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  • Special Session - Pediatrics Issue
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All Dates (UTC+8):
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  • 2022-09-16 [Friday]
  • 2022-09-17 [Saturday]
  • 2022-09-18 [Sunday]
All Rooms:
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  • Meeting Room 1
  • Meeting Room 2
  • Meeting Room 3

2022-09-16 Friday

Meeting Room 2 (UTC+8) 2022-09-16 Local Time

13:15-15:15 (UTC+8) 13:15-15:15 Local Time | Young Investigator Froum 1 [Young Investigator Forum]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
13:15-13:35 13:15-13:35

Myeloid cells in alcohol related liver injury

Hua WANG Department of Oncology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University
13:35-13:55 13:35-13:55

Research progress of non coding RNA in reversing liver fibrosis

Tianxin XIANG The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University
13:55-14:15 13:55-14:15

Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) and regeneration

Xiaogang XIANG Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University
14:15-14:35 14:15-14:35

Immune-pathological mechanisms and potential therapies of liver diseases

Li Tang Academy of military medicine
14:35-14:55 14:35-14:55

Methylation biomarkers in acute-on-chronic hepatitis B liver failure

Yuchen FAN Department of Hepatology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University
15:15-15:30 (UTC+8) 15:15-15:30 Local Time | Break
15:30-17:30 (UTC+8) 15:30-17:30 Local Time | Young Investigator Froum 2 [Young Investigator Forum]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
15:30-17:00 15:30-17:00

Type-specific functions and related mechanisms of IFN-α against Hepatitis B Virus

Jieliang CHEN Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University
15:50-16:10 15:50-16:10

Plerixafor and resatorvid inhibit hepatitis B virus in vitro by upregulating EFTUD2

Chuanlong Zhu
16:10-16:30 16:10-16:30

Sofosbuvir-based therapy for late pregnant women and infant with severe chronic hepatitis C

Qinglei Zeng The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University
16:30-16:50 16:30-16:50

Liver failure due to HBV reactivation

Yu Shi The First Affiliated Hospital Zhejang University
16:50-17:10 16:50-17:10

Liver failure:what we are doing and what we can do?

Liang PENG The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat sen Universit
17:10-17:30 17:10-17:30

Antiviral therapy in EBV infection

Jinghang XU Peking University First Hospital
17:30-19:30 (UTC+8) 17:30-19:30 Local Time | Special Session:Critical Care in Hepatology: Pediatrics Issue [Special Session - Pediatrics Issue]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
17:30-17:50 17:30-17:50

Explore the new etiology of childhood inherited cholestasis

Jianshe WANG Affiliated pediatric hospital of Fudan University
17:50-18:10 17:50-18:10

Landscape of Pediatric Liver Transplantation in Mainland China

Feng XUE Renji Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University
18:10-18:30 18:10-18:30

How to diagnose primary immunodeficiency disease earlier?

Gang Liu Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children's Health
18:30-18:50 18:30-18:50

Plasma exchange and pediatric acute liver failure

Quan WANG Beijing Children's Hospital
18:50-19:10 18:50-19:10

Management of children after liver transplantation

Zhengzheng Zhang Children’ Hospital of Fudan University
19:10-19:30 19:10-19:30

Sepsis induced liver injury

Hong REN Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University