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梁英杰 Ying Kit Leung
First Bethune Hospital of Jilin University First Bethune Hospital of Jilin University |

Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology,

       First Bethune Hospital of Jilin University

Professional Education:


                   Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (1971)

                   Faculty of Medicine,

                   University of Hong Kong,

                   Hong Kong.


          Professional Experience:


2019 – present: Visiting Professor, Women & Children’s Hospital, Chengdu, Sichuan, PRC.


2019 – present: Visiting Professor, Women & Children’s Hospital, Holhot, Inner Mongolia, PRC.


       2018- present: Visiting Professor, Children’s Hospital of Wuhan, PRC.


       2018- present: Visting Professor, Children’s Hospital of Zhengzhou, Henan,             PRC


2018- present Visting Professor, Children’s Hospital of Xian, Shaanxi,   PRC.


2016 – present: Honorary consultant, Society of Gstroenterology, Chinese Pediatric Society, Chinese Medical Association.


2016 – present: Visiting professor, Chidren’s Hospital, Changsha, Hunan.


2015 - Honorary consultant, Nanjing Children’s Hospital, Nanjing, Jiangsu.


2014 -  Honorary Professor, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Children’s Hospital of Guiyang, Guizhou College of Medicine, Guiyang, Guizhou, PRC.


2014 – Honorary Professor, Department of Gastroenterology, Children’s Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, PRC.


2014 – Honorary Professor, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Jilin University First Bethune Hospital, Norman Bethune College of Medicine, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, PRC.


2012 – Honorary advisor, Pediatric gastroenterology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong


2012 – Honorary consultant, Pediatric gastroenterology, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong.


2010 – Committee member, Committee on Pediatric gastroenterology,

Pediatric Society, Chinese Medical Association, People’s Republic of China  


2007 President, Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.


2003-  Honorary Professor of Pediatrics, Fudan University Children’s Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.


2001- Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York


1999 – 2001 Hon. Secretary, Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.


1997- Deputy Director, Guangdong-Hong Kong  Center for                                                       Viral Hepatitis Research.


                   1997-  Adjunct  Professor  of  Pediatrics,  Sun Yat-sen

                   University of Medical  Sciences,  Guangzhou,  Guangdong,



                   1996-  Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of

                   Pediatrics, Chinese University of Hong Kong.


                   1996- Honorary Consultant, Department of Pediatrics, Sun

                   Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou.


                   1993-1995 Consultant Physician, Matilda Memorial Medical

                   Research Institute,  Bone Marrow Transplantation Center,

                   Matilda Memorial Hospital, Hong Kong.


                   1991-  Honorary Consultant Gastroenterologist,  Precious

                   Blood Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong.                                      


                   1989-1996  Honorary  Clinical  Lecturer,  Department  of

                   Pediatrics, Chinese  University of Hong Kong,  Shatin,

                   Hong Kong.


                   1987-1989   Attending physician, Division of Gastroenterology,

                   Children's Hospital of Buffalo.


                   1986-1989 Research  Assistant  Professor,  State University of

        New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.


                   1986-1989 Buswell Fellow, State University of New York at Buffalo.


                   1984-1986 Fellow in Gastroenterology  and Nutrition,

                   Division  of  Gastroenterology,  Children's  Hospital of



                   1976-1984 Attending   pediatrician,  Precious Blood

                   Hospital, Hong Kong.


                   1972-1976 Resident   in   Pediatrics,   Caritas  Medical

                   Center, Hong Kong.


                   July-December, 1972

                   Resident  in  Internal  Medicine,  Nethersole  Hospital,

                   Hong Kong.


                   January-June, 1972

                   House  Officer,   Department  of  Surgery, Queen  Mary

                   Hospital, Hong Kong.


                   July-December, 1971.

                   House  Officer,   Department  of  Medicine,   Nethersole

                   Hospital, Hong Kong.


Reviewer of the following Journals:


      Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

      Video-Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

      World Journal of Pediatrics

      Hong Kong Journal of Pediatrics



          Board Certification:


                   American  Board  of Pediatrics and subspecialty board in

                   Pediatric gastroenterology (1990 - 2011)




Distinguished achievement award, Jilin University First Bethune Hospital. (2019)

                   Ho Fook Prize, University of Hong Kong (1968)

                   Morse Scholarship, University of Hong Kong (1968-71)

                   Buswell Fellowship,  State University  of  New  York  at

                   Buffalo, (1986-89)




A. Papers and Articles:

1. Lebenthal E, Leung YK: Neonatal exocrine pancreatic secretory immaturity: Potential mechanisms and investigative approaches.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 5:1-4, 1986.


2. Leung YK,  Lee PC, Lebenthal E: Maturation of cholecystokinin receptors in pancreatic acini of rats.  Am J Physiol  250:G594-9, 1986.


3. Lebenthal  E,  Leung  YK:  Epidermal  growth factor (EGF) and

development of the GI tract.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 6:1-4, 1987.

4. Leung  YK,  Lee PC,  Lebenthal E: Effect of hydrocortisone on amylase secretion and  maturation  of  CCK  receptors.  Pancreas, 2:73-8, l987.


5. Lebenthal  E,  Leung  YK:  The  impact  of development of the

gastrointestinal  tract  on  infant  feeding.   Pediatric  Annals

16:211-22, l987.


6. Leung  YK,  Bujanover  Y,  Lebenthal  E: The newer pancreatic

function tests. In: Dinari G, Rozen P, Bujanover Y,  Lebenthal E,

(Ed.)  Frontiers  of Gastrointestinal Research,  Vol.  16.  Newer

Tests and Procedures in Pediatric Gastroenterology:  2.  Function

and Laboratory Tests. pp. 268-288, Karger (Basel), l989.


7. Lebenthal   E,   Leung  YK:  Developmental  changes  of  the

gastrointestinal tract in  the  newborn.  In:  Stern  L,  editor:

Feeding the Sick Infant, Raven Press, New York, l987.


8. Lee PC,  Leung YK,  Srimaruta N, Cumella J, Rossi T.: Phorbol ester attenuates cholecystokinin-stimulated  amylase  release  in pancreatic acini of rats. Biochim Biophys Acta 1987; 933:101-9.


9. Lebenthal E, Leung YK: Feeding the premature and sick infant: ontogenic considerations. Pediatr Clin N Amer 35;215-38, 1988.


10. Leung YK,  Wong L: The analysis of a one-ligand,  one-binding

group  system  when  an  unknown  amount  of endogenous ligand is present:  a  simple,   mathematical  approach  and  its   graphic representation. Journal of Receptor Research, 1989; 9:127-42.

11. Suwandito L,  Leung YK,  Firmansyah A,  Lebenthal E, Lee PC:

       Phorbol ester potentiates VIP-stimulated amylase release  in  rat

       pancreatic acini. Pancreas, 4(4): 459-463, 1989.


12.   Lebenthal   E,   Pittschieler   K,   Leung   YK:  Pediatric gastroenterology          and nutrition: present and future.  Riv Ital Ped (I.J.P.), 14:150-55, 1988.


13. Lebenthal  E,  Leung  YK:  Role  of  the  glucocorticoid and

        thyroxine receptors in the ontogeny of the exocrine  pancreas.  J

        Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 8:1-5, 1989.


14. Lebenthal E, Leung YK: Development of the Exocrine Pancreas. In:  Morisset  JA  and   Solomon   TE,   eds.   Growth   of  the

Gastrointestinal  tract:  Gastrointestinal  Hormones  and  Growth Factors. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1991.

15. Leung YK, Lebenthal E: Gastrointestinal Peptides: Physiology, Ontogeny  and  Clinical  Significance.  In: Lebenthal E,  editor.  Human Gastrointestinal Development, pp. 41-98,  Raven Press,  New York, 1989.


16. Lebenthal E, Leung YK: Alternative pathways of digestion and absorption in the newborn. In: Lebenthal E,  editor.  Textbook of Gastroenterology and Nutrition in Infancy,  2nd Edition. pp. 3-8, Raven Press, New York, 1989.


17. Leung YK: Congenital chloride and sodium  losing  diarrheas.

        In: Lebenthal E,  editor.  Secretory Diarrhea. pp. 355-364, Raven

        Press, New York, 1990.


18. Leung YK: Secretory diarrhea in children.  Proceedings of the First International Congress in Tropical Pediatrics, 1990.


19. Leung YK, Srimaruta N, Santer R, Lee PC, Lebenthal E. Effect of thyroxine on the maturation of cholecystokinin (CCK) receptors in  pancreatic  acini of neonatal rats.  Pancreas 5(2),  210-215, 1990.


20. Leung YK.  Nutritional support in the sick child.  Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics, 1:50-60, 1990.


21. Santer  R,  Schmidt-Sommerfeld  E,  Leung  YK,  Fisher  JE,

Lebenthal E:  Medium-chain  acyl  CoA  dehydrogenase  deficiency: electron  microscopic  differentiation from Reye syndrome.  Eur J Pediatr 150:111-114 (1990).

22. Santer R, Leung YK, Alliet Ph, Lebenthal E,  Lee PC: The role of   carbohydrate   moieties   of  cholecystokinin  receptors  in cholecystokinin octapeptide binding.  Alteration of binding  data by specific lectins. Biochim Biophys Acta 1051(1), 78-83, 1990.


23. Leung YK, Wong L, Santer R, Alliet P, Lee PC: The kinetics of the  multi-step  catalytic  degradation  of  a  polymer  to   its component subunits.  Computers and Biomedical Research,  24, 209-221, 1991.


24. Lyons H, Leung YK,  Bakri A,  Lee PC,  Lebenthal E: Verapamil decreases ethanol-induced gastric acid secretion in rat.  Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, January, 1992.


25. Li G, Ma HH, Lau GK, Leung YK, Yao CL, Chong YT, Tang WH, Yao JL. Prevalence of hepatitis G virus infection and homology of different viral strains in Southern China., World J Gastroenterol, 2002 Dec;8(6):1081-7


26. Leung, YK. Double balloon endoscopy in pediatric patient. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Vol. 66, No. 3, S54 – 57,  2007.


27. Cuifang Zheng, Jiahua Xu, Ying Huang, Yingkit Leung. Treatment of pediatric Crohn’s disease with thalidomide. World J Gastroenterol 2011 March 14, 17(10): 1286 – 1291.

28.  Wu J, Zheng CF, Huang Y, Shao CH, Leung YK. Coordination and nursing care of pediatric patients undergoing double balloon enteroscopy. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jul 7;17(25):3049-53


29. Leung YK. Micro-vasculature of Mucosal Structures in the Human Ileum. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research 2013 February 21 2(2): 403-408


30.  Lin Wang, Shi-Yao Chen, Ying Huang*, Jie Wu, Ying-kit Leung. Selective endoscopic ligation for treatment of upper gastrointestinal protuberant lesions. World J Gastroenterol, 2013,19(33):5581-5585


31.   Xu JH, Zheng CF, Huang Y*, Leung YK. Efficacy of thalidomide on trinitrobenzene sulfonate- induced colitis in young rats and its mechanism. Chin Med J (Engl).2014;127 (12):23 68-2375.


32.   Huang Y, Leung YK. Double-Balloon Enteroscopy for the diagnosis of Meckel’s Diverticulum in ten pediatric patients with obscure astrointestinal bleeding. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2014, 79(2) :354-358


33.   Chan CW, Leung YK, Chan KW. The Microscopic Anatomy of the   Vasculature of the Human Intestinal Villus -- a study with review. European Journal of Anatomy, Eur. J. Anat. 18 (4): 291-301.


34.  Leung, YK, Huang, Y. Early lesions of small intestinal Crohn's disease, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research, submitted.

35. 黄瑛, 邵彩虹, 梁英杰 Leung YK. 双气囊小肠镜在儿科患者中的应用。中华儿科杂志, 2010,48(8): 599-602


36. 黄瑛, 王玉环, 梁英杰 Leung YK,等. 双气囊小肠镜在儿童Meckel’s憩室诊断中的应用. 中华消化内镜杂志, 2011, 28(5):26-28


37. 王玉环, 黄瑛, 梁英杰Leung YK, 邵彩虹。原发性小肠淋巴管扩张症2例并文献复习. 中国循证儿科杂志,2007,2(6): 434-437


38. 黄瑛, 芦军萍, 邵彩虹, 王玉环, 庄燕华, 梁英杰 Leung YK. 经皮内镜下胃造瘘术在儿科的应用. 中国循证儿科杂志,2008,3(6):472-473


39. 梁英杰, 黄瑛. 慢性肝病患儿的营养支持. 临床肝胆病杂志,2012.28(12):902-905.


Recently published papers:


40. Hemolytic anemia in alcoholic liver disease: Zieve syndrome: A case report and literature review. Liu MX, Wen XY, Leung YK, Zheng YJ, Jin MS, Jin QL, Niu JQ. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Nov;96(47):e8742. doi


41. Efficacy of thalidomide therapy in pediatric Crohn's disease with evidence of tuberculosis. Wang L, Hong Y, Wu J, Leung YK, Huang Y.

World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Nov 21;23(43):7727-7734. doi: 


42. Coordination and nursing care of pediatric patients undergoing double balloon enteroscopy. Wu J, Zheng CF, Huang Y, Shao CH, Leung YK.

World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jul 7;17(25):3049-53. doi


43. Treatment of pediatric refractory Crohn's disease with thalidomide.

Zheng CF, Xu JH, Huang Y, Leung YK. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar 14;17(10):1286-91. doi: 


B. Abstracts


1. Leung YK,  Lee PC,  Lebenthal E: Maturation of cholecystokinin receptors in pancreatic acini of rats.  Gastroenterology 88:1473, 1985.

2.   Leung YK,  Lee PC,  Lebenthal E: Binding of epidermal  growth factor  (EGF)  to  pancreatic acini of fetal and post-natal rats.  Dig Dis Sci 30:981,1985.

3.   Leung YK,  Jirapinyo P,  Lee PC,  Lebenthal E: Hydrocortisone induced  precocious maturation of cholecystokinin binding and CCK stimulated amylase release in pancreatic acini of neonatal  rats.  Dig Dis Sci 30:981,1985.

4. Leung YK,  Lee PC,  Lebenthal E: Cholecystokinin receptors in rat pancreatic acinar cells: developmental changes and precocious                                          induction  of maturation by hydrocortisone.  Can J Physiol Pharm, Gastrointestinal Hormones, July l986.

5.  Leung YK, Elitsur Y, Lee PC, Lebenthal E. Binding of epidermal growth  factor  (EGF)  to pancreatic acini of fetal and postnatal rats  and  possible  transfer  of  EGf  through   the   placenta.  Gastroenterology 90:l518, l986.

6.   Lee PC,  Elitsur Y,  Chaichanwanaku K, Leung YK, Lebenthal E:

         Cholecystokinin (CCK) release  follwoing  high  carbohydrate  and high  fat  meal in humans.  Lack of correlation to plasma insulin and glucose.  American Gastroenterological Association,  Chicago, IL, May, 1987.

7.   Leung YK,  Guo ZC, Leung DM, Deng WZ, Fisher JE, Lebenthal E: Acute  necrotizing  enteritis  (ANE):  A  study  of   40   cases. Gastroenterology 92 (5 part 2), 1503, 1987.

8.  Elitsur Y,  Leung YK,  Albini B, Lebenthal E: Cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-OP) enhances the proliferative response  of  rat splenic lymphocytes to concavalin A (con-A). Gastroenterology 92, (5 part 2), 1987.

9. Leung YK,  Srimaruta N,  Lee PC,  Lebenthal E: Effect of  the phorbol  ester,  12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol  13-acetate  (TPA)  on bidning  of  cholecystokinin  (CCK)  to  receptors  on   isolated pancreatic   acini.   North   American   Society   for  Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Chicago, IL, May 1987.

10. Leung YK,  Srimaruta N,  Lee PC,  Lebenthal E: Effect of the phorbol  ester,  12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol  13-acetate  (TPA)  on bidning  of  cholecystokinin  (CCK)  to  receptors  on   isolated pancreatic acini.  Seven City Gut Club.  Rochester,  NY, October, 1987.

11. Leung YK, Srimatuta N, Santer R, Lebenthal E,  Lee PC: Effect of   thyroxine   on   maturation  of  pancreatic  holecystokinin receptors  in   neonatal   rats.   American   Gastroenterological

Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, May, 1988.

12. Santer  R,  Leung  YK,  Alliet  P,  Lebenthal  E,  Lee  PC:

Involvement of carbohydrate  moieties  of  cholecystokinin  (CCK) receptors  in  CCK binding to rat pancreatic membranes.  American Pancreatic Association, Chicago, Illinois, October 1988. Pancreas 3:615, 1988.

13. Leung  YK,  Guo  ZC,  Leung DM,  Deng WZ,  Lebenthal E: Aute necrotizing enteritis (ANE) - a study of 40  cases.  Society  for Pediatric Pathology Meeting, Buffalo NY, October, 1988.

14. Leung  YK,  Schmidt-Sommerfeld  E,  Lebenthal E,  Fisher JE:

Medium-chain acyl Co-A dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency: Clinical, biochemical,  pathological  and  ultrastructural characteristics. Society for Pediatric Pathology  Meeting,  Buffalo  NY,  October, 1988.

15. Mokotoff M,  Ren K, Leung YK, Lee PC: Antagonists of gastrin releasing peptide for possible use in the control of  small  cell                                           lung  cancer.  The Eleventh American Peptide Symposium,  The Salk Institute, University of California, San Diego, July, 1989.

16. Santer R,  Leung YK: Improvement  of  intestinal  morphology during   cisapride   therapy   in   pediatric  pseudoobstruction.  Gastroenterology 96 (5 part 2), A439, 1989.

17. Lyons H, Alliet P, Lee PC,  Lebenthal E,  Leung YK: Verapamil decreases   ethanol-induced   gastric  acid  secretion  in  rats.  Gastroenterology 96 (5 part 2), A310, 1989.

18. Lee PC, Leung YK,  Cumella JC,  Rossi T: Tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate  TPA  attenuates the cholecystokinin octapeptide CCK-8 stimulated amylase secretion in dispersed rat  pancreatic  acini.  Fed Proc 46 (6), 2102, 1987.

19.  Leung YK, So T: Treatment of Chronic hepatitis B using thymosin alpha 1 and a combination of two nucleoside analogs, lamivudine and famciclovir. Hepatology, 28, (4), 2, 215A, 1998.

20.  Lau GKK, Kwok A, Karlberg J, Lai ST, Lim W, Leung YK, Lam SK: A twenty-six weeks trial of Thymosin alpha 1 plus famciclovir in the treatment of Chinese immune tolerant adult patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology, 28, (4), 2, 216A, 1998.

21. Huang Y, C-H Shao, YK Leung  Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) in the diagnosis of Meckel’s diverticulum (MD). Presented at the APDW meeting, Taipei, 2009

22. Leung YK, Y Huang. Study on vasculature of ileal mucosa using high-resolution magnification endoscopy with spectral enhancement. Presented at the APDW meeting, Taipei, 2009

23. Leung YK, Y Huang. Study on the vasculature of villi surrounding ileal ulcers using high-resolution endoscopy with optical magnification and spectral enhancement. Presented at the APDW meeting, Taipei, 2009

24. Leung YK. Identification of Aberrant Crypt Foci (ACF) in Patients with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) with Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) and High-Definition Magnifying Endoscopy (Hdme) with Spectral Enhancement (FICE, Flexile Spectral Imaging Chromo Enhancement). DDW 2011 abstract: Sa1572

25. Leung YK, Y Huang. Double Balloon Enteroscopy (DBE) Is a Reliable Diagnostic Modality in the Management of Radionuclide-Negative Bleeding Meckel’s Diverticulum in Children. DDW 2011 abstract: Su1270

26. Leung YK. A Study On the Vasculature of the Villi of the Ileum Using High-Definition Magnifying Endoscopy (Hdme) with Spectral Enhancement (FICE, Flexial Spectral Imaging Chromo Enhancement) and Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE). DDW 2011 abstract: Mo1540

27. Leung, YK, Huang, Y.  An observational study on the formation of polyps in patients with the familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) using high definition magnifying endoscopy (HDME) and  spectral enhancement (FICE, flexible spectral imaging with chromo enhancement) and confocal laser endomicroscopy (PCLE). Presented at APDW, 2011. J Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Vol 26 Supplement 5, page 213

28.  Huang Y, Leung YK, Zhou Y, Shao CH, Zhang BF. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Chinese Children – an analysis of 51 cases from the Fudan University Children’s Hospital in Shanghai. Presented at APDW, 2011. J Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Vol 26 Supplement 5, page 97.

29. Huang Y, Leung YK, Xu JH, Zheng CF. The therapeutic effect of thalidomide on trinitrobenzene sulfonate (TNBS)-induced colitis in young rats and studies on its mechanism. Presented at APDW, 2011. J Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Vol 26 Supplement 5, page 97.

30. Huang Y, Wang YH, Leung YK. Combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacillus with standard triple therapy (PPI plus amoxicillin and clarithromycin, STT) in the management of H. pylori infection: therapeutic efficacy and changes in intestinal bacterial flora. Presented at APDW, 2011. J Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Vol 26 Supplement 5, page 256.

31. Huang, Y, Leung YK, Zheng CF. The role of zinc finger protein A20 in the regulation of Inflammation of intestinal epithelial cells. Presented at APDW, 2011. J astroenterology & Hepatology, Vol 26 Supplement 5, page 97.

32. Leung YK. Gastro 2013, abstract # 2265 Single Balloon Enteroscopy (SBE) with the aid of a suction cap to assist anchorage of scope..

33. Huang Y, Leung YK. Gastro 2013:  Abstract#2281  Double-Balloon Enteroscopy for the diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulum  

34. Leung YK. Gastro 2013 Abstract#2401, Study on blood flow in small intestinal villous blood vessels.

35. Wang L, Huang Y. Leung YK.  Gastro 2013 Abstract#2679, Meta-analysis on: Effect of lactose-free formula on management of acute diarrhea in children  

36. Huang Y, Leung YK. Gastro 2013.  Abstract#2690, The effect of nutrition of different compositiion on growth factors and epiphyseal growth in IBD rats     

37. Huang Y, Leung YK. Gastro 2013  Abstract#2706, The effect of thalidomide on the expression of tight junction proteins in a rat IBD mode

38. Leung YK.  Early lesions in small intestinal Crohn’s disease (CD): An endoscopic and confocal laser endomicroscopic (CLE) appraisal. Accepted for presentation, DDW 2014.

39. Leung YK, Huang Y. Clinical efficacy and mechanism of action of thalidomide in pediatric patients with refractory Crohn’s disease. Accepted for presentation, DDW 2014. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 10:20-10:40 消化与营养专场 Gastroenterology & Nutriolog

消化与营养专场-上午 Gastroenterology&Nutriology(a.m.)

讲者 Speaker 炎症性肠病的部分发病机制及新的疗法Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD): Pathomechanism and targets for new therapy
2021-12-12 10:40-10:55 消化与营养专场 Gastroenterology & Nutriolog

消化与营养专场-上午 Gastroenterology&Nutriology(a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion