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Xiongzhong Ruan
重庆医科大学 Chongqing Medical University

Leads a joint centre for lipid research in Chongqing Medical University and University College London
Major goal has been to develop an academic research programme cross UK and China that investigates the mechanisms of lipid-mediated tissue injuries associated with metabolic diseases (mainly in fatty kidney and fatty liver)
Published more than 120 papers in Nature Rev Nephrol, Lancet Diabetes Endo, Nature Metabolism, Circulation Res, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Bio (ATVB), Hepatology, J Hepatol, J Am Soc Nephrol (JASN), Kidney Int, Am J Physiol, J Lipid Res, J Biol Chem, et al






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 14:40-15:00 罕见病专场 Rare Diseases

罕见病专场 下午 Rare Diseases(p.m.)

讲者 Speaker 脂肪肾:是一种古老疾病的新概念Fatty Kidney:a new concept for an old disease
2021-12-12 15:40-15:55 罕见病专场 Rare Diseases

罕见病专场 下午 Rare Diseases(p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion