Invited Speaker



Update time:2023-12-11 10:46

黄鹏羽,北京协和医学院研究员、博导,国家优青,天津市杰青,中国医学科学院天津医学健康研究院执行副院长,生物医学工程研究所副所长,先进医用材料与医疗器械全国重点实验室副主任,呼吸与危重症诊疗技术与器械教育部工程研究中心主任,生物医学工程研究所人工器官与再生医学中心主任,中国生物医学工程学会常务理事,中国细胞生物学会细胞治疗研究与应用分会副秘书长,天津市细胞生物学学会副理事长,Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition、Hepatology Communications期刊编委。近年来,通过开发原代细胞体外连续扩增培养技术,实现肺干细胞、肝实质细胞、心肌细胞、皮肤角质形成细胞等原代细胞的体外批量化获取。基于细胞自组装、生物3D打印等技术,采用体外扩增的原代细胞,构建了肝、肺、心等类器官和较大尺度生物人工器官,并开展组织修复和药物开发应用。至今以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Nature、Cell Stem Cell、Nature Neuroscience、Nature Communications、Cell Research、Gut、Hepatology、Biomaterials等学术期刊上发表论文,其中3篇入选ESI高被引论文,4篇获得Faculty of 1000推荐。成果曾入选2011年中国十大科技进展,2018年上海市自然科学一等奖。获国内专利授权5项;美国专利2项。

Topic Title: Construction and application of bioartificial organs using in vitro expanded primary cells


The in vitro construction of bioartificial organs for transplantation represents a crucial avenue in the treatment of end-stage organ failure diseases. Recent advancements in stem cell technology and cell self-assembly techniques have facilitated the generation of bioartificial organs ranging in size from micrometers to millimeters. Nonetheless, the manufacture of large-scale vascularized bioartificial organs is hindered by several technical challenges. Firstly, acquiring a sufficient quantity of safe, reliable, and functionally seed cells is challenging. Secondly, there is a lack of rapid construction methods for generating vascularized bioartificial organs. In this study, we have successfully established in vitro culture systems for large-scale expansion of primary cells, including hepatocytes, lung progenitor cells, cardiomyocytes, etc. We generated functional liver, alveolar, airway and heart organoids by 3D culture of the in vitro expanded primary cells. To generate mini-organs, we developed a rapid self-assembly method utilizing hepatocytes to drive the formation of fibrin hydrogels, resulting in the creation of mini-livers at the millimeter scale. To construct larger bioartificial organs, we formulated bioink materials designed for bioprinting, capable of promoting the rapid self-assembly and long-term viability of hepatocytes and endothelial cells. By transplanting the bioartificial liver into mice with liver injuries, we successfully enhanced the survival of liver injury mice. The current work demonstrated the potential uses of bioartificial organs in transplantation, disease modeling, mechanism studies, and drug development.

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