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Catarina Limbert
Children’s Hospital Dona Estefânia, Nova Medical School, New University of Lisbon, Portugal Children’s Hospital Dona Estefânia, Nova Medical School, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Professor Catarina Limbert, Children’s Hospital Dona Estefânia, Nova Medical School, New
University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Catarina Limbert, MD, PhD is Professor of Pediatrics at the New Medical School and
Consultant physician at the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes at the
Children´s University Hospital Dona Estefânia in Lisbon.
She trained in paediatric endocrinology and diabetology in Austria at the Pediatric
Endocrinology Clinics at the University of Graz and she had her research stays at the
University of Würzburg in Germany.
She has achieved competitive research funding, e.g. from European Society for Pediatric
Endocrinology (ESPE), European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and
Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT).
Prof Limbert principal research interests were on Type 1 diabetes pathophysiology, in
particular immune mechanisms, molecular genetics and cell-based therapies. She has also
worked extensively in the field of puberty, in particular precocious and delayed puberty, the
process of normal growth and the treatment with growth hormone, GnRh analogues and
induction of growth and puberty.
Recently, she led the design of the new national and digital platform for Precocious Puberty
in Portugal. She is the editor of the pediatric endocrine themes in “Pedipedia”, an online
pediatric Encyclopedia in Portuguese language for doctors and families in Portuguese
speaking countries around the world. In addition, she combines her healthcare practice with
research activities of both a basic and clinical nature.
Prof Limbert is the President of the Portuguese Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and
Diabetes (since 2017).






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 11:20-11:40 内分泌专场 Endocrinology

内分泌专场 上午 Endocrinology (a.m)

讲者 Speaker 改善中枢性性早熟的结果:国家登记制度的作用Improving Central Precocious Puberty outcomes:the role of a national registry
2021-12-11 11:40-11:55 内分泌专场 Endocrinology

内分泌专场 上午 Endocrinology (a.m)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion