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李春亮 Chunliang Li
St. Jude Children's Research Hosptial
1. Current Position at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Assistant Professor, Department of Tumor Cell Biology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Memphis, TN 38105
Lab Homepage: https://www.stjude.org/directory/l/chunliang-li.html
Faculty of Graduate School 07/2018-Present
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Memphis, TN 38105
2. Research expertise and interest
My long-term research interest focuses on understanding how the non-coding genome and dysregulated
transcription contribute to cancer development and developing innovative targeting strategies against the
underlying molecular mechanism. The current research model includes but is not limited to MLLr refractory human
cell lines, PDX, and mouse models. Patients with MLL/KMT2A-rearranged leukemia (MLLr) occur in ~10% of
human leukemias, including >80% of infant leukemia, ~5-10% of B-ALL, and ~10% of AMLs, exhibit a particularly
poor outcome in the clinic. Despite significantly increased overall survival rates in most subtypes of ALL and AML
by extensive chemotherapy, MLLr leukemia is still in urgent need of developing alternative therapeutic strategies.
A. I am dedicated to utilizing integrative approaches to decode the function of non-coding regions of the human
cancer genome that are largely unexplored. I anticipate those efforts will shed light on understanding how
gene regulation was precisely controlled in temporal and spatial gene expression in cancers and would provide
insights into alternative therapy. Using cutting-edge technologies and multidisciplinary approaches including
genetic and epigenomic CRISPR editing, comprehensive screens, and the auxin-induced protein degradation
system, the lab has a particular interest in investigating the precise function of noncoding segments involved
gene transcription, chromatin architecture, and chromatin accessibility maintenance.
B. MLL-fusion proteins are potent to recruit many epigenetic modifiers and transcription factors to sustain the
oncogenic network and tumor survival. Targeting these factors and their interaction with MLL-fusion protein
holds a potential promise to improve the therapy. However, the mechanisms controlling drug response and
resistance have not yet been completely understood. I have been committed to targeting this timely, crucial
scientific question by functional CRISPR screens in mouse models and human PDXs to reveal the molecular
mechanism underlying drug resistance mechanism induced by targeted therapy.
3. Education and Training
B.S. in Life Sciences, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China 09-2000/06-2004
Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
Postdoctoral Research Associate, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 01-2010/07-2014
4. Previous Professional Career
Research Associate (Instructor)
Department of Tumor Cell Biology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Memphis, TN 38105
5. Professional Memberships
American Association for Cancer Research (2013-present)
Chinese Society for Cell Biology (2007-present)
International Society for Stem Cell Research (2008-present)
Society for Chinese Cell Biology (2006-present)
Cancer Biology Program, St. Jude Cancer Center Member (2015-present)
American Society for Cell Biology (2016-present)
American Society for Hematology (2019-present)
6. Editorial Board Appointments
Associate Editor in Stem Cell Research (specialty section of Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology,
Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers in Oncology and Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021)
Invited external grant reviewers for National Science Centre, Poland (2018-present)
7. Honors and Awards
Second award at Annual Students’ Seminar Awarding, 2008. Institute of Health Sciences. Shanghai
Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Students Excellence Awards from The Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008-2009).
Outstanding Oral Presentation Award at the 6th Graduate Research Appreciation Day, 2008. Institute of
Health Sciences. Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Travel Grant to attend the 6th International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania USA June 11-14, 2008.
First Prize of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Shanghai) Scholarship. 2010
8. Institutional and Committee Assignments
Member of Transgenic Core Oversight Committee (2016-present)
Basic Science Computational Council meeting (2017-present)
Graduate School Admission committee (2018-present)
9. Grant Awards
A. Active Grants:
R01CA216391-03 (2018-2023)
Grant Title: Discovery of Somatic Noncoding Variants that Serve as Drivers in Pediatric Cancers (P.I.: Dr.
Jinghui Zhang)
Co-PI: Chunliang Li
Funding Institution: National Cancer Institute, NIH
Effort: 10%
3U54CA243124-01S1 (granted on 2019-2024)
Grant Title: Experimental and preclinical modeling of NUP98-rearranged acute leukemia, Project 4 (P.I.: Dr.
Taosheng Chen)
Co-Investigator: Chunliang Li
Funding Institution: National Cancer Institute, NIH
Effort: 3%
ALSAC junior faculty start-up fund (2017-2022)
Effort: 50%
B. Completed Grants: 112302370 -5 P30CA021765-37(2016.3-2018.2)
Grant Title: Epigenetic regulation of the Ink4/Arf locus through a newly defined distal super-enhancer
P.I.: Dr. Chunliang Li
Funding Institution: Developmental Fund from St. Jude Cancer Center/National Cancer Institute
Total: $277,950.
E. Pending Grants:
NCI-R21 (1R21CA259733-01, pending) Comprehensive interrogation of HOXA9 regulome in leukemia via
reporter-based CRISPR screen, Effort: 30%
10. Publication (including 13 first, co-first, or corresponding author papers)
i Representative Original Research Articles:
1. Xu B*, Wang H, Wright S, Hyle J, Zhang Y, Shao Y, Niu M, Fan Y, Rosikiewicz W, Djekidel MN, Peng J,
Lu R, Chunliang Li*. Genome Biol. 2021 Aug 24;22(1):244. (* Co-corresponding author)
2. Zong X, Hao X, Xu B, Crawford JC, Wright S, Li J, Zhang Y, Bai L, He M, Jiang M, Fan Y, Connelly JP,
Pruett-Miller SM, Berns H, Janke L, Chunliang Li* , Feng Y* . Foxp3 enhancers synergize to maximize
regulatory T cell suppressive capacity. J Exp Med. 2021 Aug 2;218(8). (* Co-corresponding author)
Acute depletion of CTCF rewires genome-wide chromatin accessibility.
3. Yu Liu#, Chunliang Li#, Shuhong Shen#, Karol Szlachta, Michael Edmonson, Ying Shao, Xiaotu Ma,
Bensheng Ju, Michael Rusch, Yanling Liu, Ben-Shang Li, Michael Macias, Xiaolong Chen, Liqing Tian,
John Easton, Maoxiang Qian, Jun J Yang, Shaoyan Hu, A. Thomas Look. Cis-X: a computational
approach for discovery of regulatory noncoding variants in individual cancer genomes. Nat Genet. 2020
Aug;52(8):811-818. (* Co-first author)
4. Hao Zhang#, Yang Zhang#, Shaela Wright, Judith Hyle, Lianzhong Zhao, Jie An, Xujie Zhao, Ying Shao,
Hyeong-Min Lee, Taosheng Chen, Yang Zhou, Rui Lu* , Chunliang Li* . Functional Interrogation of HOXA9
Regulome in MLLr Leukemia via Reporter-based CRISPR/Cas9 screen. eLife. 2020 Oct 1;9:e57858.
(* Co-corresponding author)
5. Yang Zhang#, Judith Hyle#, Shaela Wright#, Ying Shao, Xujie Zhao, Hui Zhang, Chunliang Li. A cis
element Within the ARF Locus Mediates Repression of p16INK4A Expression via Long-Range Chromatin
Interactions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2019, 116 (52), 26644-26652. (* Corresponding author)
6. Judith Hyle* , Yang Zhang* , Shaela Wright, Beisi Xu, Ying Shao, John Easton, Liqing Tian, Ruopeng
Feng, Peng Xu, and Chunliang Li. Acute depletion of CTCF directly affects MYC regulation through
loss of enhancer-promoter looping. Nucleic Acids Research. 2019, 47 (13), 6699-6713.
(* Corresponding author)
7. Jolieke van Oosterwijk#, Chunliang Li#, Xue Yang, Joseph T. Opferman, and Charles J. Sherr Small
mitochondrial Arf (smArf) protein corrects p53-independent developmental defects of Arf tumor
suppressor-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 July 11;114(28):7420-7425. (#Co-first
8. Chunliang Li, David Finkelstein, Charles J. Sherr. Arf tumor suppressor and miR-205 regulate cell
adhesion and formation of extraembryonic endoderm from pluripotent stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci
USA. 2013 110(12): E1112-1121. (First author)
9. BaoHan T. Vo#, Chunliang Li#, Marc Morgan, Ilan Theurillat, David Finkelstein, Shaela Wright, Judith
Hyle, Stephanie Smith, Yiping Fan, Yong-Dong Wang, Gang Wu, Brent A. Orr, Paul A. Northcott, Ali
Shilatifard, Charles J. Sherr, and Martine F. Roussel. Inactivation of Ezh2 Upregulates Gfi1 and Drives
Aggressive Myc-Driven Group 3 Medulloblastoma. Cell Rep. 2017 March 21;18(12):2907-2917. (#Co
first author)
10. BaoHan Vo#, Jin-Ah Kwon#, Chunliang Li#, David Finkelstein, Beisi Xu, Brent Orr, Charles Sherr,
Martine Roussel. Mouse medulloblastoma driven by CRISPR activation of cellular Myc Sci Rep. 2018
June 7;8(1):8733. (#Co-first author)
11. Chunliang Li, Rong Qi, Rebecca Singleterry, Judith Hyle, Amanda Balch, Xiuling Li, Jack Sublett,
Hartmut Berns, Marcus Valentine, Virginia Valentine, Charles J. Sherr. Simultaneous gene editing by
injection of mRNAs encoding transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENS) into Mouse
Zygotes. Mol Cell Biol 2014 May; 34(9):1649-58. (cover and spotlight commentary) (First author)
12. Chunliang Li#, Ying Yang#, Junjie Gu, Ying Jin. Derivation and transcriptional profiling analysis of
pluripotent stem cell lines from rat blastocysts. Cell Research. 2009 19:173-186. (#Co-first author)
13. Chunliang Li#, Junmei Zhou#, Guilai Shi, Yu Ma, Ying Yang, Junjie Gu, Hongyao Yu, Fang Chen, Ying
Jin. Pluripotency can be rapidly and efficiently induced in human amniotic fluid-derived cells. Hum Mol
Genet. 2009 18(22):4340-4349. (#Co-first author).
14. Chunliang Li#, Hongyao Yu#, Yu Ma, Hua Jiang, Jing Jiang, Junjie Gu, Guilai Shi, Ying Yang, Jinsong
Li, Ying Jin. Germline-competent mouse-induced pluripotent stem cell lines generated on human
fibroblasts without exogenous leukemia inhibitory factor. PLoS ONE. 2009, 4(8):e6724. (#Co-first
15. Chunliang Li, Ying Yang, Xiaowei Lu, Yijuan Sun, Junjie Gu, Yun Feng, Ying Jin. Efficient derivation of
Chinese human embryonic stem cell lines from frozen embryos. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2010 46 (3-
4):186-191. (First author)
ii Other Collaborative Research Articles:
1. Yizhen li, Meenakshi Devidas, Wentao Yang, Stuart Winter, Wenjian Yang, Kimberly Dunsmore, Colton
Smith, Maoxiang Qian, Xujie Zhao, Ranran Zhang, Julie Gastier-Foster, Elizabeth Raetz, William
Carroll, Chunliang Li, Paul Liu, Karen Rabin, Takaomi Sanda, Charles Mullighan, Kim Nichols, William
Evans, Ching-Hon Pui, Stephen Hunger, David Teachey, Mary Relling, Mignon Loh, Jun J. Yang. J Clin
Invest. 2021 Jun 24;131(17):e147898. (Co-author)
2. Zhou X, Wang J, Patel J, Valentine M, Shao Y, Newman S, Sioson E, Tian L, Liu Y, Brady SW, Flasch
D, Ma X, Liu Y, Paul R, Edmonson MN, Rusch MC, Chunliang Li, Baker SJ, Easton J, Zhang J.
Exploration of Coding and Non-coding Variants in Cancer Using GenomePaint. Cancer Cell. 2021 Jan
11;39(1):83-95. (Co-author)
3. Williams J, Xu B, Putnam D, Thrasher A, Chunliang Li, Yang J, Chen X. MethylationToActivity: a deep
learning framework that reveals promoter activity landscapes from DNA methylomes in individual
tumors. Genome Biol. 2021 Jan 19;22(1):24. (Co-author)
4. Peng Xu, Daniel Scott, Beisi Xu, Yu Yao, Ruopeng Feng, Stephanie Fowler, Kalin Mayberry, Xing Tang,
Wenjian Bi, Yong-Dong Wang, Lance Palmer, Moeko King, Hong Wang, Yiping Fan, Arno Alpi,
Chunliang Li, Junmin Peng, Yong Cheng, Brenda Schulman, Mitchell Weiss. Regulation of
Developmental Fate by Ubiquitin-Mediated Proteolysis of a Transcriptional Repressor at Bivalent
Chromatin. Blood. 2021 Jan 14;137(2):155-167. (Co-author)
5. Baisakhi Mondal, Hongjian Jin, Satish Kallappagoudar, Yurii Sedkov, Tanner Martinez, Monica F
Sentmanat, Chunliang Li, Yiping Fan, Shondra M Pruett-Miller, Hans-Martin Herz. The histone
deacetylase complex MiDAC regulates a neurodevelopmental gene expression program. eLife. 2020
Apr 16;9:e57519. (Co-author)
6. Heng Xu, Xujie Zhao, Deepa Bhojwani, Shuyu E, Charnise Goodings, Hui Zhang, Nita L Seibel, Wentao
Yang, Chunliang Li, William L Carroll, William E Evans, Jun J Yang. ARID5B Influences Antimetabolite
Drug Sensitivity and Prognosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Clin Cancer Res 2020, 26 (1), 256-
264. (Co-author)
7. Jayaram Vijayakrishnan, Maoxiang Qian, James B Studd, Wenjian Yang, Ben Kinnersley, Philip J Law,
Peter Broderick, Elizabeth A Raetz, James Allan, Ching-Hon Pui, Ajay Vora, William E Evans, Anthony
Moorman, Allen Yeoh, Wentao Yang, Chunliang Li, Claus R Bartram, Charles G Mullighan, Martin
Zimmerman, Stephen P Hunger, Martin Schrappe, Mary V Relling, Martin Stanulla, Mignon L Loh,
Richard S Houlston, Jun J Yang. Identification of Four Novel Associations for B-cell Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Risk. Nat Communications. 2019, 10 (1), 5348. (Co-author)
8. Tian L, Shao Y, Nance L, Dang J, Xu B, Ma X, Li Y, Ju B, Dong L, Newman S, Zhou X, Schreiner P,
Dr.Tseng E, Hon T, Ashby M, Chunliang Li, Easton J, Gruber T. Long-read sequencing unveils IGH
DUX4 translocation into the silenced IGH allele in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature
Communications. 2019, 10 (1), 2789. (Co-author)
9. Wang H, Diaz AK, Shaw T, Li Y, Niu M, Cho J, Paugh B, Zhang Y, Sifford J, Bai B, Wu Z, Tan H, Zhou
S, Hover L, Tillman H, Shirinifard A, Thiagarajan S, Sablauer A, Pagala V, High A, Wang X, Chunliang
Li, Baker S, Peng J. Deep Multiple-omics Profiling of Brain Tumors Identifies Signaling Networks
Downstream of Cancer Driver Genes. Nature Communications. 2019, 10 (1), 3718. (Co-author)
10. Hu D, Jablonowski C, Cheng PH, AlTahan A, Chunliang Li, Wang Y, Palmer L, Lan C, Sun B, Abu
Zaid A, Fan Y, Brimble M, Gamboa NT, Kumbhar RC, Yanishevski D, Miller KM, Kang G, Zambetti GP,
Chen T, Yan Q, Davidoff AM, Yang J. KDM5A Regulates a Translational Program that Controls p53
Protein Expression. iScience. 2018 Nov 30;9:84-100. (Co-author)
11. Hu S, Qian M, Zhang H, Guo Y, Yang J, Zhao X, He H, Lu J, Pan J, Chang M, Du G, Lin TN, Kham SK,
Quah T.C., Ariffin H, Tan AM, Cheng Y, Chunliang Li, Yeoh AE, Pui CH, Skanderup AJ, Yang JJ.
Whole-genome noncoding sequence analysis in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia identifies
oncogene enhancer mutations. Blood. 2017 June 15;129(24):3264-3268. (Co-author)
12. Silvia Caggia*, HimaBindu Chunduri*, Ana C. Millena, Jonathan N. Perkins, Smrruthi V. Venugopal,
BaoHan T. Vo, Chunliang Li, Yaping Tu, Shafiq A. Khan. Novel role of Giα2 in cell migration:
downstream of PI3-kinase/AKT and Rac1 in prostate cancer cells. J Cell Physiol. 2018 Jan;234(1):802-
815. (Co-author)
13. Li Y, Guo X, Hu C, Du Y, Guo C, Di Wang, Zhao W, Huang G, Chunliang Li*, Lu Q, Lai R, Xu T, Qi X.
Type I IFN operates pyroptosis and necroptosis during multidrug-resistant A. baumannii infection. Cell
Death Differ. 2018 Jul;25(7):1304-1318. (Co-author)
14. Zhexin Zhu, Chunliang Li, Yanwu Zeng, Jianyi Ding, Zepeng Qu, Junjie Gu, Laixiang Ge, Fan Tang,
Xin Huang, Chenlin Zhou, Ping Wang, Deyou Zheng, Ying Jin. PHB Associates with the HIRA Complex
to Control an Epigenetic-Metabolic Circuit in Human ESCs. Cell Stem Cell. 2017 Feb 2;20(2):274-289.
15. Traxler EA, Yao Y, Wang YD, Woodard KJ, Kurita R, Nakamura Y, Hughes JR, Hardison RC, Blobel
GA, Chunliang Li, Weiss MJ. A genome-editing strategy to treat β-hemoglobinopathies that
recapitulates a mutation associated with a benign genetic condition. Nat Med. 2016 Sep;22(9):987-90.
16. Yu Ma, Chunliang Li, Junjie Gu, Fan Tang, Chun Li, Peng Li, Ping Ping, Shi Yang, Zheng Li, Ying Jin.
Aberrant gene expression profiles in pluripotent stem cells induced from fibroblasts of a Klinefelter
syndrome patient. J Biol Chem. 2012 287(46):38970-38979. (Co-author)
17. Yu Ma*, Junjie Gu*, Chunliang Li, Xiaoyuan Wei, Fan Tang, Guilai Shi, Jing Jiang, Ying Kuang,
Jinsong Li, Zhugang Wang, Xin Xie, Ying Jin. Human foreskin fibroblast produces interleukin-6 to
support derivation and self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2012 3(4):29.
18. Katherine Amps et al. The International Stem Cell Initiative Group. Screening a large, ethnically diverse
population of human embryonic stem cells identifies a chromosome 20 minimal amplicon that confers a
growth advantage. Nat Biotechnol 2011 29(12):1132-1144. (Co-author)
19. Lingjie Li, Lei Sun, Furong Gao, Ying Yang, Chunliang Li, Junjie Gu, Jing Jiang, Zhe Wei, Fan Tang,
Acong Yang, Rui Lu, Sung Won Kwon, Yingming Zhao, Jinsong Li, Ying Jin. Stk40 links the
pluripotency factor Oct4 to the Erk/MAPK pathway and controls extraembryonic endoderm
differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010 107(4):1402-1407. (Co-author)
20. Hai Fang*, Ying Yang*, Chunliang Li, Shijun Fu,Zhuqing Yang, Gang Jin, Ji Zhang, Ying Jin.
Transcriptome analysis of early organogenesis in human embryos. Dev Cell. 2010 19(1):174-184. (Co
21. Huiming Xu, Weicheng Wang, Chunliang Li, Acong Yang, Beibei Wang, Ying Jin. WWP2 promotes
degradation of transcription factor OCT4 through 26S proteasome in human pluripotent stem cells. Cell
Research. 2009, 19:561–573. (Co-author)
22. Runzhe Shu, Feng Zhang, Xue-Song Liu, Chunliang Li, Long Wang, Yilin Tai, Xiaolin Wu, Xue Yang,
Xiaodong Liao, Mingmin Gu, Lei Huang, Zhugang Wang. Target deletion of the cytoskeleton-associated
protein palladin does not impair neurite outgrowth in mice. PLoS ONE. 2009, 4(9): e6916. (Co-author)
23. Yeguang Hu, Ryutaro Hirasawa, Jialei Hu, Kenichiro Hata, Chunliang Li, Ying Jin, Taiping Chen, En Li,
Muriel Rigolet, Evani Viegas-Péquignot, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Guoliang Xu. Regulation of DNA methylation
activity through Dnmt3L promoter methylation by Dnmt3 enzymes in embryonic development. Hum Mol
Genet. 2008 17(17):2654-2664. (Co-author)
24. Bowen Sun, Along with Yang, Yun Feng, Yijuan Sun, Yufei Zhu, Yi Zhang, Hua Jiang, Chunliang Li,
Furong Gao, Zhihong Zhang, Weicheng Wang, Xiangyin Kong, Gang Jin, Shijun Fu, Ying Jin. Temporal
and parental-specific expression of imprinted genes in a newly derived Chinese human embryonic stem
cell line and embryoid bodies. Hum Mol Genet. 2006 15(1):65-75. (Co-author)
25. Changsheng Du, Qiya Zhang, Chunliang Li, Dali Miao, Jianfang Gui. Induction of apoptosis in a carp
leucocyte cell line infected with turbot (Scophthalmus Maximus L.) rhabdovirus. Virus Research.101
2004 119-126. (Co-author)
iii. Original Research Articles Under Review or Revision:
26. Jun Li, Beisi Xu, Yang Zhang, Yiping Fan, Xinying Zong, Minghong He, Michael Wang, Trevor
Cunningham, Richard Cross, Menglin Jiang, Jacob Hanna, Chunliang Li*, Yongqiang Feng,*
Integrated methods redefined contrasting mechanisms of Foxp3 induction and maintenance. Under
Revision at Journal of Experimental Medicine 2021. (Co-corresponding author)
27. Yadav Sapkota, Matthew J Ehrhardt, Na Qin, Zhaoming Wang, Qi Liu, Weiyu Qiu, Kyla Shelton, Ying
Shao, Emily Plyler, Heather L Mulder, John Easton, J. Robert Michael, Paul W Burridge, Xuexia Wang,
Carmen L Wilson, John L Jefferies, Eric J Chow, Kevin C Oeffinger, Lindsay M Morton, Chunliang Li,
Jun J Yang, Jinghui Zhang, Smita Bhatia, Daniel A Mulrooney, Melissa M Hudson, Leslie L Robison,
Gregory T Armstrong,*, Yutaka Yasui.* A novel locus on 6p21.2 is associated with cardiac dysfunction
in childhood cancer survivors: a report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort and the Childhood Cancer
Survivor Study. Under Revision at European Heart Journal 2021. (Co-author)
28. Judith Hyle, Beisi Xu, Ying Shao, Yang Zhang, Shaela Wright, Xujie Zhao & Chunliang Li. CTCFON
LEASH: a new cellular tool to direct CTCF binding by CRISPR-mediated targeting. Under Review at
Nucleic Acids Research 2021. (Corresponding author)
29. Xujie Zhao*, Charnise Goodings*, Wentao Yang, Yang Zhang, Wenjian Yang, Ping Wang, Maoxiang
Qian, Shannon McKinney-Freeman, Hui Zhang, Yijun Ruan, Mary V. Relling, Ching-Hon Pui, Mignon L.
Loh, Daniel Savic, Chunliang Li, Jun J. Yang. ARID5B confers genetic susceptibility to acute
lymphoblastic leukemia by altering B cell development. Under Revision at Blood 2021. (Co-author)
30. Jennifer L. Kamens, Jinjun Dang, Tim Shaw, Alexander M. Gout, Scott Newman, Kohei Hagiawara,
Sarah Aldridge, Jing Ma, Yang Zhang, Gang Wu, Vasiliki Leventaki, Susana Raimondi, Joy
Nakitandwe, Alberto Pappo, Chunliang Li, Jinghui Zhang, and Tanja A. Gruber. Malignant progression
of an ancestral bone marrow clone harboring a CIC-NUTM2A fusion in isolated myeloid sarcoma.
Submitted 2021. (Co-author)
11. Presentations
Dissecting non-coding genome by the CTCF(AID) system. CAB Educational Seminar. April 17, 2021. (Invited
Dissecting unique noncoding regulation of grand canyon genes in leukemia. Gene Regulation Seminar. St. Jude.
February 22, 2021. (Invited Presentation)
Systematic identification of silencers in human cells. CAB seminar, St. Jude. October 22, 2020. (Invited Presentation)
Interrogating the function of CTCF through acute protein degradation. Cancer Biology Program/Comprehensive
Cancer Center Meeting, St. Jude. May 5, 2020.
Deciphering Impact of 3D Genome on Transcription in Cancers. Cancer Biology Program/Comprehensive Cancer
Center Meeting, St. Jude. March 22, 2019.
Acute depletion of CTCF directly affects MYC regulation through loss of enhancer-promoter looping. AACR, Atlanta,
Georgia. April 29-May 3, 2019
Hidden Driver in Cancer Genome: noncoding regulation circuit. Invited talk by Dr. Zhihua Wang. May 29, 2018.
People’s Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan. China. (Invited Presentation)
Impact of chromatin architecture on transcription regulation in human cancers. Invited talk by Dr. Hui Zhang. June 1,
2018. Department of Hematology and Oncology, Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, Guangzhou
Medical University, Guangzhou, China. (Invited Presentation)
CTCF and transcriptional regulation via long-range chromatin interactions in cancers. Invited talk by Dr. Bing Bai.
June 3, 2018. Advances in Clinical Omics Symposium. Drug Tower Hospital, Nanjing. China. (Invited Presentation)
Epigenetic regulation of the Ink4/Arf locus through a newly defined distal super-enhancer. Cancer Biology
Program/Comprehensive Cancer Center Meeting, St. Jude. May 24, 2016.
Inactivation of Ezh2 upregulates Gfi1 and drives aggressive Myc-driven Group 3 medulloblastoma. Collaborative PO1
seminar, St. Jude, October 4, 2016.
Application of highly efficient, heritable, and simultaneous genome-editing by TALENs and CRISPR/Cas9 in mice.
Rhoads College, May 1, 2015. Invited talk by Dr. Gary Lindquester, Ph.D. (Professor of Biology, Rhodes College)
Highly efficient, heritable, and simultaneous genome-editing in mice and E.S. cells by TALENs and CRISPR/Cas9.
Department of Hematology, St. Jude. June 12, 2015. Invited talk by Dr. Mitchell Weiss.
Genome Editing of the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) in Group 3 Medulloblastoma. Collaborative PO1
seminar, St, Jude, October 1, 2015.
Highly efficient, heritable, and simultaneous genome-editing in mice by TALENs. Cancer Biology
Program/Comprehensive Cancer Center Meeting, St. Jude. October 9, 2013.
The Arf tumor suppressor plays a dual role in somatic cell reprogramming and formation of extraembryonic endoderm
from pluripotent stem cells. St Jude Postdoctoral Professional Development Event. 2011.
Derivation of Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines from Rat Blastocysts and Analysis of Transcriptional Profiling. The 4th
Olympus & Young Biologists Forum, Shanghai. 2008.
Rho-associated Kinase Inhibitor-Y27632 Functions Differently in Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Mouse Embryonic
Stem Cells. The 6th International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. June 11-
14, 2008
Germline-competent mouse-induced pluripotent stem cell lines generated on human fibroblasts without exogenous
leukemia inhibitory factor. Shanghai International Symposium on Stem Cell Research, Shanghai, China. 2009
Arf plays a dual role in somatic cell reprogramming and the formation of extraembryonic endoderm from pluripotent
stem cells. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Annual Meeting, Chevy Chase, Maryland. November 1-4, 2011
The Arf tumor suppressor plays a dual role in somatic cell reprogramming and formation of extraembryonic endoderm
from pluripotent stem cells. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting- Stem Cell Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. March 22-26,
Arf tumor suppressor and miR-205 regulate cell adhesion and formation of extraembryonic endoderm from pluripotent
stem cells. The 11th annual meeting for International Society for stem cell research, Boston, MA. June 12-15, 2013
Highly efficient, heritable, and simultaneous genome-editing in mice by TALENs. Keystone meeting serial-precise
genome editing and synthetic biology, Big Sky, Montana. Jan 10-16th, 2015






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 10:40-11:00 血液与肿瘤专场 Hematology & Oncology

血液与肿瘤专场-上午 Hematology & Oncology (a.m)

讲者 Speaker MLL重排白血病中解码失调的转录机制和耐药机制Decoding dysregulated transcription and resistance mechanism of novel BET inhibitors in MLLr-leukemia
2021-12-11 11:40-11:55 血液与肿瘤专场 Hematology & Oncology

血液与肿瘤专场-上午 Hematology & Oncology (a.m)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion