Dr. Guo is an active researcher interested in hydrogels, 3D bioprinting, bioinks, and tissue engineering. He received his phD degree in Precision Medicine and Healthcare from Tsinghua University and postdoctoral training in Mechanical Engineering also from Tsinghua University. Currently, he is an associate Professor at School of Mechanics and Safety Engineering, Zhengzhou University, China. He has hosted NSFC project and Key R&D Projects of Henan Province. Dr. Guo also published scientific papers as first author in Biofabrication, Chemical Engineering Journal, Advanced Healthcare Materials, JMCB, etc.
Topic title: The fabrication and application of biomimetic double-network hydrogels.
Bioinspired design is a fascinating strategy increasingly being employed in advanced materials engineering. For instance, marine mussels utilize their byssus, a strong, adhesive and self-healable tissues, to adhere themselves to rocks to withstand the turbulent buffeting of the intertidal zone. Inspired by the mussel-adhesive chemistry, we intend to provide new solutions to fabricate different naturally-derived double-network hydrogels, which can be used as bioinks, surgical adhesives, soft actuators, and light transmittance regulators, etc.