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Edward J. GANE
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University of Auckland
Dr. Gane is Professor of Medicine at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, Hepatologist and Deputy Director of the New Zealand Liver Unit at Auckland City Hospital. 
Dr. Gane trained in hepatology at the Institute of Liver Studies, King’s College School of Medicine, London, where he completed his MD on the pathogenesis of hepatitis C-related liver injury.  Dr Gane chairs the Ministry of Health committee responsible for HCV elimination and co-wrote the first New Zealand National HepC Action Plan.
Dr. Gane is an investigator for many international clinical trials with particular interest in early phase development of new direct acting antiviral therapies against chronic hepatitis C, hepatitis B, NASH and HCC.  He has published over 600 papers in peer-reviewed journals including The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr Gane is a member of APASL, EASL, ILTS, ILCA and AASLD and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Hepatology
In 2011, Dr Gane received the New Zealand Health Research Council (NZHRC) annual Beaven Medal and in 2014, the NZHRC annual Liley Medal.
In 2011, Dr. Gane was awarded Member of the Order of New Zealand for Services to Medicine. 
In 2017, Dr Gane was named as New Zealand Innovator of the Year for his work towards HCV elimination in New Zealand. 
In 2018, he was elected to the Royal Society of Medicine. 






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2022-09-17 10:00-11:30 2022-09-17,10:00-11:30Meeting Room 1

Concurrent Session 1 - Management of Viral Hepatitis I

2022-09-17 15:30-17:00 2022-09-17,15:30-17:00Meeting Room 1

State-of-the-art Session 3
