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于丹 Dan Yu
首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院 Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University | 北京市儿科研究所感染与微生物研究室
Ph.D., Department of Life Science, University of Science and
Technology of China, China
B.S., Department of Life Science, Liaoning University, China
Work experience
Beijing Overseas High-Level Talent, Beijing Distinguished Expert
Associated Professor, Beijing Pediatric Research Institute, Beijing
Children’s Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children’s Health,
 Associated Researcher, Beijing Pediatric Research Institute, Beijing
Children’s Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children’s Health,
Assistant Researcher, Beijing Pediatric Research Institute, Beijing
Children’s Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children’s Health,
Postdoc Scholar, Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, University
of California, Berkeley, US
 Tang Distinguished Scholar, Department of Molecular & Cell Biology,
University of California, Berkeley, US
Research Area
Host-pathogen interaction
Taking advantage of the state-of-art techniques, we aim to reveal the host-pathogen
interaction. My research focus on how viral transcription is regulated by the host proteins
and how host defense is controlled in response to pathogen infection.
[1] Yu,D; Cattoglio,C; Xue,YH; Zhou,Q*. (2019). A complex between DYRK1A and Dan Yu, Beijing Pediatric Research Institute, Beijing Children’s Hospital, Capital Medical
University, National Center for Children’s Health, Beijing, China
DCAF7 phosphorylates the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II to promote
myogenesis. Nucleic Acids Research 47: 4462–4475.
[2] Yu,D; Liu,RD; Yang,G; Zhou,Q*. (2018). A PARP1-Siah1 axis for controlling
ELL2-dependent HIV-1 transcription and expression of Siah1 substrates. Cell
Reports 23: 3741–3749.
[3] Lu,HS; Yu,D; Hansen,AS; Ganguly,S; Liu,RD; Heckert,A; Darzacq,X; Zhou,Q*. (2018).
Phase-separation mechanism for C-terminal hyperphosphorylation of RNA
polymerase II. Nature 558: 318–323
[4] Yu,D; Zhao,LP; Xue,T; Sun,BL*. (2012). Staphylococcus aureus autoinducer-2
quorum sensing decreases biofilm formation in an icaR-dependent manner. BMC
Microbiol 12:288.
[5] Fang,HH; Yu,D; Hong,YZ; Zhou,XD; Li,CY*; Sun,BL*. (2013). The LuxR family
regulator Rv0195 modulates Mycobacterium tuberculosis dormancy and virulence.
Tuberculosis 93:425-431.
[6] Hong,YZ; Zhou,XD; Fang,HH; Yu,D; Li,CY*; Sun,BL*. (2013). Cyclic di-GMP mediates
Mycobacterium tuberculosis dormancy and pathogenicity. Tuberculosis 93:625-634.
[1] Yu,D; Liu,RD; Gao,X; Yao KH. Virus LTR immunoprecipitation based on Cas9-sgRNA
to screen targets for regulating virus transcription, Chinese patent application, ZL 2020 01
[2] Yu,D; Liu,RD; Gao,X; Yao KH. The application CNOT1 protein, Chinese patent
application, ZL 2020 1 0763416.4.
[3] Sun,BL; Hong,YZ; Fang, HH; Yu,D; Zhou,XD; Zhu F. The application of c-di-GMP
synthase in the drug screening of tuberculosis treatment, Chinese patent application, ZL
2010 1 0197539.2.
[1] Beijing Outstanding Young Talents, 2020
[2] Tang Distinguished Scholars, University of California, Berkeley, 2014
[3] Excellent Athletes' Title in the 7th undergraduate sports meeting in Liaoning province,
[1] Beijing Overseas High-Level Talent Introduction-Youth project, 2020.12 (Beijing
[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China-Youth project, 2020.01~2021.12
(National Natural Science Foundation, China)
[3] Young Talents Program 2020.01~2022.12 (Beijing Hospitals Authority)
[4] Tang Distinguished Scholarship, 2014.02~2016.02 (University of California, Berkeley)






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 15:20-15:40 皮肤专场 Dermatology

皮肤专场 下午 Dermatology(p.m.)

讲者 Speaker 2007-2020年中国某儿科医院带状疱疹临床特征Clinical characteristics of pediatric herpes zoster in a hospital in China during 2007-2020
2021-12-12 15:40-15:55 皮肤专场 Dermatology

皮肤专场 下午 Dermatology(p.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion