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David Gozal
University of Missouri and MUHC Children’s Hospital,Columbia, Missouri, USA

Dr. Gozal is currently the Marie M. and Harry L. Smith Endowed Chair and the Chairman of the Department of Child Health at the University of Missouri, as well as Physician-in-Chief of the University of Missouri Health Children’s Hospital. Dr Gozal’s research interests include projects such as gene and cellular regulation in hypoxia  and sleep disruption, murine models of sleep disorders, and genomic and proteomic approaches to clinical and epidemiological aspects of sleep apnea in both adults and children. In addition, he has pioneered biomarker discovery and machine learning approaches for the diagnosis of sleep apnea across the lifespan. More recently, he has begun exploration of the role of the gut microbiome and circulating exosomes as mechanistic effectors and biomarkers in sleep disorders and associated morbidities.  

He is Past President of the American Thoracic Society, the world leading organization for pulmonary, critical are and sleep medicine, was a member of the Board of Directors of the Sleep Research Society 2014-2016, and is Deputy Editor-in-Chief for the journal Sleep, and Associate Editor for ERJ, Pediatric Pulmonology, and Frontiers in Neurology. He has been the recipient of the ATS Amberson Lecture in 2002, and was awarded the William C. Dement Academic Achievement Award by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 2013, and the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award of the National Sleep Foundation. He has also received two honorary doctorates from the University of Barcelona and University of Lleida in Spain.  His research work has been continuously supported by grants from the NIH since 1992, he has published over 750 peer-reviewed original articles carrying a H index of 120 and >60,000 citations (one of the top 3,000 most cited scientists in the world), along with  more than 150 book chapters and reviews, edited 4 books, presented more than 1,000 scientific abstracts, and has extensively lectured all over the world.







日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-12-12 09:40-10:00 睡眠专场 Sleep

睡眠专场-上午 Sleep(a.m.)

讲者 Speaker 儿童睡眠研究的挑战和机遇Pediatric Sleep Research: Future Challenges and Opportunities
2021-12-12 10:40-10:55 睡眠专场 Sleep

睡眠专场-上午 Sleep(a.m.)

讨论 Discussant 讨论Discussion