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暨南大学附属第一医院 | 病理科


2003/9 - 2006/7,北京协和医学院/清华大学医学部,生物化学与分子生物学,博士学位。

1996/9 - 1999/7,广东医学院,病理学,硕士学位。

1988/9 - 1990/7,广东医学院,病理学与病理生理学,其他(大学)


2016/10-至今 南大学第四次人才,附属第一医院病理科,教授,士、博士研究生和博士后导师。获B类广东省优粤人才,岭南名医称号。

2014/5 -2016/9 广医科大学,病理学系/附属医院病理中心,副教授,士研究生导师

2012/3 - 2014/4,美国俄亥俄州立大学,综合肿瘤中心,高级研究员(Sr. Research


2009/07-2012/07, 美国俄亥俄州立大学,生物化学与分子生物学/综合肿瘤中心,研究员(Research Scientist

2007/3 – 2009/07,美国俄亥俄州立大学,病理学系/综合肿瘤中心,博士后


1990/07-1996/08, 广西南宁市卫生学校,临床病理、教学。


1、国家自然科学基金面上目、No. 8157101944、乳腺癌诱导间质纤维细胞活化及PTEN失活分子机制, 2016/01-2019/1268万元,在研,主持。

2、广杨帆计划进紧缺拔尖人才目,Hedgehog信号通路在乳腺癌休眠与再激活中的作用, 2015/01-2018/12  100万元, 结题,主持。

3、国家自然科学基金面上目。No. 81372298Hedgehog信号通路异常激活在乳腺癌内分泌治及复中的作用与靶向治2014/01-2017/1270万元,已结题,主持。

4、美国NIH/NCI基金、P01(重大目): 2P01CA097189-06 Mechanisms Determining Stromal PTEN Suppression of Mammary Tumorigenesis2010-2020500万美元、在研、参加(合作目)。

5、美国NIH/NCI基金、NCI R21 CA137567-01A1MicroRNAs signature of tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer 2009-201130万美元,已结题,参加。

6、美国NIH/NCI基金、NCI 1R01CA113579-01A2 Role and therapeutical potential of Cdk4/6 in B-lymphoma 2005-2010120万美元,已结题,参加。


1.       M. Rudolph. S. T. Sizemore · Y. Lu (Yuanzhi Lu). K. Y. TengM. M. Basree9. R. Reinbolt. C. D. Timmers G. Leone. M. C. Ostrowski. S. Majumder. B. Ramaswamy A hedgehog pathwaydependent gene signature is associated with poor clinical outcomes in Luminal A breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2018 Jun;169(3):457-467 ( IF: 3.605)

2.       Huayang Liu, James A. Dowdle, Safiya Khurshid, Nicholas J. Sullivan, Nicholas Bertos, Komal Rambani, Markus Mair, Piotr Daniel, Esther Wheeler, Xing Tang, Kyle Toth, Michael Lause, Markus E. Harrigan, Karl Eiring, Connor Sullivan, Matthew J. Sullivan, Serena W. Chang, Siddhant Srivastava, Joseph S. Conway, Raleigh Kladney, Joseph McElroy, Sooin Bae, Yuanzhi Lu, Ali Tofigh, Sadiq M.I. Saleh, Soledad A. Fernandez, Jeffrey D. Parvin, Vincenzo Coppola, Erin R. Macrae, Sarmila Majumder, Charles L. Shapiro, Lisa D. Yee, Bhuvaneswari Ramaswamy, Michael Hallett, Michael C. Ostrowski, Morag Park, Helen M. Chamberlin, and Gustavo Leone*. Discovery of Stromal Regulatory Networks that Suppress Ras-Sensitized Epithelial Cell Proliferation. Dev Cell. 2017 May 22;41(4):392-407. ( IF: 9.616).

3.       Juhong Jiang,* Yuanzhi Lu,*  Zhi Li,  Liping Li,  Daoli Niu, Wenwei Xu, Jing Liu,  Lin Fu,  Ziqing Zhou,  Yingying Gu,  Fen Xia.  Ganetespib overcomes resistance to PARP inhibitors in breast cancer by targeting core proteins in the DNA repair machinery. Invest New Drugs. 2017 Jun;35(3):251-259 (IF:3.484, co-first author)

4.       Xinmei Wang , Hongyan He , Yuanzhi Lu Wei Ren , Kun-yu Teng, Chi-ling Chiang ,Zhaogang Yang ,Bo Yu , Shuhao Hsu, Samson T. Jacobb, KalpanaGhoshal , L. James Lee . Indole-3-carbinol inhibits tumorigenicity of hepatocellular carcinoma cells via suppression of microRNA-21 and upregulation of phosphatase and tensin homolog. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 Jan;1853(1):244-53, PMID:2544767. ( IF: 4.495)

5.       Yuanzhi Lu, Yongsheng Wu, Xiaoling Feng, Yulong Shen, Weiqiang Zhao,Jing H. Wang, Mohammad Fallahi, Weimin Li, Chunying Yang,William Hankey, Ming O. Li, Ramesh K. Ganju, John L. Cleveland and Xianghong Zou. CDK4 deficiency promotes genomic instability and enhances Myc-driven lymphomagenesis. J Clin Invest. 2014 Apr 1, 2014; 124(4): 1672–1684. PMID:24614102IF: 13.765

6.       Shu-hao Hsu, Bo Yu, Xinmei Wang, Yuanzhi Lu, Carl R Schmidt, Robert J Lee,L James Lee, Samson T Jacob, Kalpana Ghoshal. Cationic Lipid Nanoparticles for Therapeutic Delivery of siRNA and miRNA to Murine Liver Tumor.Nanomedicine. 2013 Nov;9(8):1169-80. May 30. pii: S1549-9634(13)00192-5.doi:10.1016/j.nano.2013.05.007. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23727126 (IF:7.647)

7.       Bhuvaneswari Ramaswamy, Yuanzhi Lu#, Kun-yu Teng, Gerrard Nuovo,Xiaobai Li, Charles M. Shapiro and Sarmila Majumder. Hedgehog signaling is a novel therapeutic target in tamoxifen resistant breast cancer aberrantly activated by PI3K/AKT pathway. Cancer Research, 2012 Oct 1;72(19):5048-59 PMID:22875023 ,(IF: 8.65) #co-first author)






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-04-19 14:30-14:35 722厅


讨论 三方辩论赛开场致辞
2024-04-20 08:30-08:40 736厅


2024-04-20 08:35-08:40 736厅


讲者 致辞
2024-04-20 08:40-09:00 736厅


讲者 肿瘤多学科诊断模式(MDD)临床实践与思考