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Jay Gopalakrishnan
Institute of Human Genetics, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Germany Institute of Human Genetics, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Germany

Dr. Jay Gopalakrishnan received an undergraduate degree from the Madras Medical College and
subsequently studied Master's in Chemical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.
Dr. Jay Gopalakrishnan then conducted his doctoral thesis at the Technical University of Berlin,
focusing on the anaerobic respiration process of bacterial. Dr. Jay Gopalakrishnan then switched his
research to eukaryotic cellular structures of centrosomes and cilia at the Harvard Medical School,
Harvard University, Boston, USA. During his post-doctoral research, he identified fundamental
mechanisms of centrosome assembly, which are deregulated in numerous human diseases, including
microcephaly. In 2013, he returned to Germany to conduct his independent research at the University
of Cologne. In 2018, he accepted a professor position at the University of Dusseldorf.
His current research focuses on dissecting how centrosomes and cilia function as molecular switches
in determining homeostatic control of neural stem cells and wish to understand how these structures
critically regulate neural stem cells' functions in human brain development and degeneration. Dr. Jay
Gopalakrishnan's laboratory is now determined to decipher cilia's general rules as a molecular switch
in brain development, cell physiology, neurodegeneration, and tumorigenesis, emphasizing
translating basic research into the identification of molecular targets of human diseases. Dr. Jay
Gopalakrishnan has received awards such as DAAD, HFSP and innovation awards from
pharmaceutical industries. Dr. Jay Gopalakrishnan also serves as a steering committee member of the
NRW stem cell network.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 16:25-16:45 表观遗传学/运动专场 Epigenetics & Physical Activity

表观遗传学/运动专场 下午 Epigenetics & Physical Activity(p.m.)

讲者 Speaker 患者特异性脑器官小头症的病理学Pathomechanisms of microcephaly in patient-specific brain organoids
2021-12-12 17:05-17:20 表观遗传学/运动专场 Epigenetics & Physical Activity

表观遗传学/运动专场 下午 Epigenetics & Physical Activity(p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion