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Chun-Jen LIU
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Hepatitis Research Center, National Taiwan University Hospital
Position/ Affiliation:
Director, Hepatitis Research Center, National Taiwan University Hospital
Professor and attending physician, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan Universiy College of Medicine and Hospital

Professional Organization (Academic Society Activities):
Chairman, APASL 2022 HCC Single Topic Conference (Taipei)
Executive Committee Member, APASL 2021-2022
Secretary General, Global Hepatitis Summit (ISVHLD) 2021/2022 (Taipei)
Executive Committee Member, Taiwan Association for the Study of the Liver (TASL)
Councilor, Gastroenterology Society of Taiwan (GEST)

Scientific Activity (Lecture or Editor):
Associate Editor, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
Associate Editor, Journal of Microbiology, Immunity and Infection

Specialty/ Research Field:
Basic and clinical researches of hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, HCC and NAFLD
Clinical trials on hepatitis B, hepatitis C, dual hepatitis B and C, NAFLD and HCC

Other Activities:
Leader, Taiwan Liver Disease Clinical Trial Consortium






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2022-09-18 11:00-11:20 2022-09-18,11:00-11:20Meeting Room 1

Concurrent Session 10 - Fatty Liver Disease I

Speaker Prevalence and impact of co-existing NAFLD in patients with HBV infection