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Baku Health Center
Professional Education:
1976 -1982    Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
1983  Internship, Baku City Hospital N 1
2001 Internship in Infection Disease and Hepatology in    AKH, Vienna, Austria
Since 2004 APASL member
Since 2005 EASL member
2011 “Metabolic changes and there influence to results of antiviral treatment in HCV patients”. PhD.

Work Experience:
1983 – 1999   Republic Toxicological Center, Head of Intensive Care department
1999 - 2008 “Khazar” University, Clinical Virology Chair,     Professor’s Assistant
2000-2004          Azerbaijan State Medical University, Therapy Chair, Professor’s Assistant
2008 – 2014       “Baku Medical center”, Head of the Liver Diseases    Department 
2014 – Present   Grand Hospital, Head of the Liver Diseases Department
 2016- Present    President of Azerbaijan Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists Association.
2017-Present-     Member of Azerbaijan National Anti-Doping Agency (AMADA)
2018-                  Member of Editorial Board in Journal “Toxicology”, Azerbaijan 


1998 Grant for publishing in the book competition for the Step by Step Preschool program
2008 Recognition of the excellence of work presented at the 18th Conference of the APASL, Seoul, Korea.
2013                   Travel Award in APASL 2013, Singapore
2009, 2012,
2015 yy     The winner of the nomination “The Best Doctor of the Year”.
2015                    Travel Award in APASL 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
2016                   Travel Award in APASL 2017, Shanghai, China

Professional Conference:

2004 – 2016 APASL Annual participation (speaker)
2005 – 2016 EASL Annual participation
2008 – 2014       AASLD participation
2004 – 2013       Russian Gastroenterology and Hepatology Association, Annual participation, speaker
2008 - 2010 “Hepatology today”, speaker of Annual conference, Hepаtology Russia
2009 – 2011 Gastroenterology and Hepatology conference, speaker and Chairman in Kazakhstan.
2004 – 2016 Educational sessions for medical professionals in the regions of Azerbaijan and Baku.
2015                   Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Clinical trial regulation. Workshop participation, Ukraine.
2015 Joined Turkish – Azerbaijan Hepatology Workshop, Chairman, Turkey. 
2018                    Chairman and speaker in APASL STC, Istanbul
2019                    Chairman  and speaker in APASL Annual conference, Manila, Philippines 






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2022-09-17 13:45-15:15 2022-09-17,13:45-15:15Meeting Room 2

Concurrent Session 5 - Bacterial Infections in ESLD
