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赵晓东 Xiaodong Zhao
重庆医科大学附属儿童医院 Second hospital affiliated to Chong Qing medical university | 风湿免疫科

Lecture title:immunology research progress in children
Curriculum Vitae
Chief physician, level-2 professor, doctoral supervisor
Dean of second hospital affiliated to Chong Qing medical university
Research interests: focus on human inborn error, demonstrated partial mechanism on Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and APDS, switched research to clinical interventions
Publications: Published more than 80 SCI articles, including BLOOD, BLOOD ADVANCES, J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOLOGY, PLOS BIOLOGY, J VIROL and so on;
Fundings: NSFC, key projects of NSFC, key projects for international cooperation, National Health Industry Fund
Awards: Achieved National "people plan" scientific and technological innovation leading talent, National level 100 million talent;






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 16:25-16:45 免疫专场 Immunology

免疫专场-下午 Immunology (p.m.)

讲者 Speaker 在 Wiskott-Aldrich 综合征的临床和研究进展Advances of Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
2021-12-11 17:05-17:20 免疫专场 Immunology

免疫专场-下午 Immunology (p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion