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Dimitrios Giotikas
地中海医院 Mediterraneo Hospital

Dimitrios Giotikas currently works as a Consultant Surgeon in Trauma & Orthopaedics at his private practice in London and Athens (Greece).

He graduated from the Military Medical Academy of Greek Army. As a military surgeon, he has served in district military hospitals, the Greek Marines and in Afghanistan.

He moved to the UK in 2012 and sub-specialized in complex trauma and limb reconstruction (lengthening, correction of deformities, bone defects), working at Cambridge University Hospitals as a specialist surgeon for 5 years.

He has worked in the NHS as a consultant at Oxford University Hospitals and Sussex University hospitals.

The scope of Dimitrios Giotikas's clinical practice as well as his research interest focus is on complex orthopaedic trauma, distraction osteogenesis for the management of non-union of fractures and osteomyelitis, limb lengthening correction of limb deformities, osteotomies around the knee for preservation of the native joint and regenerative treatments for the management of early arthritis.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-21 13:45-14:00 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

美容延长术:适应证、效果和概念演变 Cosmetic Lengthening. Indications, results and evolution of concepts

讲者 Speaker 应用髓内延长钉增高的双侧牵张成骨-短期随访Bilateral distraction osteogenesis with intramedullary lengthening nails for stature increase. Short term outcomes