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Saeed S. HAMID
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Aga Khan University,Karachi
Position/ Affiliation:
Professor of Medicine & Director, Clinical Trials Unit

Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan.

Professional Organization (Academic Society Activities):
He has been Vice President, Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology and President of the Pakistan Society for the Study of Liver Diseases (PSSLD).
He has been Chair of Hepatology Interest Group of the World Gastroenterology Organization.
Member of the Executive Council of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) from 2006-2010.

Advisory Committees of the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination (CGHE) and the Hepatitis Fund.

Scientific Activity (Lecture or Editor):

He has chaired the WHO Guidelines Development Group for Hepatitis C in 2015, 2017 and in 2021.

Specialty/ Research Field:

His main research interests are viral hepatitis and Liver Failure

Other Activities:
He has been an author on over 180 peer reviewed publications and three book chapters.
He has mentored a number of postgraduate GI trainees, PhD and other graduate students.






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2022-09-18 17:00-17:20 2022-09-18,17:00-17:20Meeting Room 3

Concurrent Session 18 - HCC and Transplant

Speaker HCC: Who to transplant?