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黄瑛 Ying Huang
复旦大学附属儿童医院 Children's Hopital of Fudan University

HUANG Ying, MD, Ph.D

Professor of Pediatrics

Head of the department of Gastroenterology, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Head of pediatric cooperation group of inflammatory bowel disease, digestive branch, Chinese Medical Association

Head of children's digestive endoscopy group, pediatrician branch, Chinese Medical Association 

Deputy leader of Gastroenterology group of the 16th, 17th Committee of Pediatric Society of Chinese Medical Association

Vice-chairman of the 11th Committee of Pediatric Society of Shanghai Medical Association and the group leader of Gastroenterology group

Prof. Huang's main research interest is the clinical spectrum of rare gastrointestinal disorders, including very early-onset inflammatory bowel disease; detection of novel mutations in very early-onset inflammatory bowel disease; endoscopy in children; and nutrition support in critically ill patients, et al.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 11:05-11:25 消化与营养专场 Gastroenterology & Nutriolog

消化与营养专场-上午 Gastroenterology&Nutriology(a.m.)

讲者 Speaker 炎症性肠病:甚早发疾病告诉我们什么Inflammtory bowel disese: What very early onset disease tells us
2021-12-12 12:05-12:20 消化与营养专场 Gastroenterology & Nutriolog

消化与营养专场-上午 Gastroenterology&Nutriology(a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion