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Kwang-Hyub HAN
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Yonsei University College of Medicine
Institution/Affiliation: Yonsei University College of Medicine
Current Position:Emeritus Professor
Specialty: Hepatology

Recent Activities (incl. Research, Career, Education, etc.):
1) Past President, IASL(International Association Study for the Liver; 2019-2021)
2) Past President, NECA(2020-2023), Seoul, Korea
3) Emeritus Professor, Yonsei Univ. College of Med.
4) Executive council member of IASL, CEVHEP and APPLE
5) Past President of APPLE association, KASL(Korean Association Study for the Liver)

Research Interests: HCC surveillance, multidisciplinary approach for HCC, evidence-based medicine 






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2022-09-18 16:00-16:30 2022-09-18,16:00-16:30Meeting Room 1

State-of-the-art Session 5

Speaker Optimal management in the era of evolution of the treatment for HCC