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eduardo Stefano
阿根廷ASAMI Asami argentina | Private medicine ; Bs As Children hospital

Born in Buenos Aires ,Argentina. Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon  Member since 1980 of Buenos Aires Children Hospital being head of Pediatric Ortopedic Department creating a leg lengthening section in 1990 that is still active. 

Past president and founding member of ASAMI Argentina 

Past president of SAOTI Pediatric Orthopedic Society of Argentina 

Professor of Orthopedics in public and private universities

Staff member and Prof of SLAOT Latinoamerican Orthop Society 

Director of Bone Growth Center Argentina

Married with Laura

 Have three children ,two of them Physicians and a Lawyer

Deals permanently with bone reconstruction since 1987 

Research every day looking for innovation and new easyer methods for limb reconstruction specially in Children  






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 08:14-08:28 第五会议厅 B Convention Hall No. 5 B

罕见病骨科问题 3 Rare disease orthopedic issues 3

讲者 Speaker 腓侧半肢畸形治疗的演变和结果-从截肢到高质量运动重建Fibular Hemimelia. Treatment evolution and results - From amputation to high performance sports
2024-09-20 09:17-09:25 第五会议厅 B Convention Hall No. 5 B

罕见病骨科问题 3 Rare disease orthopedic issues 3

讲者 Speaker 低磷血症或先天性佝偻病的早期治疗和重建Hypophosphatemia x Linked or Congenital Rickets . Early treatment and reconstruction
2024-09-20 15:44-15:52 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

以大师之名 In the Name of Masters

讲者 Speaker 南美州矮小症35年来的治疗进展及结果35 years treatment of short stature in south america Treatment evolution and results