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Anuradha Narayan
Health, Nutrition & WASH in UNICEF China Office.   Health, Nutrition & WASH in UNICEF China Office.   | Unicef

Chief - Child Health Development
UNICEF China Office

Anuradha holds a dual Master’s degree in World Hunger, Malnutrition and

Development, and International Relations from Tufts University in
Massachusetts, USA.
Anuradha joins UNICEF China Office from UNICEF Bangladesh, where
she was the Chief of Nutrition. Before Anuradha joined UNICEF, she was
with Helen Keller International for six years as their Deputy Regional
Director based in Nairobi, Kenya and then Deputy Director at SPRING - a
USAID funded global nutrition program based in Washington DC.
Previously Anuradha also worked with Save the Children for seven years.
Her career spans over 20 years in public health, population services,
nutrition, leadership and management across four continents.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 09:35-10:55 儿童早期发展专场 Early Childhood Development

儿童早期发展专场 上午 Early Childhood Development(a.m.)

主持 Moderator
2021-12-12 10:40-10:55 儿童早期发展专场 Early Childhood Development

儿童早期发展专场 上午 Early Childhood Development(a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion