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关宏岩 Hongyan Guan
首都儿科研究所 Capital Institute of Paediatrics

Hongyan Guan, Professor and director of the Nurturing Care Research Centre, Capital Institute of Paediatrics, Beijing, China. Her research focuses on movement behaviour & physical activity in early childhood, small group based intervention on nurturing care in rural China and assessment of parent-child interaction for young children. She had ever won the National Advanced Individual for safeguarding the rights of women and children health, and the national Science and Technology Achievement award for Maternal and Child Health.

Hongyan as first author published Physical Activity Guideline for Chinese Pre-schooler in 2020. Currently, she is the director of Care Group Intervention for children below 3 in rural China (UNICEF), Assessment Project of Beijing caregivers’ nurturing care quality (Beijing Municipal Health Commission), National Physical Activity Monitoring Program in pre-schooler by multi-centres cross-sectional study. She is also a member of Leader Group for SUNRISE international collaboration program.







日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 14:35-15:55 表观遗传学/运动专场 Epigenetics & Physical Activity

表观遗传学/运动专场 下午 Epigenetics & Physical Activity(p.m.)

主持 Moderator
2021-12-12 15:40-15:55 表观遗传学/运动专场 Epigenetics & Physical Activity

表观遗传学/运动专场 下午 Epigenetics & Physical Activity(p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion