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Hongjie Yuan
Emory University School of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine | 神经外科

Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology
Emory University School of Medicine

Current Titles and Affiliations:

a. Academic Appointments:
Primary Appointments:
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, September 01, 2021 –
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, May 01, 2015 –
August 31, 2021
b. Other Administrative Appointments:
Deputy Director, Center for Functional Evaluation of Rare Variants (CFERV), January 01, 2017 –
5. Previous Academic and Professional Appointments:
1. Research Associate, Dept. of Pharmacology, Emory University School of Medicine, 2011 – 2012
2. Instructor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Emory University School of Medicine, 2012 – 2015
6. Education:
1989 – 1994 Bachelor of Clinical Medicine, MD equivalent, Baotou Medical School, China
1994 – 1997 Master of Medicine, Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, Changchun,
China; Dr. Minzhi Liu
1999 – 2004 Ph.D., Neuroscience, Akita University School of Medicine, Akita, Japan; Dr. Nobuya
7. Postgraduate Training:
2004 – 2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, Emory University School ofHongjie Yuan MD, PhD
Medicine, Dr. Stephen F. Traynelis
8. Committee Memberships:
a. Institutional:
1. The Communication Committee in the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical
Biology, Emory University School of Medicine, 2020
9. Peer Review Activities:
a. Grants:
i. National and International:
1. Research grant for Medical Research Council, United Kingdom; 2018
2. Research grant for the Joint Sparks and GOSH Charity National Funding, United
Kingdom; 2018
b. Manuscripts:
1. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011
2. Molecular Pharmacology, 2012
3. Review of Future Medicine, 2012
4. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2013
5. Steroids, 2013
6. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014
7. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2016
8. Nature Communications, 2016
9. Oncotarget, 2017
10. Human Molecular Genetics, 2017
11. Metabolic Brain Disease, 2018
12. Cerebral Cortex, 2018
13. Annals of Neurology, 2018
14. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2019
15. Epilepsy Research, 2020
16. Genes, Brain and Behavior,
17. Neuropharmacology, 2021
18. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2021
10. Consultantships/Advisory Boards:
Expert Panel Member, GRIN Disorders Variant Curation of ClinGen (Clinical Genome
Resource), a NIH-funded resource dedicated to building an authoritative central
resource that defines the clinical relevance of genes and variants for use in precision
medicine and research; 2020 – present Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
11. Honors and Awards:
1. Scholarship for Excellent Students, Baotou Medical School, 1990 – 1994
2. Scholarship for Excellent Graduates, Norman Bethune University of Medical Science, 1995 –
3. Rotary Memorial Foundation Fellows, 2003 – 2004
4. Young Investigator Award, American Epilepsy Society, 2013
5. Millipub Club Publication, Emory University (faculty with individual papers having >1,000
citations), 2017
6. Emory School of Medicine Researcher Appreciation Day Recognition for outstanding
contributions to educating the trainees, 2020
12. Society Memberships:
1. Society for Physiology, Japan, 2002 – 2004
2. Society for Neuroscience, U.S. 2004 – 2012, 2019 – present
3. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, U.S. 2005 – 2008
4. American Epilepsy Society, U.S. 2009 – present
5. American Society of Human Genetics, U.S. 2016 – present
13. Organization of Conferences:
a. National and International:
i. Administrative Positions:
Co-organizer, the First International CFERV (Center for Functional Evaluation of Rare
Variants) Conference on GRIN variants, a community and scientific conference with
clinicians and researchers from USA, Canada, China, Israel, and Europe, as well as
parents and children affected by GRIN variants. Atlanta, GA, Sep. 13 – 14, 2019
14. Community Outreach
a. Media Appearances:
(Note: my research work has been featured in news magazines and internet media. The
details are listed below)
1. Science News on Science Daily and Science Newsline Medicine: “Personalized Medicine Studies
Reveal Gene Targets for Epilepsy”; News brief at the American Epilepsy Society's (AES)
69th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia; December 6, 2015;
2. Lab Land, the Emory Health Sciences Research Blog, “True Personalized Medicine: From
Mutation to Treatment”; February 24, 2014; http://www.emoryhealthsciblog.com/true
3. Lab Land, the Emory Health Sciences Research Blog, “Personalized Molecular Medicine Part
2”; March 3, 2014; http://www.emoryhealthsciblog.com/personalized-molecular-medicine
part-2/Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
4. Lab Land, the Emory Health Sciences Research Blog, “Personalized Molecular Medicine Part
3”; March 4, 2014; http://www.emoryhealthsciblog.com/personalized-molecular-medicine
5. Lab Land, the Emory Health Sciences Research Blog, “Reviving Drugs with Anti-Stroke
Potential, Minus Side Effects”; February 27, 2015;
6. Lab Land, the Emory Health Sciences Research Blog, “Deep Dive into NMDA Receptor
Variation”; November 11, 2016; http://www.emoryhealthsciblog.com/deep-dive-into-nmda
7. Lab Land, the Emory Health Sciences Research Blog, “More on NMDA Receptor Variants +
Epilespy/ID”; January 31, 2017; http://www.emoryhealthsciblog.com/more-on-nmda
8. Lab Land, the Emory Health Sciences Research Blog, “GRIN families join together for
neuroscience”; September 30, 2019; http://www.emoryhealthsciblog.com/grin-families
15. Formal Teaching:
a. Medical Student Teaching:
1. Small Group Session in Pharmacology for MD students, 2014 – 2016, 2 hours/year
2. Small Group Session in Electrophysiology for MD students, 2017, 2020 – present, 1 hour 45
b. Graduate Programs:
i. Master’s and PhD Programs:
1. Lectures to PhD students, IBS 526 System Neuroscience, 1 hour 20 minutes/year, 2012 –
2. Exam questions preparations and exam grading for IBS 526 System Neuroscience, 3
hours/year, 2012 – present
3. Lectures to PhD students, IBS 6159 Human Ion Channelopathies, “the disease causing
genetic variants in glutamate receptors in neurological disorders” 2 hours/year, 2014
4. Lectures to PhD students, IBS 531 Principles of Pharmacology, “Introduction of Autonomic
Nervous System”, 1 hour/year, 2014 – 2017
5. Contributed Qualifying exam questions for MSP, 1 hour/year, 2017
6. Lectures to PhD students, IBS 531 Principles of Pharmacology, “The Parasympathetic
Drugs”, 2.5 hour/year, 2020 – present
7. Lectures to Master students, BAHS 504 Introduction to Pharmacology for Anesthesiologist
Assistant Students, 1 hour/year, 2020 – present
8. Exam questions preparations for BAHS 504 Introduction to Pharmacology for
Anesthesiologist Assistant Students, 3 hours/year, 2020 – present
9. Exam questions preparations and exam grading for IBS 531 Principles of Pharmacology, 4
hours/year, 2020 – presentHongjie Yuan MD, PhD
16. Supervisory Teaching:
a. Thesis Committees:
1. Manish Karamchandani, Undergraduate Honor Thesis (with the highest honor),
Department of Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology, Emory University, 2015
b. Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (GDBBS) Rotation Students:
1. Katie Vance Molecular and Systems Pharmacology, Emory 2006
2. Natalie LeVasseur Molecular and Systems Pharmacology, Emory 2006
3. Eric Armstrong Molecular and Systems Pharmacology, Emory 2008
4. Kevin Ogden Molecular and Systems Pharmacology, Emory 2008
5. Stefka Gyoneva Molecular and Systems Pharmacology, Emory 2009
6. Miranda McDaniel Molecular and Systems Pharmacology, Emory 2015
7. Lindsey A. Shapiro Molecular and Systems Pharmacology, Emory 2016
c. Research Mentor for Undergraduate Students:
1. Sara Dawit Undergraduate research, Emory University 2009-2010
2. Zhuocheng Justin Su Undergraduate research, Emory University 2012-2013
3. Anel Tankovic Undergraduate research, Emory University 2013-2014
4. Hiro Kusumoto Undergraduate research, Emory University 2014
5. Manish Karamchandani Undergraduate research, Emory University 2013-2015
6. Joseph Pecha SURE Program, University of Dallas 2015
7. Kevin Sheth Undergraduate research, Emory University 2015
8. Chun Hu Undergraduate research, Emory University 2015-2016
9. Joseph Antonio Ruiz Undergraduate research, Emory University 2016
10. Yu Han Chen Undergraduate research, Emory University 2017
11. Ruth Mizu Undergraduate research, Emory University 2016-2018
12. Ethan Shi SURE Program, Emory University 2021
d. Medical Students:
1. Varun Kannan, Medical Student, Emory Univ. SOM Discovery Phase, 2016 – 2017
The 4th-year medical student received a Discovery Phase Mini-Grant ($5,000) funded by
the Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science Institute (ACTSI) Research Technologies
e. Other (Visiting Students and Scholars):
1. Wenjuan Chen, Emory-Xiangya Medical Student Exchange Program, Xiangya Medical
School, Central Southern University, China, 2014 – 2016
2. Dr. Jin Zhang, Visiting Scholar, Associate professor, Department of Neurology, First
Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, China, 2017 – 2018
3. Dr. Weiting Tang, Visiting scholar, Attending Physician, Department of Neurology,
Xiangya First Hospital, Central Southern University, China, 2017 – 2019
4: Zongjian Zhu, Emory-Xi’an Jiaotong Medical Student Exchange Program, Department of Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
Pediatrics, Xi’an Jiaotong University Hospital, China, 2017 – 2019
5. Wenshu XiangWei, Visiting PhD student, Department of Pediatrics, Peking University First
Hospital, China, 2017 – 2019
6. Jia Li, Visiting PhD student, Department of Neurology, Jilin University First Hospital,
China, 2017 – 2019
7. Zhaoshi Zheng, Visiting PhD student, Department of Neurology, Jilin University Third
Hospital, China, 2018 – 2019
8. Wei Han, Visiting PhD student, Department of Neurology, Chongqing Medical University
Children Hospital, China, 2018 – 2019
9. Yuchen Xu, Emory-Xiangya Medical Student Exchange Program, Xiangya Medical School,
Central Southern University, China, 2018 – 2020
10. Nana Liu, Visiting PhD student, Department of Pediatrics, Peking University First
Hospital; 2019 – 2020
11. Dr. Ding Liu, Visiting scholar, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Xiangya
Third Hospital, Central Southern University, China, 2019 – 2020
12. Dr. Lingling Xie, Visiting scholar, Attending Physician, Department of Neurology,
Chongqing Medical University Children Hospital, China, 2019 – 2020
13. Rui Song, Emory-Xiangya Medical Student Exchange Program, Xiangya Medical School,
Central Southern University, China, 2019 – present
17. Lectureships, Seminar Invitations, and Visiting Professorships:
a. Institutional:
1. “Functional Evaluation of disease-causing GRIN2A_L812M and GRIN2B_E413G
mutations” Undiagnosed Disease Program, NIH (Host: Dr. Cornelius F. Boerkoel),
Bethesda, MD, April 22, 2012
2. “Disease Causing Genetic Variants in Glutamate (NMDA) Receptors: Implications for
Neurological Disorders” Epilepsy Meeting, Pediatric Neurology and Epilepsy Center,
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, August 02, 2013
3. “GRIN Genes in Neurological Diseases: from Molecular Mechanism to Recue
Pharmacology”. Department of Genetics, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL, September 14, 2020
b. International:
1. “A De Novo GRIN2A Mutation causes Early-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy” Epilepsy
Center, Department of Pediatrics, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, July 12, 2014
2. “NMDA Glutamate Receptors: Structure, Function, and Relation to Neurological Diseases”
Department of Molecular Biology, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Huhhot, China,
July 16, 2014
3. “Disease Causing Genetic Variants in Glutamate (NMDA) Receptors in Early-Onset
Epileptic Encephalopathy: from Molecular Mechanism to Personalized Therapy”
Department of Physiology, Bethune Medical School, Changchun, China, July 03, 2015
4. “Genetic Variations in NMDA Receptors and Neurological Diseases” Department of
Pediatrics, International Hospital of Mongolian Medicine in Hohhot, China, June 24, 2016
5. “NMDA Receptors Genes and Epilepsy” Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology, the Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
Third Hospital of Baogang, China, June 29, 2016
6. “Molecular Mechanism and Targeted Therapy in NMDAR Mutations associated
Neurological Diseases” Department of Neurology, Chongqing University Children
Hospital, Chongqing, China, June 29, 2017
7. “Translational Medicine in Neurological Diseases-Associated Glutamate Receptor Genes”
Department of Neurology, Baotou Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Baotou, China,
July 04, 2017
8. “NMDAR Mutations and Neurological Diseases: from Molecular Mechanism to
Personalized Medicine” Department of Neurology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South
University, Changsha, China, July 07, 2017
9. “Glutamate Receptor Genes and Neurodevelopmental Disorders” Department of
Neurology, the Second Hospital of Xiamen Medical School, China, September 01, 2018
18. Invitations to National/International, Regional, and Institutional Conferences:
a. National and International:
1. “The slow oscillatory activity of spontaneous firing rate in GABAergic neurons in
substantia nigra pars reticulata” The 36th Annual Meeting Northeast Physiological
Society of Japan. Iwate, Japan, Oct. 04 – 05, 2013
2. “The Role of the Pre-M1 Helix in NMDA Receptor Gating and Human Disease” The 4th
Annual Ionotropic Glutamate Receptor Retreat, McGill University, Montreal, Canada,
August 02 – 03, 2016
3. “Recurrent GRIN2D Rare Variants and Early-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy” The Peking
University Pediatric Neurology Forum 2017 (PUPNF2017), Beijing, China, April 06 – 07,
4. “GRIN variants and Drug-Resistant Seizures” The 7th Annual Meeting of Jilin Anti
Epilepsy Association, Changchun, June 12, 2017, China
5. “Genetic Variations of NMDAR GRIN Genes in Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental
Disorders.” ICMS2018_Ion Channel Modulation Symposium, Cambridge University,
UK, June 19 – 20, 2018,
6. “GRIN Mutations in Neurological Diseases: from Molecular Mechanism to Animal Model”
The 28th Annual Meeting of the Anti-Epilepsy Society of Jilin and Changbanshan
Epilepsy Summit Forum, Yanji, China, Aug. 24 – 25, 2018
7. “Genetic Variations of NMDA Receptor and Neurological Diseases: from Molecular
Mechanism to Precision Medicine” The 15th Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for
Neurochemistry, Macau, China, Aug. 27 – 29, 2018
8. “Genetic Variations of NMDAR GRIN Genes in Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental
Disorders.” The 12th ERUK (Epilepsy Research in United Kingdom) -International
Expert Workshop. Oxford University, UK, March 14 – 15, 2019
9. “Neurosteroid Rescue of Functional Deficits in GRIN Loss-of-function Variants.” The 2019
CFERV Conference on GRIN Variants. Atlanta, GA, Sep. 13 – 14, 2019
10. “Neurosteroids: multifunctional tools for neuroscience research” The Biological Discovery
through Chemical Innovation (BDCI) Initiative on “Opportunities in Neuroscience”.
Atlanta, GA, May 29, 2020
11. “Knock-in mice harboring disease-associated loss-of-function GRIN2B variant”, GRIN2B Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
Foundation Research Update, June 24, 2021
19. Abstract Presentations at National/International, Regional, and Institutional Conferences:
a. National and International:
1. Inagaki N*, Ji JJ, Yuan H, Miki T, Seino S and Yamada K (2001) The role of ATP-sensitive
potassium channels in central nervous system. The 78th Annual Meeting the Japan
Society of Physiology. Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 29-31, 2001 (Oral)
2. Yamada K*, Yuan H, Miki T, Sato S, Seino S and N. Inagaki (2001) Control of generalized
seizure by ATP-sensitive potassium channels. The 78th Annual Meeting the Japan Society
of Physiology. 1PC35, Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 29-31, 2001 (Poster)
3. Yamada K*, Ji JJ, Yuan H, Miki T, Sato S, Seino S and N. Inagaki. (2001) Control effects of
ATP-sensitive potassium channels on hypoxia-induced generalized seizure. The 74th
Annual Meeting the Japan Society for Biochemistry. Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 25-28, 2001
4. Yamada K*, Ji JJ, Yuan H, Miki T, Sato S, Seino S and N. Inagaki. (2001) Effect on hypoxia
induced seizure by ATP-sensitive potassium channels in substantia nigra pars reticulata.
The 38th Annual Meeting the Japan society for Clinic Physiology and The 5th Meeting
the Japan Society for Molecular Physiology. Akita, Japan, Sep. 27-30, 2001 (Oral)
5. Inagaki N*, Ji JJ, Yuan H, Miki T, Seino S and Yamada K (2001) ABC proteins and their
biochemical pathology – Metabolic sensors by sulfonylurea receptors -. Annual Meeting
of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry. Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 21-
24, 2001 (Oral)
6. Inagaki N*, Yuan H, Miki T, Sato S, Seino S and. Yamada K (2001) ATP-sensitive potassium
channels: intracellular ATP sensor. The 24th Meeting Japan Society for Molecular
Biology, Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 01-04, 2001 (Oral)
7. Yamada K*, Ji JJ, Yuan H, Miki T, Sato S, Seino S and N. Inagaki. (2001) Protective role of
ATP-sensitive potassium channels in hypoxia-induced generalized seizure. The 31st
Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, Nov. 10-15, 2001 (Poster)
8. Yuan H*, Yamada K and Inagaki N. (2003) The oscillatory activity in GABAergic neurons
in substantia nigra pars reticulata. The 80th Annual Meeting the Japan Society for
Physiology, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 26-29, 2003 (Poster)
9. Yamada K, Yuan H and Inagaki N. (2003) Spontaneous activity in GABAergic neurons in
substantia nigra pars reticulata and effect of glucose. The 36th Annual Meeting of
Northeast Physiological Society of Japan. Iwate, Japan, Oct. 04-05, 2003 (Poster)
10. Yuan H*, Yamada K and Inagaki N. (2003) The slow oscillatory activity of spontaneous
firing rate in GABAergic neurons in substantia nigra pars reticulata. The 36th Annual
Meeting of Northeast Physiological Society of Japan. Iwate, Japan, Oct. 4-5, 2003 (Oral)
11. Yamada K*, Yuan H, Miki T, Seino S and Inagaki N. (2003) Protective roles of KATP
channels in hypoxia-induced generalized seizure. Joint Meeting, Symposium on “ABC
proteins” and The 5th Conference on ABC Proteins and Ion Channels. –From Gene to
Disease-. Kyoto, Japan, Jan. 24-26, 2003 (Oral)
12. Yuan H*, Yamada, K and Inagaki, N. (2003) Multi-minute oscillations of neuronal firing
rate in the substantia nigra pars reticulata in vitro. Joint Meeting, Symposium on “ABC
proteins” and The 5th Conference on ABC Proteins and Ion Channels. –From Gene to Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
Disease-. Kyoto, Japan, Jan. 24-26, 2003 (Poster)
13. Yuan H*, Erreger K, Le P, and Traynelis SF. (2004) Covalent modification of an engineered
cysteine in M3 locks open NMDA channels. The 34th Annual Meeting Society for
Neuroscience. San Diego, CA, Oct. 23-27, 2004 (Poster)
14. Yamada K*, Yuan H, Miki T, Seino S and Inagaki N. (2005) Metabolic susceptibility of
GABAergic neurons in substantia nigra pars reticulata. The 82nd Annual Meeting the
Japan Society for Physiology. Sendai, Japan, May 18-10, 2005 (Poster)
15. Hamill CE, Goldshmidt A, Yuan H, Gearing M, Rees HD, Traynelis SF (2005) Expression
and localization of protease-activated receptors in human basal ganglia. The 35th Annual
Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Nov. 12-16, 2005 (Poster)
16. Yuan H*, Erreger K, Drvaid S, and Traynelis SF. (2005) Single Channel Properties and
Differential Effect of Channel Blockers after MTSEA-Modification of A7C Mutant NMDA
Receptors The 35th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Nov. 12-
16, 2005 (Poster)
17. Woo D*, Yuan H, Kristensen A, Traynelis SF, Cheong E, Lee CJ (2006) Sniffer-patch
quantification of Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate at submicromolar concentration
from mouse cortical astrocytes. The 36th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience,
Atlanta, GA, Oct. 14-18, 2006 (Poster)
18. Yuan H*, Junge CE, Low C-M, Traynelis SF. (2006) Cleavage of N-terminal domain of the
NR2A subunit by plasmin relieves tonic zinc inhibition of the N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptor. The 36th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA, Oct. 14-18,
2006 (Poster)
19. Yuan H*, Hansen KB, and Traynelis SF. (2007) The amino terminal domain of the NR2
subunit controls channel open probability of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. The 37th
Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, Nov. 03-07, 2007 (Poster)
20. Yuan H*, Vance KM, Junge CE, Geballe MT, Snyder JP, Hepler JR, Yepes M, Low CM,
Traynelis SF. (2008) The serine protease plasmin cleaves the NR2A subunit to reduce
Zn2+-inhibition of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. The 38th Annual Meeting Society
for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Nov. 15-19, 2008 (Poster)
21. Yuan H*, Hansen KB, and Traynelis SF. (2008) The amino terminal domain of the NR2
subunit controls the deactivation time course and the open probability of N-methyl-D
aspartate receptors. The 38th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC,
Nov. 15-19, 2008 (Poster)
22. Junge CE*, Yuan H, Vance K, Low C-M, Geballe MT, Snyder JP, Hepler JR,. Traynelis SF
(2008) The serine protease plasmin cleaves the NR2A subunit to reduce Zn2+-inhibition
of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. The 38th Annual Meeting Society for
Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Nov. 15-19, 2008 (Poster)
23. MullasserilP*, Mosley C, Hansen KB, Yuan H, Kurtkaya NL, Vance KM, Orr A, Haustein
K, Le P, Wilson L, Liotta D, Traynelis SF (2008) Quinazolin-4-one derivatives – a novel
class of non-competitive N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor antagonists. The 38th Annual
Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Nov. 15-19, 2008 (Poster)
24. Kvist T*, Mullasseril P, Hansen KB, Kurtkaya NL, Yuan H, Vance KM, Orr1 AG, Le P,
Vellano KM, Lewis I, Kurtkaya S, Du Y, Qui M, Bräuner-Osborne H, Traynelis SF. (2009)
Novel NMDA receptor antagonists identified using a cell-based screening assay for
allosteric modulators of NR2D-containing NMDA receptors. The 39th Annual Meeting
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, Oct. 17-21, 2009 (Poster)Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
25. Yuan H*, Hansen KB, Vance KM, Ogden KK, Traynelis SF. (2009) The amino terminal
domain of the NR2 subunit controls activation properties of N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptors. The 39th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, Oct. 17-21,
2009 (Poster)
26. Ogden KK*, Vance KM, Hansen KB, Mullasseril P, Yuan H, Traynelis SF. (2010)
Mechanistic Studies of CIQ, a Novel Potentiator of GluN2C- and GluN2D-containing
NMDA Receptors. The 40th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC,
Nov. 13-17, 2010 (Poster)
27. Yuan H*, Vance KM, Sotty F, Fog K, Smith Y, Traynelis SF. (2010) NMDA receptor subunit
expression in the subthalamic nucleus. The 40th Annual Meeting Society for
Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Nov. 13-17, 2010 (Poster)
28. Hansen KB*, Ogden KK, Vance KM, Mullasseril P, Yuan H, Traynelis SF (2010) Structural
basis for potentiation by a novel subunit-selective modulator of GluN2C- and Glun2D
containing NMDA receptors. The 40th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience,
Washington, DC, Nov. 13-17, 2010 (Poster)
29. Santangelo RM*, Vance KM, Ogden KK, Yuan H, Hansen KB, Mullasseril P, Kurtkaya NL,
Orr AG, Le P, Vellano KM, Traynelis SF, Liotta DC (2010) Synthesis and SAR of a novel
class of tetrahydroisoquinoline-based potentiators of NR2C/D-containing NMDA
receptors. 32nd National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, June 06-
09, 2010 (Poster)
30. Santangelo RM*, Vance KM, Ogden KK, Yuan H, Hansen KB, Mullasseril P, Kurtkaya NL,
Orr AG, Le P, Vellano KM, Traynelis SF, Liotta DC (2011) Synthesis and SAR of a novel
class of tetrahydroisoquinoline-based potentiators of NR2C/D containing NMDA
receptors. 241st National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society
(ACS), Anaheim, CA, Mar 27-31, 2011 (Poster)
31. Acker TM*, Yuan H, Hansen KB, Vance KM, Ogden KK, Burger PB, Snyder JP, Liotta DC,
Traynelis SF (2011) Subunit-selective GluN2C/D NMDA receptor modulators: Structure
Activity Relationship and Mechanism. The 41st Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience,
Washington, DC, Nov 12-16, 2011 (Poster)
32. Traynelis SF*, Santangelo RM, Strong KL, Ogden KK, Vance KM, Hansen KB, Yuan H,
Liotta DC. (2012) Subunit-selective potentiation of NMDA receptors: Tools to test the
glutamatergic hypothesis. 244th National Fall Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society
(ACS), Philadelphia, PA, Aug 19-23, 2012 (Poster)
33. Khatri AH*, Zimmerman SS, Yuan H, Liotta DC, Traynelis SF. (2012) GluN2C NMDA
receptor potentiator. The 42nd Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans,
LA, Oct. 13-17, 2012 (Poster)
34. Yuan H*, Pierson TM, Boerkoel CF, Gahl WA, and Traynelis SF. (2013) Functional changes
of a de novo GRIN2A mutation in a patient with refractory seizures and early-onset
epileptic encephalopathy. Investigators’ Workshops, AES: 67th American Epilepsy
Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 06-09, 2013 (Poster)
35. Traynelis SF*, Yuan H, Wells G, Myers S, Nicholson KL, Snyder JP (2013) Context
dependent NMDA receptor antagonism. 23rd Neuropharmacology Conference, Official
Satellite of the 2013 Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, Nov. 09-13,
2013 (Oral)
36. Traynelis SF*, Yuan H, Wells G, Myers S, Nicholson KL, Snyder JP (2013) Context
dependent neuroprotection. 46th Winter Conference on Brain Research, Breckenridge, Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
Colorado, Jan. 25–31, 2013 (Oral)
37. Ogden KK*, Yuan H, Hansen K, Zhang J, Gibb A, Traynelis SF (2014). A human mutation
in the M4 helix of GluN2A accelerates forward gating transitions in NMDA receptors.
58th Annual Biophysical Soc Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 15-19, 2014 (Poster)
38. Traynelis SF*, Falk MJ, Yudkoff M, Hakonarson H, ; Lynch D, and Yuan H. (2014) Two
NMDA Receptor Mutations in Transmembrane domain M3 Related to Early-Onset
Seizures. ANA: 139th Annual Meeting American Neurological Association, Baltimore,
Maryland, Oct 12-14, 2014 (Poster)
39. Traynelis SF* and Yuan H (2014) NMDA receptor gating and human disease. Benzon
Symposium N0. 59, Membrane proteins: structure, function, and dynamics. Copenhagen,
Denmark, August 19-22, 2013 (Oral)
40. Yuan H*. Swanger SA, Wells G; Hansen KB; Adams DR, Boerkoel CF, Toro C, Gahl WA,
Synder JP, and Traynelis SF. (2014) Functional Changes of a De Novo GRIN2B Missense
Mutation in a Patient with Developmental Delay. ANA: 139th Annual Meeting American
Neurological Association, Baltimore, Maryland, Oct 12-14, 2014 (Poster)
41. Yuan H*, Tankovic A, and Traynelis SF. (2014) Functional Evaluation of a De Novo
GRIN2A Mutation in a Patient with CSWSS, Continuous Spike and Waves during Slow
wave Sleep Syndrome. Investigators’ Workshops, AES: 68th American Epilepsy Society
Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Dec. 05-09, 2014 (Poster)
42. Liu S*, Sanz-Clemente A, Yuan H, Traynelis SF, Roche K (2014) Characterization of
NMDARs containing mutations implicated in human diseases. The 44 th Annual Meeting
of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Nov. 15-19, 2014 (Poster)
43. Yuan H*, Swanger S, and Traynelis SF. (2015) De novo GRIN2A mutation results in early-
onset epileptic encephalopathy: from molecular mechanism to personalized therapy. The
6th FAONS Congress and 11th Biennial Conference of CNS, Tongxiang, Zhejiang, China,
Sep 20-23, 2015 (Poster)
44. Traynelis SF*, Odgen KK, Chen W, Tankovic A, Kosobucki GJ, Schulien AJ, Hansen KB,
Aizenman E, and Yuan H (2015) The human GluN2A mutation P552R enhances NMDA
receptor function and promotes neurotoxicity. The 45th Annual Meeting Society for
Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, Oct. 17-21, 2015 (Poster)
45. Pecha J*, Hu C, Kusumoto H, Chen W, Yuan H, and Traynelis SF (2015) Functional
Analysis of NMDAR GRIN1 Mutations Associated with Infantile-Onset Epilepsy and
Encephalopathy. The 71st SWRM/67th SERMACS 2015 Conference, Memphis, TN, (Nov.
04-07, 2015 (Poster)
46. Yuan H*, Chen W, Tankovic A, Kosobucki GJ, Odgen KK, Aizenman E, and Traynelis SF
(2015) Functional Analyses of a Human GRIN2A Pre-M1 Mutation Associated with
Epilepsy: from Molecular Mechanism to Rescue Pharmacology. AES: 69th American
Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 04-08, 2015 (Poster)
47. Platzer K*, Yuan H, Traynelis SF, GRIN2B study group, Lemke JR (2016) Novel
phenotypic- and functional aspects of heterozygous de novo mutations in GRIN2B. ECE
Meeting, The European Society of Endocrinology, Munich, Germany, May 28-31, 2016
48. Platzer K*, Yuan H, Traynelis S, Lemke J. (2016) NOVEL PHENOTYPIC- AND
12th European Congress on Epileptology, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep. 11-15, 2016
(Poster)Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
49. Chen W*, Tankovic A, Traynelis SF, and Yuan H (2015) Functional Evaluation of a De
Novo GRIN2A Mutation Identified in a Patient with Severe Global Developmental Delay
and Intractable Epilepsy. AES: 69th American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 04-08, 2015 (Poster)
50. Lemke JR*, Platzer K, Yuan H, Chen W, Hu C, Kusomoto H, Schütz H, Laube B, Heyne
HO, Helbig KL, DiDonato N, Dobyns WB, Traynelis SF (2016) GRIN2B encephalopathy –
novel phenotypic, genetic and functional aspects. American Society for Human Genetics
Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Oct. 18-22, 2016 (Poster)
51. Ogden KK*, Chen C, Swanger SA, McDaniel MJ, Hu C, Tankovic A, Kusumoto H,
Kosobucki GJ, Schulien AJ, Su Z, Pecha J, Bhattacharya S, Cohen AE, Aizenman E,
Traynelis SF, Yuan H (2016) Evaluation of NMDA receptor human mutations suggests a
role for pre-M1 helix in gating. The 46th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San
Diego, CA, Nov. 12-16, 2016 (Poster)
52. Bhattacharya S*, Swanger SA, Chen C, Strong KL, Burger PB, Wells G, Tankovic A, Hu C,
Kusumoto H, Millichap JJ, Traynelis SF, Yuan H (2016) Mechanistic insights into agonist
binding domain mutations in NMDA receptors underlying neurodevelopmental
disorders. The 46th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, Nov. 12-
16, 2016 (Poster)
53. McDaniel MJ*, Ogden KK, Chen W, Swanger SA, Hu C, Tankovic A, Kusumoto H,
Kosobucki GJ, Schulien AJ, Su Z, Pecha J, Bhattacharya S, Aizenman E, Yuan H, Traynelis
SF (2016) Evaluation of NMDA receptor human mutations suggests a role for pre-M1
helix in gating. The 46th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, Nov.
12-16, 2016 (Poster)
54. Yuan H*, Kosobucki G, Chen W, Schulien A, Tankovic A, Hu C, Kusumoto H, Li D, Ortiz
Gonzalez X, Marsh E, Falk M, Aizeman E, Traynelis SF (2016) A GRIN2D Mutation in
Transmembrane Domain M3 Associated with Severe Epileptic Encephalopathy. AES:
70th American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, Dec. 02-06, 2016 (poster)
55. Kannan V*, Hu C, Kusumoto H, Traynelis SF, Yuan H (2016) Molecular Mechanism of a
GRIN2A M2 Mutation Associated with Early-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy and
Potential Rescue Pharmacology. AES: 70th American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting,
Houston, TX, Dec. 02-06, 2016 (poster)
56. Yuan H* (2017) GRIN variants and Drug-Resistant Seizures. The 7th Annual Meeting of
Jilin Anti-Epilepsy Association, Changchun, June 12, 2017, China (Oral)
57. Yuan H*, Zhang J, Tang W, Kusumoto H, Myers SJ, Traynelis SF (2017) De Novo NMDAR
GRIN Mutations in M2 Channel Pore-Forming Domain Associated with Neurological
Diseases. ASHG: The American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting Orlando, FL,
Oct. 17-21, 2017 (Poster)
58. Myers SJ*, Shaulsky G, Kim S, Yuan H, Traynelis SF (2017) Functional evaluation of rare
variants in glutamate receptor GRIN, GRIA, GRIK, and GRID genes reveals a diversity of
effects on receptor activity. ASHG: The American Society of Human Genetics Annual
Meeting, Orlando, FL, Oct. 17-21, 2017 (Poster)
59. Bhattacharya S*, A. Khatri A, Swanger SA, Hansen KB, Yuan H, Traynelis SF (2017)
Triheteromeric GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2C NMDA receptors have unique pharmacological
properties. The 47th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Dec. 01-
05, 2017 (Poster)Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
60. Traynelis SF*, A. Khatri A, Swanger SA, Bhattacharya S, Hansen KB, Yuan H (2017) Single
channel properties of triheteromeric GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2C NMDA receptors are
distinct from diheteromeric GluN1/GluN2A and GluN1/GluN2C. The 47th Annual
Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Dec. 01-05, 2017 (Poster)
61. Amador A*, Bostick C, Peters J, Olson H, Poduri A, Yuan H, Chen W, Myers SJ, Traynelis
SF, Boland M, Goldstein D, Frankel WN (2017) Mouse model of childhood epilepsy
caused by a de novo GRIN2A missense mutation. The 47th Annual Meeting Society for
Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Dec. 01-05, 2017 (Poster)
62. Yuan H*, Tang W, Zhang J, Kusumoto H, Myers SJ, Traynelis SF (2017) Functional
properties of GRIN Mutations in the M2 Channel Pore-Forming Domain Associated with
Epileptic Encephalopathy. AES: 71st American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting,
Washington, DC, Dec. 01-05, 2017 (Poster)
63. Behlmann A*, Myers SJ, Kim S, Shaulsky G, Ross SM, Yuan H, da Silva C, Bean L, Ankala
A, Askree S, Traynelis SF & Alexander J (2018) Functional Evaluation of Variants
Identified Through Genetic Testing for Epilepsy: A Model using the GRIN Family Genes.
2018 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting. Charlotte, NC, April 10-14, 2018 (Poster)
64. Yuan H* (2018) Genetic Variations of NMDAR GRIN Genes in Epilepsy and
Neurodevelopmental Disorders. ICMS2018_Ion Channel Modulation Symposium,
Cambridge University, UK, June 19-20, 2018 (Oral)
65. Yuan H* (2018) Genetic Variations of NMDA Receptor and Neurological Diseases: from
Molecular Mechanism to Precision Medicine” The 15th Meeting of the Asian-Pacific
Society for Neurochemistry, Macau, China, Aug. 27-29, 2018 (Oral)
66. Myers SJ*, Kim S, Ross S, Peterson V, Allen J, Yuan H, Stephen F. Traynelis SF (2018) In
Vitro Functional Studies of Rare Glutamate Receptor Variants Define Effects on Receptor
Activity in Patients. ASHG: The American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting,
San Diego, CA, Oct. 16-20, 2018 (Poster)
67. XiangWei W*, Yuan H, Myers SJ, Jiang Y, Traynelis SF (2018) De Novo AMPAR GRIA
Variants Associated with Neurological Diseases. ASHG: The American Society of Human
Genetics Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Oct. 16-20, 2018 (Poster)
68. Bhattacharya S*, Yi F, Khatri A, Swanger SA, Yuan H, Hansen KB, Traynelis SF (2018)
Selective expression of triheteromeric NMDA receptors reveals unique properties. The
48th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, Nov. 03-07, 2018 (Poster)
69. Amador A*, Kanber1 A, Ozuruonye E, Owens S, Peters J, Olson H, Poduri A, Boland M,
Goldstein D, Traynelis SF, Yuan H, Frankel WN, Yang M (2018) Mice with heterozygous
missense mutation of Grin2a exhibit developmental delay, hyper-activity, learning
deficits. The 48th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, Nov. 03-07,
2018 (Poster)
70. Sadleir LG*, de Valles Ibáñez G, King C, Coleman M, Mandelstam S, Bennett MF, Halliday
B, Myers SJ, Yuan H, Traynelis SF, Rajagopalan S, Mehaffey MG, Berkovic SF, Robertson
S, Mefford HC, Hildebrand MS, Bahlo M, Scheffer IE (2018) GRIN2C: A Novel Glutamate
Receptor Subunit Causes a Broad Epilepsy Phenotypic Spectrum. AES: 72nd American
Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 30-Dec. 04, 2018 (Poster)
71. Yuan H*, XiangWei W, Kannan V, Jiang Y, Traynelis SF (2018) Functional Evaluation of a
GRIN2D Missense Mutation Associated with Epileptic Encephalopathy. AES: 72nd
American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 30-Dec. 04, 2018 Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
72. XiangWei W*, Yuan H, Myers SJ, Traynelis SF, Jiang Y (2018) GRIA Variations associated
with Epilepsy and Intellectual Disabilities. AES: 72nd American Epilepsy Society Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 30-Dec. 04, 2018 (Poster)
73. Tang W*, Traynelis SF, Yuan H (2018) Rescue Pharmacology of Loss-of-Function GRIN
Mutations Associated with Epileptic Encephalopathy. AES: 72nd American Epilepsy
Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 30-Dec. 04, 2018 (Poster)
74. Li J*, Tang W, Zhang J, Kannan V, Yuan H, Traynelis SF (2018) Evaluation of FDA
approved NMDAR-targeted medications on epilepsy-associated GRIN mutations located
in M2 transmembrane domain. AES: 72nd American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, LA, Nov. 30-Dec. 04, 2018 (Poster)
75. Zhu Z*, Bozarth X, Zhang J, Tang W, Myers SJ, Dobyns W, Traynelis SF, Yuan H (2018) A
loss-of-function de novo GRIN1 variant associated with myoclonus and severe
intellectual disability. AES: 72nd American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, LA, Nov. 30-Dec. 04, 2018 (Poster)
76. Yuan H* (2019) Genetic Variations of NMDAR GRIN Genes in Epilepsy and
Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 12th ERUK-International Expert Workshop. Oxford
University, UK, March 14-15, 2019 (Oral)
77. Yuan H* (2019) Neurosteroid Rescue of Functional Deficits in GRIN Loss-of-function
Variants. The 2019 CFERV Conference on GRIN Variants, Atlanta, GA, Sep. 13-14, 2019
78. Liu D*, Li J, Zhang J, Tang W, Mizu RK, Kusumoto H, XiangWei W, Xu Y, Myers SJ,
Swanger SA, Lemke JR, Wollmuth LP, Petrovski S, Yuan H, Traynelis SF (2019)
Functional effects of de novo GRIN variants in NMDA receptor M2 channel pore-forming
loop associated with neurological diseases. The 49th Annual Meeting Society for
Neuroscience, Chicago, IL Oct. 19-23, 2019 (Poster)
79. Liu N*, XiangWei W, Xu Y, Kim S, Myers SJ, Jiang Y, Yuan H, Traynelis SF (2019)
Functional changes for GRIA variants associated with epilepsy and intellectual disability.
The 49th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, Oct. 19-23, 2019 (Poster)
80. Han W*, Camp CR, Bostick C, Amador A, Krizay D, Myers SJ, Poduri A, Goldstein D,
Boland M, Frankel WN, Traynelis SF, Yuan H (2019) Molecular mechanism of a GRIN2A
variant associated with early-onset epileptic encephalopathy. The 49th Annual Meeting
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. Oct. 19-23, 2019 (Poster)
81. Xu Y*, XiangWei W, Kannan V, Bhattacharya S, Poduri A, Lemke JR, Myers SJ, Jiang Y,
Traynelis SF, Yuan H (2019) Functional Features of GRIN2D Variants-Related
Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy. The 49th Annual Meeting Society for
Neuroscience, Chicago, IL Oct. 19-23, 2019 (Poster)
82. Yuan H*, Zhu Z , Epplin MP, Yi F, Summer SL, Mizu R, Hansen KB, Liotta DC, Traynelis
SF (2019) Negative allosteric modulation of GluN1/GluN3A N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptors. The 49th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, Oct. 19-23,
2019 (Poster)
83. Yuan H*, XiangWei W, Achkar C, Lesca G, Nguyen S, Helbig KL, Cuisset JM, Fenger CD,
Marjanovic D, Schuler E, Dirkx N, Schoonjans AS, Syrbe S, Myers SJ, Poduri A, Lemke JR,
Jiang Y, Traynelis SF (2019) Heterogeneous Clinical and Functional Features of GRIN2D
related Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy. AES: 73rd American Epilepsy
Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Dec. 06-10, 2019 (Poster)Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
84. Rui Song*, Xiuhua Bozarth, Jin Zhang, Weiting Tang, Yuchen Xu, Sukhan Kim, Scott J
Myers, Ding Liu, William Dobyns, Stephen F Traynelis, Yuan H (2020) Myoclonus
associated GRIN1 variant: from molecular mechanism to rescue pharmacology. AES: 74th
American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Online, Dec. 06-10, 2020 (Poster)
85. Rui Song, Scott Myers, Stephen Traynelis, and Hongjie Yuan (2021) Translational study in
disease-associated genetic variation in GRIN genes: from molecular mechanism to
targeted therapy. 2021 Southeast Regional Clinical & Translational Science Conference,
Mar 04-05, 2021 (Poster)
86. Chiara Klöckner, Tobias Brünger, Eduardo Pérez-Palma, Ilona Krey, Marie Gramm, Scott J
Myers, Yuan H, Arthur Stefanski, Patrick May, Jenifer Sargent, Amy Ramsey, Tim Benke,
Stephen F Traynelis, Dennis Lal, Johannes R Lemke (2021) The GRIN Portal: An
Interactive Web Application Exploring GRIN Genes and Related Disorders. AES: 75th
American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting (Poster)
20. Research Focus:
My research program utilizes multidisciplinary approaches to translate basic research
involving human glutamate receptor genetic variations toward understanding the
functional consequences of the variants in neurological patients to catalyze the
development of mechanistic hypotheses underlying certain neurological diseases, lay the
groundwork for new treatment paradigms, and potentially improve clinical care.
21. Patents:
a. Pending:
1. “Negative Allosteric Modulation of GluN1/GluN3A N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors”, U.S.
Provisional Patent Application No. 62/968,005; Dennis C. Liotta, Steve Traynelis, Hongjie
Yuan, Matthew Epplin, Samantha Summer, David Menaldino, Leon Jacobs, and Adam
McCallum; 2020
22. Grant Support:
a. Active Support:
i. Federally Funded:
1. R01HD082373 Yuan (PI) NICHD/NIH NMDAR Mutations & Neurodevelopmental
Disorder: from Mechanism to Targeted Therapy, R01/Federal, $2,112,500, 04/01/15-
ii. Other support:
1. SAGE#105128 Yuan (PI) SAGE THERAPEUTICS, Effects of SAGE modulators on
basic NMDAR function and NMDAR loss-of-function mutations associated with
neurological diseases, Sponsored Research Agreement, $115,000, 07/01/20-12/31/21
2. YUAN (PI), GRIN2B Foundation, Rescue pharmacology and therapeutic strategies to treat
pediatric neurological disorders. Research Grant, $45,000, Dec 01, 2020-Dec 01, 2021Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
b. Previous Support:
1. HSN268201300162P Yuan (PI) UDP/NIH Functional Validation of Human
NMDAR mutations Identified at UDP NIH. Contract/Federal, $32,051, 7/01/13-
2. #00039342 Yuan (co-PI) Emory+Children’s Pediatric Center NMDA Receptor
Mutations in Childhood Idiopathic Focal Epilepsy (IFE) with Centrotemporal Spikes and
Electrical Status Epilepticus in Sleep (ESES), Seed Grant, $50,000, 01/01/14-08/31/15
3. #00041341 Yuan (PI) ACTSI/URC Pilot Grant, Molecular Mechanism of Human
NMDA Receptor GRIN2B Subunit Mutations in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Pilot
Grant, $30,000, 06/01/14-05/31/15
4. HSN268201400169P Yuan (PI) UDP/NIH Functional Analysis of Human NMDAR
and KCTD mutations Identified at UDP NIH. Contract/Federal, $44,872, 09/01/14-
5. SAGE#43621 Yuan (PI) SAGE THERAPEUTICS, The site of action and the effects of
SAGE modulators on basic NMDAR function and NMDAR loss-of-function mutations
associated with neurological diseases. Sponsored Research Agreement, $150,000,
6. URC#00085889 Yuan (PI) Emory University Research Committee (URC) Award,
Human AMPAR Variants in Neurological Diseases: from Molecular Mechanism to
Rescue Pharmacology, Pilot/University, $30,000, 06/06/19-12/06/20
c. Grant in Pending:
1. YUAN (PI), GRANT13228544, NINDS/NIH, Human GRIA Variants and Neurological
Diseases: from Molecular Mechanism to Rescue Pharmacology, R21/Federal, $275,000,
Oct 16, 2020 (this application was reviewed on February 2021, and received priority 5 percentile
and impact score 21. The Council meeting of NIMH has approved this reward and is currently
waiting for clearance of the foreign components)
2. 1R21AG072142-01 (PI: Myers) NINDS/NIH Use of Bioinformatics and Genetics to
Identify a New Class of Drugs for Neurological Disease. R21/Federal, $275,000, June 16,
3. YUAN (Co-I), YUAN (Co-I), Harvard University/NIH (PI: Liang) Subtype-selective
NMDA ligands for Alzheimer's disease. $60,000 (Flow through funding, total requested
funding), R01/Federal, February 5, 2021
4. YUAN (Co-I), Genetic Rescue of Autistic Behaviors in a Loss-of-Function GRIN2B Mouse
Model. 2021 Genomics of ASD: Pathway to Genetic Therapies /Simon’s Foundation,
$1,200,000, July 6, 2021
d. Grant Submitted:
1. YUAN (PI), Young Investigator Award, NARSAD, Molecular Mechanisms of Human
NMDA Receptor Mutations in Schizophrenia, Private Foundation, $60,000, Feb. 05, 2014
2. YUAN (PI), Independent Investigator Award, NARSAD, Molecular Mechanisms of
Human NMDA Receptor Mutations in Schizophrenia, Private Foundation, $92,592, Dec.
05, 2015Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
3. YUAN (PI), Pilot Grant, Simons Foundation, GRIN2B Variants and Autism: from
Molecular Mechanism to Rescue Pharmacology, Private Foundation, $278,112, Feb. 17,
4. YUAN (PI), NINDS/NIH, Human GRIN3A/GluN3A: Genetic Variations, Selective
Modulators, and Rescue Pharmacology, R21/Federal, $275,000, Oct 15, 2018
5. YUAN (PI), NINDS/NIH, Human AMPAR Variants in Neurological Diseases: Structure,
Molecular Mechanism, and Rescue Pharmacology, R01/Federal, $1,25,000, Feb. 05, 2019,
6. YUAN (PI), 2R01HD082373-06, NICHD/NIH, NMDAR Mutations &
Neurodevelopmental Disorder: from Mechanism to Targeted Therapy, R01
Renewal/Federal, $1,25,000, Mar. 05, 2019
7. YUAN (Co-I), Harvard University/NIH (PI: Liang) Subtype-selective NMDA receptor
ligands. $60,000 (Flow through funding, total requested funding), R01/Federal, June 5,
8. YUAN (PI), NINDS/NIH, Human GRIN3A/GluN3A: Genetic Variations, Selective
Modulators, and Rescue Pharmacology, R21 resubmission/Federal, $275,000, Nov. 16,
23. Bibliography:
Published and Accepted Research Articles (clinical, basic science, other) in Refereed
1. Yuan H, Liu M, Huang M, Zhao LX (1998) Red nucleus reception of the blood pressure
change. Journal of Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences 26:577-579 (in Chinese)
2. Cao G, Wang Y, Yuan H, Zhang H, Zhang M (1999) Study on the functional change and its
clinical significance of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical axis of cerebral
vascular disease in different site and course. Stroke and Nervous Disorders 6:101-102 (in
3. Cao G, Zhang M, Yuan H (2000) Effect of carotid injection of mannitol on cerebral
ischemia-induced hydrocephalus in rabbit. Journal of BaoTou Medical School 16:23-25 (in
4. Yamada K, Ji JJ, Yuan H, Miki T, Sato S, Horimoto N, Shimizu T, Seino S, Inagaki N (2001)
Protective role of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in hypoxia-induced generalized
seizure. Science 292:1543-46. doi: 10.1126/science.1059829
5. Yuan H, Yamada K, Inagaki N (2004) Multiminute oscillations in mouse substantia nigra
pars reticulata neurons in vitro. Neuroscience Letters 355(3):136-140. doi:
6. Yuan H, Yamada K, Inagaki N (2004) Glucose sensitivity in mouse substantia nigra pars
reticulata neurons in vitro. Neuroscience Letters 355(3):173-176. doi:
7. Chen PE, Geballe MT, Stansfeld PJ, Johnston AR, Yuan H, Jacob AL, Snyder JP, Traynelis
SF, Wyllie DJ (2005) Structural features of the glutamate binding site in recombinant
NR1/NR2A N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors determined by site-directed mutagenesis
and molecular modeling. Molecular Pharmacology 67(5):1470-1484. doi:
8. Yuan H*, Erreger K, Dravid SM, Traynelis SF (2005) Conserved structural and functional Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
control of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor gating by transmembrane domain M3. The
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280(33):29708-29716. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M414215200. (*as
corresponding author)
9. Dravid SM, Erreger K, Yuan H, Nicholson K, Le P, Lyuboslavsky P, Almonte A, Murray E,
Mosely C, Barber J, French A, Balster R, Murray TF, Traynelis SF (2007) Subunit-specific
mechanisms and proton sensitivity of NMDA receptor channel block. The Journal of
Physiology 581(Pt 1):107-128. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2006.124958
10. Lee CJ, Mannaioni G, Yuan H, Woo DH, Gingrich MB, Traynelis SF (2007) Astrocytic
control of synaptic NMDA receptors. The Journal of Physiology 581(Pt 3):1057-1081. doi:
11. Hamill CE, Caudle WM, Richardson JR, Yuan H, Pennell KD, Greene JG, Miller GW,
Traynelis SF (2007) Exacerbation of dopaminergic terminal damage in a mouse model
of Parkinson's disease by the G-protein-coupled receptor protease-activated receptor 1.
Molecular Pharmacology 72(3):653-664. doi: 10.1124/mol.107.038158
12. Erreger K, Geballe MT, Kristensen A, Chen PE, Hansen KB, Lee CJ, Yuan H, Le P,
Lyuboslavsky PN, Micale N, Jørgensen L, Clausen RP, Wyllie DJ, Snyder JP, Traynelis
SF (2007) Subunit-specific agonist activity at NR2A-, NR2B-, NR2C-, and NR2D
containing N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptors. Molecular Pharmacology
72(4):907-920. doi: 10.1124/mol.107.037333
13. Mannaioni G, Orr AG, Hamill CE, Yuan H, Pedone KH, McCoy KL, Berlinguer Palmini
R, Junge CE, Lee CJ, Yepes M, Hepler JR, Traynelis SF (2008) Plasmin potentiates
synaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor function in hippocampal neurons through
activation of protease-activated receptor-1. The Journal of Biological Chemistry
283(29):20600-20611. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M803015200
14. Tahirovic YA, Geballe M, Gruszecka-Kowalik E, Myers SJ, Lyuboslavsky P, Le P, French
A, Irier H, Choi WB, Easterling K, Yuan H, Wilson LJ, Kotloski R, McNamara JO,
Dingledine R, Liotta DC, Traynelis SF, Snyder JP (2008) Enantiomeric propanolamines
as selective N-methyl-D-aspartate 2B receptor antagonists. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
51(18):5506-5521. doi: 10.1021/jm8002153
15. Yuan H, Vance KM, Junge CE, Geballe MT, Snyder JP, Hepler JR, Yepes M, Low CM,
Traynelis SF (2009) The serine protease plasmin cleaves the amino-terminal domain of
the NR2A subunit to relieve zinc inhibition of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. The
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284(19):12862-12873. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M805123200
16. Mosley CA, Myers SJ, Murray EE, Santangelo R, Tahirovic YA, Kurtkaya N, Mullasseril
P, Yuan H, Lyuboslavsky P, Le P, Wilson LJ, Yepes M, Dingledine R, Traynelis SF,
Liotta DC (2009) Synthesis, structural activity-relationships, and biological evaluation
of novel amide-based allosteric binding site antagonists in NR1A/NR2B N-methyl-D
aspartate receptors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 17(17):6463-6480. doi:
17. Yuan H*, Hansen KB, Vance KM, Ogden K, Traynelis SF (2009) Control of N-methyl-D
aspartate receptor function by the NR2 subunit amino-terminal domain. The Journal of
Neuroscience 29(39):12045-12058. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1365-09.2009 (*as
corresponding author)
18. Hansen KB, Mullasseril P, Dawit S, Kurtkaya NL, Yuan H, Vance KM, Orr AG, Kvist T,
Ogden KK, Le P, Vellano KM, Lewis L, Kurtkaya S, Du Y, Qui M, Murphy TJ, Snyder
JP, Brauner-Osborne H, Traynelis SF (2010) Implementation of a fluorescence-based Hongjie Yuan MD, PhD
screening assay identifies histamine H3 receptor antagonists clobenpropit and
iodophenpropit as subunit-selective NMDA receptor antagonists. Journal of
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 333(3):650-662. doi: 10.1124/jpet.110.166256
19. Mullasseril P, Hansen KB, Vance KM, Ogden KK, Yuan H, Kurtkaya NL, Santangelo R,
Orr AG, Le P, Vellano KM, Liotta DC, Traynelis SF (2010) A subunit-selective
potentiator of NR2C- and NR2D-containing NMDA receptors. Nature Communications
1:90. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1085
20. Acker TM, Yuan H, Hansen KB, Vance KM, Ogden KK, Jensen HS, Burger1 PB, Snyder J,
Liotta DC, Traynelis SF (2011) Expanding N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor
Pharmacology: A Novel Class of Non-Competitive GluN2C/D Subunit Selective
Antagonist. Molecular Pharmacology 80(5):782-795. doi: 10.1124/mol.111.073239.
21. Burger PB, Yuan H, Karakas E, Geballe M, Furukawa H, Liotta DC, Snyder JP, Traynelis
SF (2012) Mapping the Binding of GluN2B-Selective N-Methyl-D-aspartate Receptor
Negative Allosteric Modulators. Molecular Pharmacology 82(2):344-59. doi:
22. Yuan H*, Hansen KB, Zhang J, Pierson TM, Markello TC, Fuentes Fajardo KV, Holloman
CM, Golas G, Adams DR, Boerkoel CF, Gahl WA, and Traynelis SF (2014) Functional
analysis of a de novo GRIN2A missense mutation associated with early-onset ep






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-11 11:00-11:20 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 上午 Neurology (a.m.)

讲者 Speaker NMDA受体的遗传变异:对神经发育障碍的影响Genetic Variations in NMDA Receptors: Implications for Neurodevelopmental Disorders
2021-12-11 11:40-11:55 神经专场 Neurology

神经专场 上午 Neurology (a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion