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郑义 Yi Zheng
山东大学 Shandong University
Zheng Yi is an associate professor in Department of clinical pharmacy, School of pharmacy, Shandong University. She is also a member of quantitative pharmacology group of therapeutic drug monitoring committee of Chinese Pharmacological Society. 

She graduated from China Pharmaceutical University majoring in pharmacokinetics and was jointly trained at the University of California, San Francisco for two years with the support of the national scholarship for studying abroad. In the past five years, she is focusing on the research of “population pharmacokinetics, dosing optimization and drug-induced nephrotoxicity regulation in children”. She has presided over four projects and published 11 scientific papers as the first or corresponding author.


LPS-Induced Inflammation Affects Midazolam Clearance in Juvenile Mice in an Age-Dependent Manner. 2021
Downregulation of Renal MRPs Transporters in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Mediated by the IL-6/STAT3/PXR Signaling Pathway.2021
Population Pharmacokinetic Study of Cefathiamidine in Infants With Augmented Renal Clearance. 2021
A simplified method for bortezomib determination using dried blood spots in combination with liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry.2021
Drug Elimination Alteration in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Mediated by Renal Transporters and Glomerular Filtration.2020
An adapted LC-MS/MS method for the determination of free plasma concentration of cefoperazone in children: age-dependent protein binding.2020
Developmental population pharmacokinetics of caffeine in Chinese premature infants with apnoea of prematurity: A postmarketing study to support paediatric labelling in China.2020
Population Pharmacokinetics and Dosing Optimization of Azithromycin in Children with Community-Acquired Pneumonia.2018
A Sensitive Microscale HPLC-UV Method for the Determination of Doxofylline and its Metabolites in Plasma: An Adapted Method for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Children.2018
First dose in neonates: Pharmacokinetic Bridging study from Juvenile Mice to Neonates for Drugs Metabolized by CYP3A.2020
Reliability of in vitro and in vivo methods for predicting the effect of P-glycoprotein on the delivery of antidepressants to the brain.2016






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 16:05-17:20 临床药理专场 Clinical Pharmacology

临床药理专场 下午 Clinical Pharmacology (p.m.)

主持 Moderator
2021-12-12 17:05-17:20 临床药理专场 Clinical Pharmacology

临床药理专场 下午 Clinical Pharmacology (p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion