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CHU Chiu Wing Winnie CHU Chiu Wing Winnie
香港中文大学 The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital

(ii) Academic Qualifications  


The Chinese University of Hong Kong,  MBChB


Royal College of Radiologists,  FRCR


Hong Kong College of Radiologists,  FHKCR


Hong Kong Academy of Medicine,  FHKAM (Radiology)



Dr Winnie Chu is a professor of the Department of Imaging & Interventional Radiology in the Chinese University of Hong Kong based at the Prince of Wales Hospital.


She is the foundation member of AOSPR (Asian Oceanean Society of Paediatric Radiology) and currently appointed as the Academic Secretary for the Society. She is the editorial board member of Pediatric Radiology, section editor (Paediatrics) for EJR and the Editor in Chief for the Hong Kong Journal of Radiology. 

Prof Winne Chu is actively involved in multiple collaborative research initiatives in the department in particular MRI research. Her prime interest is Paediatric Imaging. She has been working closely with multiple clinical departments related to paediatric care, including general paediatrics, paediatric surgery, paediatric orthopaedics, neonatology and children cancer unit. Internationally, she has research collaborations with multiple well known centres, including Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School (US) and Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto (Canada), Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center (Montreal, Canada), Spine Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht (Utrecht, the Netherlands) and the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School (Nanjing, China)

Papers, Books, etc. presented or published by your name

(topic title, year, conference name or presenting books)  


She has published over 400 papers in peer-reviewed journals.  She has co-authored five books in pediatric radiology and four books on ultrasound imaging.

- (1) Associate Editor in Pediatric Radiology: Practical Imaging Evaluation of Infants and  Children, Lee EY editor. Wolters Kluwer. 2018

- (2) Chu WCW, Epelman M, Lee EY. Lung Neoplasia. Section 4 part3 / 55 pp582. Caffey's pediatric diagnostic imaging 13rd edition. 2017, Coley BD editor. Elsevier Saunders, 2017

- (3) Chu WCW, Epelman M, Mond DA, Lee EY. Chapter 55. Lung Neoplasia.

Caffey's pediatric diagnostic imaging 12th edition. 2013, Coley BD editor. Elsevier Saunders, 2013

(4) Rasalkar DD, Chu WCW, Lee EY. Sonographic evaluation of unusual abdominal
tumors in pediatric patients: beyond Wilms' tumor, hepatoblastoma and
neuroblastoma. Ultrasound Clinics, Volume 8, issue 3, Pediatric Ultrasound, July 2013. Paltiel HJ editor. Elsevier.

(5) Leung VYF, Chu WCW. Chapter 6. Functional Anatomy of the Vesicoureteric
Junction: Implication on the Management of VUR/ UTI. Recent Advances in the Field of Urinary Tract Infections. Thomas Nelisu editor. InTech - open science | open minds, 2013

(6) Expert Ultrasound ed. Ahuja, Griffith, Antonio, Wong, Lee, Chu, Levine, Ho, Paunipagar, Ho. Amirsys 2009.

(7) Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound ed by Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Anotonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho, Woodward, Elsevier, 2007

(8) Imaging and clinical management of paediatric SARS. Imaging in SARS edited by AT Ahuja and CGC Ooi. Published by Greenwich Medical Media Limited. P121-130

(9) Chu WCW, Metreweli C. Inflammatory lesions of the neck and airways. Pediatric ENT Radiology 2002, edited by S King and A Boothroy. Published by Springer p245 to p255






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 10:00-10:20 影像专场 Radiology

影像专场-上午 Radiology(a.m.)

讲者 Speaker 影像检查在儿童神经系统感染处理中的作用Role of Radiology in the management of neurological infections in children
2021-12-12 10:40-10:55 影像专场 Radiology

影像专场-上午 Radiology(a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion