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Stephen Lam
BC Cancer, Canada

Dr. Stephen Lam is Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (BC), distinguished scientist, the Leon Judah Blackmore chair in lung cancer research and MDS-Rix endowed director of translation lung cancer research at the BC Cancer Research Center. He also chairs the Pan-Canadian Lung Cancer Screening Network. Dr. Lam’s research focuses on early detection of lung cancer. He was the recipient of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Joseph Cullen Award for life-time scientific achievements in lung cancer prevention research. Dr. Lam received his medical training at the University of Toronto. He joined the UBC Faculty of Medicine in 1979 and BC Cancer in 1984.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2020-11-21 15:30-17:00 Main Venue

Diagnosis of Small Peripheral Lung Lesions: Which is Better?

2020-11-22 07:25-07:50 Room No. 3

Blast from the Past: Some Innovations and Progresses of IP

Speaker Autofluorescence Bronchoscopy-Discovery by Serendipity