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Ivo Bendix
University Hospital Essen, NRW, Germany University Hospital Essen, NRW, Germany

Prof. Dr. Ivo Bendix
University Hospital Essen, University Duisburg Essen
Dpt. of Pediatrics I/Neonatology &

Tentative title: “Perinatal brain injury – from pathophysiology to therapy”


Although overall survival of premature born infants dramatically increased in the last decades, survivors still have a high risk for adverse neurodevelopmental outcome. Additionally asphyxia triggering hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy remains a major challenge not only to suffering children and families but also to the society.

Though our understanding of pathophysiological hallmarks in the brain has increased tremendously, translation into standard care in the perinatal period is still limited. This talk will give insights into recent research activities of our lab and will discuss current hopes and challenges to identify new therapeutic targets to increase improved long-term survival and quality of life of infants and their families.


IVO BENDIX studied Biotechnology in Berlin, Germany and was trained in neuroimmunology with a focus on the chronic demyelinating disease Multiple Sclerosis at the Charité and Max-Delbrück-Centrum, Berlin from 2005-2008. In 2009 he joined the team of Ursula Felderhoff-Müser at the University Hospital Essen. Since then he investigates causes and consequences of perinatal brain injury. In 2016 he became independent group leader heading the group Experimental Perinatal Neurosciences. His research mainly focuses on pathophysiological mechanisms and long-term neurocognitive development associated with neonatal brain disorders induced by oxygen imbalances, drugs and inflammatory factors. The main goal of his research is to improve the understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neonatal white matter injury and to evaluate potential new therapies in relevant experimental models.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 11:20-11:40 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 上午 Neurology (a.m.)

讲者 Speaker 围产期脑损伤——从病理生理学到治疗Perinatal brain injury – from pathophysiology to therapy
2021-12-11 11:40-11:55 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 上午 Neurology (a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion