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Jonathan Puchalski
Yale University School of Medicine

Associate Professor of Medicine

Yale University School of Medicine

Director, Interventional Pulmonology

Yale University School of Medicine

Puchalski, J.  Lung Cancer section editor.  Current Pulmonology Reports

Puchalski J, Rahman NM. Pleural Diseases. Seminars In Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine. Guest Editor, 2019

Majid, et al.  Interventional Pulmonary Self Study Book.  Chapter Editor:  Pleural Disease 2019

Puchalski J.  Pleural Disease. Clinics In Chest Medicine. Guest Editor, 2013.

Peer-Reviewed Original Research

1.         Uchida K, Beck DC, Yamamoto T, Berclaz PY, Abe S, Staudt MK, Carey BC, Filippi MD, Wert SE, Denson LA, Puchalski JT, Hauck DM, Trapnell BC. GM-CSF autoantibodies and neutrophil dysfunction in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. The New England Journal of Medicine 2007, 356:567-79.

2.         Almoosa KF, Goldenhar LM, Puchalski J, Ying J, Panos RJ. Critical care education during internal medicine residency: a national survey. Journal Of Graduate Medical Education 2010, 2:555-61.

3.         Lee HJ, Feller-Kopman D, Shepherd RW, Almeida FA, Bechara R, Berkowitz D, Chawla M, Folch E, Haas A, Gillespie C, Lee R, Majid A, Malhotra R, Musani A, Puchalski J, Sterman D, Yarmus L. Validation of an interventional pulmonary examination. Chest 2013, 143:1667-1670.

4.         Puchalski JT, Argento AC, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Oliva IB, Rubinowitz AN, Pisani MA. Etiologies of bilateral pleural effusions. Respiratory Medicine 2013, 107:284-91.

5.         Puchalski JT, Argento AC, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Pisani MA. The safety of thoracentesis in patients with uncorrected bleeding risk. Annals Of The American Thoracic Society 2013, 10:336-41.

6.         Cai G, Wong R, Chhieng D, Levy GH, Gettinger SN, Herbst RS, Puchalski JT, Homer RJ, Hui P. Identification of EGFR mutation, KRAS mutation, and ALK gene rearrangement in cytological specimens of primary and metastatic lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Cytopathology 2013, 121:500-7.

7.         Goyal G, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Puchalski JT. Advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy using conscious sedation and the laryngeal nerve block: tolerability, thoroughness, and diagnostic yield. Lung 2014, 192:905-13.

8.         Kookoolis AS, Puchalski JT, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Pisani MA. Mortality of Hospitalized Patients with Pleural Effusions. Journal Of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine 2014, 4:184.

9.         Rabach L, Siegel MD, Puchalski JT, Towle D, Follert M, Johnson KM, Rademaker AW, Leder SB. Use of the Blom Tracheotomy Tube with Suction Inner Cannula to Decontaminate Microorganisms from the Subglottic Space. A Proof of Concept. Annals of The American Thoracic Society 2015, 12:859-63.

10.      Argento AC, Murphy TE, Pisani MA, Araujo KL, Puchalski J. Patient-Centered Outcomes Following Thoracentesis. Pleura (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) 2015, 2.

11.      DeBiasi EM, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo K, Kookoolis A, Argento AC, Puchalski J. Mortality among patients with pleural effusion undergoing thoracentesis. The European Respiratory Journal 2015, 46:495-502.

12.      Argento AC, Puchalski J. Convex probe EBUS for centrally located parenchymal lesions without a bronchus sign. Respiratory Medicine 2016, 116:55-8.

13.      Argento AC, Decker R, Puchalski J. Fiducial Marker Placement Via Convex Probe EBUS. Journal Of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology 2016, 23:181-5.

14.      Bramley K, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Homer RJ, Puchalski JT. Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Cautery-Assisted Transbronchial Forceps Biopsies: Safety and Sensitivity Relative to Transbronchial Needle Aspiration. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2016, 101:1870-6.

15.      Ost DE, Ernst A, Lei X, Kovitz KL, Benzaquen S, Diaz-Mendoza J, Greenhill S, Toth J, Feller-Kopman D, Puchalski J, Baram D, Karunakara R, Jimenez CA, Filner JJ, Morice RC, Eapen GA, Michaud GC, Estrada-Y-Martin RM, Rafeq S, Grosu HB, Ray C, Gilbert CR, Yarmus LB, Simoff M. Diagnostic Yield and Complications of Bronchoscopy for Peripheral Lung Lesions. Results of the AQuIRE Registry. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2016, 193:68-77.

16.      Ramaswamy A, Homer R, Killam J, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo K, Puchalski J. Comparison of Transbronchial and Cryobiopsies in Evaluation of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease. Journal Of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology 2016, 23:14-21.

17.      Korde A, Jin L, Zhang JG, Ramaswamy A, Hu B, Kolahian S, Guardela BJ, Herazo-Maya J, Siegfried JM, Stabile L, Pisani MA, Herbst RS, Kaminski N, Elias JA, Puchalski JT, Takyar SS. Lung Endothelial MicroRNA-1 Regulates Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2017, 196:1443-1455.

18.      Ryu C, Sun H, Gulati M, Herazo-Maya J, Chen Y, Osafo-Addo A, Brandsdorfer C, Winkler J, Blaul C, Faunce J, Pan H, Woolard T, Tzouvelekis A, Antin-Ozerkis DE, Puchalski JT, Slade M, Gonzalez AL, Bogenhagen DF, Kirillov V, Feghali-Bostwick C, Gibson K, Lindell K, Herzog RI, Dela Cruz CS, Mehal W, Kaminski N, Herzog EL, Trujillo G. Extracellular Mitochondrial DNA Is Generated by Fibroblasts and Predicts Death in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2017, 196:1571-1581.

19.      Gao SJ, Kim AW, Puchalski JT, Bramley K, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Decker RH. Indications for invasive mediastinal staging in patients with early non-small cell lung cancer staged with PET-CT. Lung Cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2017, 109:36-41.

20.      Wahidi MM, Reddy C, Yarmus L, Feller-Kopman D, Musani A, Shepherd RW, Lee H, Bechara R, Lamb C, Shofer S, Mahmood K, Michaud G, Puchalski J, Rafeq S, Cattaneo SM, Mullon J, Leh S, Mayse M, Thomas SM, Peterson B, Light RW. Randomized Trial of Pleural Fluid Drainage Frequency in Patients with Malignant Pleural Effusions. The ASAP Trial. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2017, 195:1050-1057.

21.      Senitko M, Ray AS, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Bramley K, DeBiasi EM, Pisani MA, Cameron K, Puchalski JT. Safety and Tolerability of Vacuum Versus Manual Drainage During Thoracentesis: A Randomized Trial. Journal Of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology 2019, 26:166-171.

22.      Senitko M, Murphy TE, Puchalski JT. Strengths and Limitations of a Small Randomized Trial Comparing Manual and Vacuum Drainage in Thoracentesis. Journal Of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology 2019, 26:e43.

23.      DeBiasi EM, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Pisani MA, Puchalski JT. Physician Practice Patterns for Performing Thoracentesis in Patients Taking Anticoagulant Medications. Journal Of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology 2019.

24.      Ray AS, Li C, Murphy TE, Cai G, Araujo KL, Bramley K, DeBiasi EM, Pisani MA, Cortopassi IO, Puchalski JT. Improved Diagnostic Yield and Specimen Quality with EBUS-Guided Forceps Biopsies: A Retrospective Analysis. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2019.

Chapters, Books, and Reviews

25.      Detterbeck F, Puchalski J, Rubinowitz A, Cheng D. Classification of the thoroughness of mediastinal staging of lung cancer. Chest 2010, 137:436-42.

26.      Puchalski J, Feller-Kopman D. The pulmonologist's diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in lung cancer. Clinics In Chest Medicine 2011, 32:763-71.

27.      Puchalski J, Lee HJ, Sterman DH. Airway complications following lung transplantation. Clinics In Chest Medicine 2011, 32:357-66.

28.      Puchalski J, Musani AI. Tracheobronchial stenosis: causes and advances in management. Clinics In Chest Medicine 2013, 34:557-67.

29.      Bramley K, Puchalski JT. Defying gravity: subdiaphragmatic causes of pleural effusions. Clinics In Chest Medicine 2013, 34:39-46.

30.      Puchalski J. Thoracentesis and the risks for bleeding: a new era. Current Opinion In Pulmonary Medicine 2014, 20:377-84.

31.      DeBiasi, E, Puchalski J.  Pleural Effusions as Markers of Mortality and Disease Severity:  A State-of-the-Art Review.  Curr Opin Pulm Med 2016.

32.      Harris, K, Puchalski J, Sterman D.  Recent Advances in Bronchoscopic Treatment of Peripheral Lung Cancers.  Chest 2016.

33.      DeBiasi E, Puchalski J. Pleural effusions as markers of mortality and disease severity: a state-of-the-art review. Current Opinion In Pulmonary Medicine 2016, 22:386-91.

34.      Puchalski, J.  Pulmonary Manifestations of Solid Non-Pulmonary Malignancies.  Clin Chest Med. 2017: 38(2), 177-186.

35.      Puchalski, J  Thoracic Neoplasms in Textbook of Internal Medicine:  An Intensive Board Review Book with 1480 Multiple Choice Questions, 1st Kindle Edition, Blendon-Miller, An imprint of MasterMedFacts LLc. 2018.

36.      Puchalski, J.  Flexible and Rigid Bronchoscopy, Dynamed Plus 2018.

37.      Puchalski, J.  Ultrasound in the Intensive Care Unit, Dynamed Plus 2018.

38.      Ramaswamy, A, Puchalski, J.  Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction: Recent Updates.  Jl Thorac Dis 2018: 10(4):2519-27.

39.      Bramley, K, DeBiasi, E and J Puchalski.  Indwelling Pleural Catheter Placement for Non-Malignant Pleural Effusions.  Semin Resp Crit Care Med 2018.

40.      Puchalski J. Advances and Controversies in Thoracentesis and Medical Thoracoscopy. Seminars In Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2019, 40:410-416.

41.      Morton, C, Puchalski, J. The Utility of Bronchoscopy in Immunocompromised Patients: A Review.  Jl Thorac Dis 2019, 12:5603-5612






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2020-11-21 15:30-15:50 Room No. 9

Novel Analysis of Mediastinal Nodes in Thoracic Malignancies

Speaker Novel Mechanisms of Nodal Access