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Kyoto University School of Medicine Kyoto University School of Medicine

Professor, Department of Epilepsy, Movement Disorders and


Kyoto University School of Medicine (Kyoto, Japan)




1981 B.S. Premedical Course of Saga Medical School (Saga, Japan)

1985 M.D. Saga Medical School (Saga, Japan)

1993 Ph.D. Kyoto University School of Medicine (Kyoto, Japan)



Licensure and Certification:

1985 Japanese National Medical Board

1988 Japanese Board of Internal Medicine

1989 Standard ECFMG

1992 American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology (ABCN)

1992 Japanese Board of Clinical Neurology

1999 Japanese Board of Specialist of Clinical Epilepsy

2005 Japanese Board of Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG part)(EMG part)



Professional Training and Employment

1985-1987 Residency in Internal Medicine, Saga Medical School Hospital (Saga, Japan)

1987-1988 Residency of Neurology, National Chikugo Hospital (Fukuoka, Japan)

1988-1989 Residency of Neurology, Saga Medical School Hospital (Saga, Japan)

1989-1991 Fellow of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology, Department of Neurology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Ohio, U.S.A.)

1991- Assiatent Professor, Department of Brain Pathophysiology, Kyoto University School of Medicine (Kyoto, Japan)

2000- Lecturer, Department of Neurology, Kyoto University School of Medicine (Kyoto, Japan)

2007- Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Kyoto University

School of Medicine (Kyoto, Japan)

2013- Professor, Department of Epilepsy, Movement Disorders and

Physiology, Kyoto University School of Medicine (Kyoto, Japan)




Ph.D. Degree

Obtained from Kyoto University in 1993

Thesis: Movement-related potentials recorded from supplementary motor area and primary motor area : role of supplementary motor area in voluntary movements. Brain 115: 1017-1043, 1992 (citation index: 437)



Japan Epilepsy Society: President (2017-Sep 2021), Past-President (2021-), Vice-President (2021-), International affairs committee (chair), clinical specialist accreditation committee, drug investigation affairs committee, membership and public relations affairs committee

Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology: council member, EEG seminar and advanced course committee (chair), ,

Japan Neurology Society: council member, educational committee, medical care affairs committee, epilepsy guideline committee

Japanese Society of Human Brain Mapping: council member

Japanese Society of Neurotherapeutics: council member

ILAE: Executive committee member (2017-Sep 2021), Global Advocacy Council (2020-), Research priorities task force member, ILAE/AES translational task force of the neurobiology commission of the ILAE member

ILAE-AO: Regional Chair (2017-Sep 2021), Past Chair (2021-), co-chair of research task force committee, ASEPA EEG Certification Examination Board member

American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS): FACNS (Fellow of American Clinical Neurophysiology), CME committee(2021-), program committee, international relationship committee

European Neurology Society: higher cortical function subcommittee




1. The 20th Juhn and Mary Wada Prize (Subdural recording of ictal DC shifts in neocortical seizures in humans), 31th Annual Congress of Japan Epilepsy Society, Kyoto, Japan, September 1997.

2. Year of 2002 Epilepsy Research Award, Japan Epilepsy Research Foundation (Clinical application of slow EEG shifts in epilepsy and functional mapping)

3. Year of 2005 Award of Japanese Society of Neurology (function of supplementary motor area in humans)

4. Year of 2014 Excellent Teacher Award, Japanese Society of Neurology

5. Masakazu Seino Memorial Lecture, The 11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress (AOEC), Hong Kong, May 2016 (Exploring the mysteries of EEG: Can infraslow and DC shift improve epilepsy treatment ?)


associate editor:

2012- Neurology & Clinical Neuroscience (NCN) (=English journal of Japan Neurology Society)

2013-       Journal of Japanese Society Clinical Neurophysioloy

2013-2017 Epilepsia



Editorial Board:

5 (International Journals),

1995-1997 Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology

1998-2014 Epileptic Disorders (John Libbey)

2008- Epilepsy & Seizure (=English Journal of Japan Epilepsy Society)

2014- International Journal of EpilepsyIndian Epilepsy Society

2016- Journal of Epilepsy ResearchKorean Epilepsy Society


3 (Japanese Journals)

Clinical Neurology, Japanese Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Epilepsy




Original articles: 340 (English), 80 (Japanese)

Review articles: 25 (English), 300 (Japanese)

Book chapters: 16 (English), 145 (Japanese)

Books:1 (English), 16 (Japanese)



Selected papers

1) Original articles

1. Ikeda A et al: Cortical tremor: A variant of cortical reflex myoclonus. Neurology 40: 1561-1565, 1990. (citation index: 176)

2. Ikeda A et al: Movement-related potentials recorded from supplementary motor area and primary motor area : role of supplementary motor area in voluntary movements. Brain 115: 1017-1043, 1992. (citation index: 446)

3. Ikeda A et al: Focal ictal DC shifts in human epilepsy as studied by subdural and scalp recording. Brain 122: 827-838, 1999. (citation index: 103)

4. Ikeda A et al: Cognitive motor control in human pre-supplementary motor area studied by subdural recording of discrimination/ selection-related cortical potentials. Brain 122: 915-931, 1999 (citation index: 148)

5. Ikeda A et al: Role of primary sensorimotor cortices in generating inhibitory motor response in humans. Brain 123; 1710-1721, 2000. (citation index: 107)

6. Kinoshita M, Ikeda A et al: Electric cortical stimulation suppresses epileptic and background activities in neocortical epilepsy and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol 116: 1291-1299, 2005.

7. Ikeda A et al: Negative motor seizure arising from negative motor area: is it ictal apraxia ? Epilepsia 60, 2072-2084, 2009.

8. Takaya S, Mikuni N, Mitsueda T, Satow T, Taki J, Kinoshita M, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N, Ikeda A, Fukuyama H:Improved cerebral function in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy after subtemporal amydgalohoppocampectomy. Brain132: 185-194, 2009.

9. Imamura et al: Ictal wide-band ECoG: direct comparison between ictal slow shifts and high frequency oscillations. Clin Neurophysiol 122: 1500–1504, 2011

10.  Baulac S, Ishida S, Mashimo T, Boillot M, Fumoto N, Kuwamura M, Ohno Y, Takizawa A, Aoto T, Ueda M, Ikeda A, LeGuern E, Takahashi R, Serikawa T: A rat model for Lgi1-related epilepsies, Human Molecular Genetics 21: 3546-3557, 2012

11. Kanazawa K, Matsumoto R, Imamura H, Matsuhashi M, Kikuchi T, Kunieda K, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Takahashi R, Ikeda A: Intracranially-recorded ictal direct current shifts may precede high frequency oscillations in human epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol 126: 47–59, 2015

12. Ishiura H, Doi K, Mitsui J, Ikeda A(4th from the last), et al. Expansions of intronic TTTCA and TTTTA repeats in benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy, Nat.Genet.,doi:10.1038/s41588-018-0067-2, 2018


2) Edited Books in English

Event-related potentials (ERPs) in patients with epilepsy: from current state to future prospects, Progress in Epileptic Disorders, vol.6, edited by Ikeda A and Y Inoue, John Libbey, Paris, 2008






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 15:00-15:20 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 下午 Neurology (p.m.)

讲者 Speaker 癫痫发作或不自主运动?这是个问题Seizures or involuntary movements? that is the question
2021-12-11 15:40-15:55 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 下午 Neurology (p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion