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Wenhao Zhou Wenhao Zhou
复旦大学儿童医院 Children’s hospital of Fudan University

Childrens hospital of Fudan University

09/11 - present   Professor, Chief Physician

               Children’s Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai


12/04 - 09/11:  Associate Professor, Associate Chief Physician

               Children’s Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai


08/04-02/05:     Visiting Scholar

               Children's Hospital, Vancouver, University of British Columbia, Canada


07/01- 12/04:  Attending

Children’s Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai




  M.D. Ph.D.            2001    Pediatrics

                       Children’s Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai


Master of Medicine      1997 Pediatrics

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai


Bachelor of Medicine    1991 Medicine

                  Medical School, Nanchang University, Jiangxi




Administrative Service


2010.11-present: Vice-president, Children’s Hospital, Fudan University

2008.4-2010.11: Assistant president, Children’s Hospital, Fudan University


Grant Support:


1. Early genetic screening and precise intervention strategy of neonatal critical disease, 2020-2024, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, 4,000,000

2. Chromatin Remodeling Control of CNS Myelination and Remyelination. 2018-2022, NSFC, 2,200,000

3. The role of CNTNAP2 gene on neonatal seizures. 2015-2018, NSFC, ¥900,000。

4. Neural basis of Emotion and memory (Molecular mechanism of MeCP2-PTEN in proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells in autism. 2013-2015, NSFC, ¥800,000

5. Molecular mechanisms of POSTN in proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cell with hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. 2012-2012, NSFC, ¥140,000

6. Epidemiology, screening and standardized clinical solutions establishment in rare genetic disorder in neonates. 2011-2014, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, ¥710,000

7. Molecular mechanisms of PTEN in proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells. 2011-2013, NSFC, ¥320,000

8. Key molecules identification in immature neural stem cell regulated by astrocytes. 2008-2010, NSFC, ¥290,000

9. Environmental and genetic factors in infertility and birth defects. 2008-2012, The Ministry of Science and Technology, ¥1,000,000

10. Screening, diagnosis and intervention of brain injury in high-risk neonates. 2010-2013, The Ministry of Science and Technology, ¥1,693,500

11. Prevention strategies on neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. 2011-2012, The Ministry of Health, ¥1,000,000

12. The Ministry of Education new century outstanding talented person supports plan. 2008-2012, The Ministry of Education, ¥500,000




1. Cao Y, Jiang S, Sun J, Hei M, Wang L, Zhang H, Ma X, Wu H, Li X, Sun H, Zhou W, Shi Y, Wang Y, Gu X, Yang T, Lu Y, Du L, Chen C, Lee SK*, Zhou W*; Chinese Neonatal Network. Assessment of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Practices, Morbidity, and Mortality Among Very Preterm Infants in China. JAMA Netw Open. 2021, 4(8):e2118904.

2. Luo Z#, Dong X#, Yu J#, Xia Y#, Berry KP, Rao R, Xu L, Xue P, Chen T, Lin Y, Yu J, Huang G, Li H*, Zhou W*, Lu QR*. Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses Reveals ZNF124 as a Critical Regulator in Highly Aggressive Medulloblastomas. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021, 9:634056.

3. Dong X#, Yang L#, Liu K, Ji X, Tang C, Li W, Ma L, Mei Y, Peng T, Feng B, Wu Z, Tang Q, Gao Y, Yan K, Zhou W*, Xiong M*. Transcriptional networks identify synaptotagmin-like 3 as a regulator of cortical neuronal migration during early neurodevelopment. Cell Rep. 2021, 34(9):108802.

4. Li W#, Yang L#, Tang C, Liu K, Lu Y, Wang H, Yan K, Qiu Z*, Zhou W*. Mutations of CNTNAP1 led to defects in neuronal development. JCI Insight. 2020, 5(21):135697.

5. Liu B#, Wu B#, Lu Y, Zhang P, Xiao F, Li G, Wang H, Dong X, Liu R, Li Y, Xie X, Zhou W, Wang J*, Lu Y*. A Novel, Recurrent, 3.6-kb Deletion in the PYGL Gene Contributes to Glycogen Storage Disease Type VI. J Mol Diagn. 2020, 22(12):1373-1382

6. Yang L#, Chen X#, Liu X, Dong X, Ye C, Deng D, Lu Y, Lin Y*, Zhou W*. Clinical features and underlying genetic causes in neonatal encephalopathy: A large cohort study. Clin Genet. 2020, 98(4):365-373

7. Sun J#, Yang L#, Lu Y, Wang H, Peng X, Dong X, Cheng G, Cao Y, Wu B*, Wang X*, Zhou W*. Screening for primary immunodeficiency diseases by next-generation sequencing in early life. Clin Transl Immunology. 2020, 9(5):e1138. 

8. Sun J#, Yang L#, Lu Y, Wang H, Peng X, Dong X, Cheng G, Cao Y, Wu B*, Wang X*, Zhou W*. Screening for primary immunodeficiency diseases by next-generation sequencing in early life. Clin Transl Immunology. 2020, 9(5):e1138. 

9. Wang H#, Lu Y#, Dong X, Lu G, Cheng G, Qian Y, Ni Q, Zhang P, Yang L, Wu B*, Zhou W*. Optimized trio genome sequencing (OTGS) as a first-tier genetic test in critically ill infants: practice in China. Hum Genet. 2020, 139(4):473-482.

10. Yang L#, Liu X#, Li Z, Zhang P, Wu B, Wang H, Hu L, Cheng G, Wang L, Zhou W. Genetic aetiology of early infant deaths in a neonatal intensive care unit. J Med Genet. 2020,  57(3):169-177.

11. Yang L, Chen X, Liu X, Dong X, Ye C, Deng D, Lu Y, Lin Y*, Zhou W*. Clinical features and underlying genetic causes in neonatal encephalopathy: A large cohort study. Clin Genet. 2020, 98(4):365-373. 

12. Yang L#, Liu X#, Li Z, Zhang P, Wu B, Wang H, Hu L, Cheng G, Wang L, Zhou W. Genetic aetiology of early infant deaths in a neonatal intensive care unit. J Med Genet. 2020, 57(3):169-177.

13. Liu X#, Mei M#, Chen X, Lu Y, Dong X, Hu L, Hu X, Cheng G, Cao Y, Yang L*, Zhou W*. Identification of genetic factors underlying persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborns in a cohort of Chinese neonates. Respir Res. 2019, 20(1):174.

14. Yu X#, Yang L#, Li J, Li W, Li D, Wang R, Wu K, Chen W, Zhang Y*, Qiu Z*, Zhou W*. De Novo and Inherited SETD1A Variants in Early-onset Epilepsy. Neurosci Bull. 2019, 35(6):1045-1057.

15. Chen X#, Yan K#, Gao Y, Wang H, Chen G, Wu B, Qin Q*, Yang L*, Zhou W. Feeding difficulty is the dominant feature in 12 Chinese newborns with CHD7 pathogenic variants. BMC Med Genet. 2019,20(1):93.

16. Xiao F#, Yan K#, Zhou W*. Methadone versus morphine treatment outcomes in neonatal abstinence syndrome: A meta-analysis. J Paediatr Child Health. 2019, 55(10):1177-1182.

17. Li Z#, Zhang F#, Wang Y, Qiu Y, Wu Y, Lu Y, Yang L, Qu WJ, Wang H, Zhou W*, Tian W*. PhenoPro: a novel toolkit for assisting in the diagnosis of Mendelian disease. Bioinformatics. 2019, 35(19):3559-3566.

18. Wang M, Zhou J, He F, Cai C, Wang H, Wang Y, Lin Y, Rong H, Cheng G, Xu R, Zhou W. Alteration of gut microbiota-associated epitopes in children with autism spectrum disorders. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2019, 75:192-199.

19. Wang M, Wan J, Rong H, He F, Wang H, Zhou J, Cai C, Wang Y, Xu R, Yin Z, Zhou W. Alteration in gut glutamate metabolism associated with change in gut microbiota composition in children with Autism spectrum disorder. mSystems. 2019, 4(1). (corresponding author).

20. Zhou S, Wang Z, He F, Qiu H, Wang Y, Wang H, Zhou J, Zhou J, Cheng G, Zhou W, Xu R, Wang M. Association of serum bilirubin in newborns affected by jaundice with gut microbiota dysbiosis. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2019;63:54-61.

21. Liu A, Zhou W, Qu L, He F, Wang H, Wang Y, Cai C, Li X, Zhou W, Wang M. Altered urinary amino acids in children with autism spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 2019, 13:7(co-corresponding author)

22. Yang L, Kong Y, Dong X, Hu L, Lin Y, Xiang C, Ni Q, Lu Y, Wu B, Wang H, Lu QR, Zhou W. Clinical and genetic spectrum of a large cohort of children with epilepsy in China. Genet Med. 2019, 21(3):564-571.

23. Kong Y, Yan K, Hu L, Wang M, Dong X, Lu Y, Wu B, Wang H, Yang L, Zhou W. Data on mutations and Clinical features in SCN1A or SCN2A gene. Data Brief. 2018;22:492-501.

24. Zhou J, Liu A, He F, Jin Y, Zhou S, Xu R, Guo H, Zhou W, Wei Q, Wang M. High prevalence of serum folate receptor autoantibodies in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Biomarkers. 2018;23(7):622-624. (Co-corresponding Author)

25. Shi X, Chen J, Lu Q, He F, Zhou J, Zhou S, Zhou W, Wang M, Zou L. Whole-exome sequencing revealing de novo heterozygous variant of KCNT1 in a twin discordant for benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2018;54(6):709-710

26. Zhao C,  Dong C, Frah M, Deng Y, Marie C, Zhang F, Xu L, Ma Z, Dong X, Lin Y, Koenig S, Nait-Oumesmar B, Martin DM, Wu LN, Xin M, Zhou W, Parras C, and Lu QR. Dual-requirement of CHD8 for Chromatin Landscape Establishment and Histone Methyltransferase Recruitment to Promote CNS Myelination and Myelin Repair. Developmental Cell, 2018 (Co-corresponding Authors, Accepted).

27. Yu X, Hu L, Liu X, Zhan G, Mei M, Wang H, Zhang X, Qiu Z, Zhou W, Yang L. A Novel MYCN Variant Associated with Intellectual Disability Regulates Neuronal Development. Neurosci Bull, 2018 May 21. [Epub ahead of print]

28. Kong Y, Yan K, Hu L, Wang M, Dong X, Lu Y, Wu B, Wang H, Yang L, Zhou W. Association between SCN1A and SCN2A mutations and clinical/EEG features in Chinese patients from epilepsy or severe seizures. Clin Chim Acta, 2018, 483:14-19.

29. Chen X, Wang H, Wu B, Dong X, Liu B, Chen H, Lu Y, Zhou W, Yang L. One Novel 2.43Kb Deletion and One Single Nucleotide Mutation of the INSR Gene in a Chinese Neonate with Rabson-Mendenhall Syndrome. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol, 2018, 10(2):183-187.

30. Wu LMN, Deng Y, Wang J, Zhao C, Wang J, Rao R, Xu L, Zhou W, Choi K, Rizvi TA, Remke M, Rubin JB, Johnson RL, Carroll TJ, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO, Wu J, Zheng Y, Xin M, Ratner N, Lu QR. Programming of Schwann Cells by Lats1/2-TAZ/YAP Signaling Drives Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumorigenesis. Cancer Cell. 2018, 33(2):292-308.e7.

31. He X, Zhang L, Queme LF, Liu X, Lu A, Waclaw RR, Dong X, Zhou W, Kidd G, Yoon SO, Buonanno A, Rubin JB, Xin M, Nave KA, Trapp BD, Jankowski MP, Lu QR. A histone deacetylase 3-dependent pathway delimits peripheral myelin growth and functional regeneration. Nat Med. 2018, 24(3):338-351.

32. Yang L, Li Z, Mei M, Fan X, Zhan G, Wang H, Huang G, Wang M, Tian W, Zhou W. Whole genome sequencing identifies a novel ALMS1 gene mutation in two Chinese siblings with Alström syndrome. BMC Med Genet, 2017, 18(1):75.

33. Sun J, Sun B, Gao Y, He F, Yang L, Wang M, Zhou W. Composition and Variation Analysis of the T Cell Receptor β-Chain Complementarity Determining Region 3 Repertoire in Neonatal Sepsis. Scand J Immunol, 2017, 86(5):418-423.

34. Zhou J, He F, Yang F, Yang Z, Xie Y, Zhou S, Liang J, Xu R, Wang Y, Guo H, Zhou W, Wang M. Increased stool immunoglobulin A level in children with autism spectrum disorders. Res Dev Disabil, 2017, pii: S0891-4222(17)30254-8.

35. Ge MM, Hu L, Li Z, Cheng G, Yan K, Kong Y, Wang H, Yang L, Zhou W. Novel compound heterozygous mutations in the PEX1 gene in two Chinese newborns with Zellweger syndrome based on whole exome sequencing. Clin Chim Acta, 2017, 470:24-28.

36. Deng Y, Wu LMN, Bai S, Zhao C, Wang H, Wang J, Xu L, Sakabe M, Zhou W, Xin M, Lu QR. A reciprocal regulatory loop between TAZ/YAP and G-protein Gαs regulates Schwann cell proliferation and myelination. Nat Commun. 2017, 8:15161.

37. Wang H, Moyano AL, Ma Z, Deng Y, Lin Y, Zhao C, Zhang L, Jiang M, He X, Ma Z, Lu F, Xin M, Zhou W, Yoon SO, Bongarzone ER, Lu QR. miR-219 Cooperates with miR-338 in Myelination and Promotes Myelin Repair in the CNS. Dev Cell. 2017, 40(6):566-582.e5.

38. He D, Wang J, Lu Y, Deng Y, Zhao C, Xu L, Chen Y, Hu YC, Zhou W, Lu QR. lncRNA Functional Networks in Oligodendrocytes Reveal Stage-Specific Myelination Control by an lncOL1/Suz12 Complex in the CNS. Neuron. 2017, 93(2):362-378.

39. Lyu JW, Yuan B, Cheng TL, Qiu ZL, Zhou WH. Reciprocal regulation of autism-related genes MeCP2 and PTEN via microRNAs. Sci Rep, 2016, 6:20392.

40. Chen C, Wang M, Zhu Z, Qu J, Xi X, Tang X, Lao X, Seeley E, Li T, Fan X, Du C, Wang Q, Yang L, Hu Y, Bai C, Zhang Z, Lu S, Song Y, Zhou W. Multiple gene mutations identified in patients infected with influenza A (H7N9) virus. Sci Rep, 2016, 6:25614

41. Mei M, Cheng G, Sun B, Yang L, Wang H, Sun J, Zhou W. EDN1 Gene Variant is Associated with Neonatal Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension. Sci Rep, 2016, 6:29877

42. Zhou S, Xu R, He F, Zhou J, Wang Y, Zhou J, Wang M, Zhou W. Diversity of Gut Microbiota Metabolic Pathways in 10 Pairs of Chinese Infant Twins. PLoS One, 2016, 11(9):e0161627

43. Chen Y, Xiong M, Dong Y, Haberman A, Cao J, Liu H, Zhou W, Zhang SC. Chemical Control of Grafted Human PSC-Derived Neurons in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease. Cell Stem Cell, 2016, 18(6):817-26. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 17:05-17:20 新生儿专场 Neonatology

新生儿专场 下午 Neonatology(p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion