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Elena Shchepkina
弗雷登国家创伤和整形外科医学研究中心 Vreden National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics | Department for the treatment of trauma and their consequences






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 10:04-10:12 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

创伤后骨不连骨缺损 Sequelae of Trauma& Bone defect、nonunion

讲者 Speaker 延长后植入髓内钉:何时用矫形六轴架?Lengthening over the nail: When to use orthopedic hexapod?
2024-09-20 13:54-14:02 第五会议厅 B Convention Hall No. 5 B

创伤后遗症 1 Sequelae of Trauma 1

讲者 Speaker 外固定钉连续应用于长骨畸形和不连的治疗Sequential use of external fixation and nailing in the treatment of patient with deformities and non-unions of long bones
2024-09-22 08:00-08:09 第二会议厅 C Convention Hall No. 2 C

Symposium-长骨多顶点畸形:诊断、急性和渐进矫正 Multiapical long bone deformities: diagnosis, acute and gradual correction

讲者 Speaker 简介:多平面畸形的术语和诊断Introduction: terminology and diagnosis in multiapical deformities
2024-09-22 09:50-11:20 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

骨缺损重建 3 Sequelae of Trauma& Bone defect、nonunion

主持 Moderator
2024-09-22 10:02-10:14 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

骨缺损重建 3 Sequelae of Trauma& Bone defect、nonunion

讲者 Speaker 使用线缆技术、六轴架、髓内钉的双焦点截骨骨运输Bifocal bone transport over a nail (BTON) using cable technology and orthopedic hexapod