117

60. WWM Lam

“Recent Advances in Paediatric Imaging”

Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 2008; 13:253-259

61. PC Chow, XC Liang, Eddie Cheung, WWM Lam, YF Cheung

‘Novel Two-dimensional global longitudinal strain and strain rate imaging for assessment of systemic right ventricular function’

Heart online 29 Jan 2008 (10.1136/hrt.2007.131862)

62. PC Chow, XC Liang, WWM Lam, Eddie Cheung, KT Wong, YF Cheung

‘Mechanical Rt ventricular dyssynchrony in patients after atrial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries’

Am J Cardiology 2008 Mar 15;101(6):874-81

63. SHM Wong, SCW Cheung, WWM Lam, WK Tso

“Ocular sonographic and magnetic resonance imaging features of osteoporosis pseudoglioma syndrome”

JHK Coll Radiol 2007:10:27-30     

64. Eddie Cheung, WWM Lam, CSW Chiu, AKT Chau, S Cheung, YF Cheung

"Plasma Brain Natriuretic Peptide Levels, Right Ventricular Volume Overload
and Exercise Capacity in Adolescent After Surgical Repair of Tetralogy of

International Journal of Cardiology  2007 Oct 1;121(2):155-62

65. AKP Wu, WWM Lam, KL Chan

“Foetus-in-foetu: Imaging diagnosis by the presence of organogenetic differentiation”

JHK Coll Radiol 2007:10:34-7

66. KKY Wong, PL Khong, SCL Lin, WWM Lam, LCL Lan, PKH Tam

“Post-operative magnetic resonance evaluation of children after laparoscopic anorectoplasty for imperforate anus”

Int J Colorectal Dis 2005, 20:33-37

67. Wendy WM Lam

“Paediatric CT Radiation Risks: What you should know.”

HK Medical Diary 2006, Vol II No 6 June: 5-6

68. WWM Lam, PKH Tam, KL Chan, W Cheng, V Ai, FL Chan, L Leong

“The use of Gadolinium-infusion magnetic resonance venogram in the imaging of impalpable undescended testis” The pictures were abstracted in the book Abdominal Imaging, Springer-Verlag, London, 2005

69. GC Ooi, PL Khong, F Chan, KN Chan, KL Chan, W Lam, I Ng, SY Ha. “Magnetic resonance screening of iron status in transfusion-dependent B-thalassaemia patients. “

British Journal of Haematology 2004, 124, 385-390

70. WWM Lam, VHG Ai, V Wong, WM Lui, FL Chan, L Leong

“Ultrasound measurement of Lumbosacral spine in children

Pediatric Neurology 2004, 30:115-121

71. WWM Lam, Y Hui, DKK Au, CK Chow, FL Chan, LS Yu, W Wei

“Radiological study of temporal bone in children with profound deafness before cochlear implant: CT vs Magnetic Resonance Imaging”

Chinese Journal Otorhinolaryngology 2002; Vol 37, No 6: 1-3

72. HK Ho, SL Lee, WWM Lam, NS Tsoi

“Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: an almost messed diagnosis in a Chinese boy”

Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 2002; 7:92-97

73. WWM Lam, PKH Tam, KL Chan, W Cheng, V Ai, FL Chan, L Leong

“The use of Gadolinium-infusion magnetic resonance venogram in the imaging of impalpable undescended testis”

The article was abstracted in the Year Book of Diagnostic Radiology 2002, published by the Mosby-Year Book, Inc.

74. WWM Lam, SDV Le, KL Chan, FL Chan, PKH Tam

“Transverse Testicular Ectopia detected by MR imaging and MR venogram”

Pediatric Radiology 2002; 32:126-9

75. WWM Lam, VHG Ai, V Wong, LLY Leong

“Ultrasonographic meaurement of subarachnoid space in normal infants and children”

Pediatric Neurology 2001 25:380-4

76. SDV Le, WWM Lam, PKH Tam, W Cheng, FL Chan

“H-type tracheo-esophageal fistula: Appearance on 3-dimensional CT and virtual bronchoscopy”

Pediatric Surgery International 2001 17:642-3

77. WWM Lam, FL Chan, H Saing.

      “Sagittal CT of imperforate anus: Imaging-Surgical Correlation”

      Asian Oceanian Journal of Radiology Vol 6 No1, Jan-Mar 2001 pp41-43.

78. WWM Lam, PKH Tam, KL Chan, W Cheng, V Ai, FL Chan, L Leong

“The use of Gadolinium-infusion magnetic resonance venogram in the imaging of impalpable undescended testis”

American Journal of Radiology 2001; 176: 1221-6

79. PL Khong, W Peh, C Lam, KL Chan, W Cheng, WWM Lam, VHG Ai, PKH Tam , L Leong, L Low

“Ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction of childhood Intussusception: Technique and Demonstration”

Radiographics. 2000;20: E1-e1.

80. WWM Lam, FL Chan, H Saing.

       “Direct sagittal CT of esophageal atresia correlates well with operative findings”  

       Asian Oceanian Journal of Radiology Vol 5 No2, Apr-Jun 2000 pp81-85.

81. W Peh, PL Khong, KL Chan, C Lam, W Cheng, WWM Lam, H Saing,

       L Leong, L Low, PKH Tam

      “Reduction of intussusception in children using sonograhic guidance”

      American Journal of Radiology 173:985-988, 1999

82. WWM Lam, YL Lau, FL Chan

“Clinical and radiological suspected Cockayne Syndrome”

Journal of the Hong Kong College of Radiologists 2000; 3 (4): 413-417.

83. WWM Lam, PKH Tam, FL Chan, KL Chan, W Cheng

      “ Esophageal atresia and tracheal stenosis: use of three-dimensional CT and

      virtual bronchoscopy in neonates, infants and children”

      American Journal of Radiology 2000; 174:1009-12

84. VHG Ai, WWM Lam, W Cheng, FL Chan.

“CT appearance of midgut volvulus with malrotation in a young infant”.

Clinical Radiology: (1999) 54,687-698

85. Y Hui, WWM Lam, SL Lee, WK Ho, W Wei

 “ The role of MRI/MRA in investigating tracheal compression by anomalous  innominate artery in infants”

Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 1999; 4: 89-91

86. FL Chan, WWM Lam

“Body MRI: its application in Paediatrics”

Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 1999; 4:104 -110






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 11:25-11:45 影像专场 Radiology

影像专场-上午 Radiology(a.m.)

讲者 Speaker 动态对比增强MRI或DCE-MRI在儿科颅外肿瘤治疗中的应用Pediatric Application of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) in the Management of Extra-Cranial Tumor
2021-12-12 12:05-12:20 影像专场 Radiology

影像专场-上午 Radiology(a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion