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广州呼吸疾病研究所 | 呼吸与危重症医学科

英国国王学院博士,英国皇家内科学院院士(FRCP),是美国哈佛大学教职工和客座教授。主要从事睡眠呼吸疾病及呼吸机制研究。其以第一或通信作者的论著发表于 New England Journal of Medicine,  Am  J Respir Crit Care Med, European Respiratory Journal,  Thorax,  Chest,Sleep 等著名期刊,多次在境外举行的国际大型学术会议上(ATS, ERS, World Sleep Congress)担任会议主席和特邀演讲专家;担任欧洲呼吸功能检测指南撰写专家组成员,是呼吸功能领域的国际级专家,获得专利近二十项,研发出呼吸中枢驱动检测系列产品,这些产品已被众多发达国家包括美国, 英国, 法国, 加拿大, 澳大利亚,比利时等国引进使用。近年来尚担任英国帝国理工大学本科生临床研究与创新研究课题导师。

 Professor of College of Medicine and Public Health of Flinders University, Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of London (FRCP), Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physiology,  Outstanding expert of Guangzhou City.  Director of clinical research and innovation training base of Medical School of Imperial College (UK) in China.He graduated in 1984 with a Bachelor degree of Medicine from Guangdong Medical University and got PhD degree in respiratory medicine from King’s College of London, UK in 2001. He has been frequently invited to be a speaker or section chair for many national or international conferences including European Respiratory Society Annual Congress and World Sleep Congress. He owned more than twenty patents related to respiratory or sleep medicine and has developed a series of products which has been widely used in developed countries including Canada, America, United Kingdom and Australia.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 16:20-16:40 1F-多功能厅C


讲者 睡眠呼吸暂停治疗新突破:从基础研究到临床转化