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Weimo Zhu
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin-Madison

Professor at Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Received the M&E Lifetime Achievement Award from SHAPE America in 2020
Member of the Scientific Board of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 2005-2008 
Served on the FitnessGram® Advisory Committee since 2002
Editor-in-chief of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 
Associate editors of Journal of Physical Activity and Health and Frontiers in Physiology






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 15:00-15:20 表观遗传学/运动专场 Epigenetics & Physical Activity

表观遗传学/运动专场 下午 Epigenetics & Physical Activity(p.m.)

讲者 Speaker 为儿童制定健身和活动标准的科学与艺术Science and Art of Setting Physical Fitness and Activity Standards for Children
2021-12-12 15:40-15:55 表观遗传学/运动专场 Epigenetics & Physical Activity

表观遗传学/运动专场 下午 Epigenetics & Physical Activity(p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion