俞立-Plenary Speaker
Li Yu received his Ph.D. from Peking University. In 2008, he joined Tsinghua University as a professor in School of Life Sciences. Li Yu discovered autophagic lysosome reformation (ALR), the terminal step of autophagy, and worked on other aspects of autophagy. More recently, they discovered migrasome, a new organelle for cell-cell communication in migrating cells. Currently, Li Yu’s group is investigating the mechanism for migrasome formation and pathophysiological roles of migrasome.
Topic title: Migrasome, from basic biology to therapeutic potentials
Cells communicate with each other through secreting and releasing proteins and vesicles. Many cells can migrate. In 2015, we report the discovery of migracytosis, a cell migration-dependent mechanism for releasing cellular contents, and migrasomes, the vesicular structures that mediate migracytosis. In this seminar, I will discuss our recent progress on the mechanism of migrasome biogenesis and the role of migrasome in various biological processes. Additionally, I will explore the potential of employing biofabrication techniques in the investigation of migrasomes.