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W. Ray KIM
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Stanford University School of Medicine
Position/ Affiliation:
Professor and Chief in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Stanford University School of Medicine

Professional Organization (Academic Society Activities):

Dr. Kim serves on the Governing Board of AASLD as a Councilor currently and is elected to be President in 2024.

Scientific Activity (Lecture or Editor):

Dr. Kim's research has produced >250 original publications to date with an h-index of >80.

Specialty/ Research Field:

Dr. Kim’s research interest has been in outcomes modeling in end stage liver disease and viral hepatitis.  His research accomplishments include development of the Model for End Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score.  

Other Activities:

5 recent publications
1.          Kwong A, Kim WR, Kwo PY, Wang U, Cheng X. Feasibility and Effectiveness of Norepinephrine Outside the Intensive Care Setting for Treatment of Hepatorenal Syndrome. Liver Transpl. 2021 Aug;27(8):1095-1105. PMID: 33837624.
2.          Biggins SW, Angeli P, Garcia-Tsao G, Ginès P, Ling SC, Nadim MK, Wong F, Kim WR. Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management of Ascites, Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis and Hepatorenal Syndrome: 2021 Practice Guidance by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology. 2021 Aug;74(2):1014-1048. PMID: 33942342.
3.          Kim WR, Telep LE, Jump B, Lu M, Ramroth H, Flaherty J, Gaggar A, Chokkalingam AP, Gordon SC. Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in treatment-naïve chronic hepatitis B patients receiving tenofovir disoproxil fumarate versus entecavir in the United States.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2022 Feb 8. doi: 10.1111/apt.16786. PMID: 35137422
4.          Choi WM, Yip TC, Lim YS, Wong GL, Kim WR. Methodological challenges of performing meta-analyses to compare the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma between chronic hepatitis B treatments. J Hepatol. 2022 Jan;76(1):186-194. PMID: 34592365
5.          Kim WR, Mannalithara A, Heimbach JK, Kamath PS, Asrani SK, Biggins SW, Wood NL, Gentry SE, Kwong AJ.  MELD 3.0: The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Updated for the Modern Era. Gastroenterology. 2021 Dec;161(6):1887-1895 PMID: 34481845
Bolded: corresponding author






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2022-09-17 14:05-14:25 2022-09-17,14:05-14:25Meeting Room 3

Concurrent Session 6 - AKI and HRS

Speaker Hepatorenal syndrome