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Mindie H. NGUYEN
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Stanford University Medical Center
Dr. Nguyen is Professor of Medicine, a Stanford Cancer Institute member and specializes in the treatment and prevention of primary liver cancer such as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). 

Dr. Nguyen is also a Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health by courtesy at Stanford. Her clinical and research focus has been liver cancer for the past twenty-plus years. She is a frequent lecturer for the management and prevention of liver cancer for care providers and researchers at national and international conferences. She has published several key research papers to inform clinicians of the care and treatment of patients with liver cancer. 

Dr. Nguyen’s clinical and research focus also include patients with liver tumors, cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD/NASH). Her goal is to prevent disease progression and to promote early detection of liver tumors and treatment of complications from chronic liver diseases and liver cancer. She has extensive experience in performing clinical trials on liver cancer, fatty liver, cirrhosis, and viral hepatitis. She has lead several multi-center US and international studies.

Dr. Nguyen is clinically active, seeing patients three full days a week, with a large and comprehensive practice of general liver, liver cancer, and transplant patients at Stanford University Medical Center, as well as weekly outreach clinics in the San Jose area.

Dr. Nguyen is Director of the Hepatology Fellowship Program in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and the Liver Transplant Program. In addition, she is Director of the Hepatology Fellowship and Clerkship, a member of Stanford Bio-X, and Stanford Population Science, a member of the Appointments and Promotions Committee and a Diversity LENS Advocate for the Department of Medicine, assisting in the promotion of equity and diversity in the professoriate search process.

Dr. Nguyen has mentored over 150 trainees of diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds and levels of training. Her research lab includes trainees who are high school students, undergraduate students, medical students, graduate students in the Master’s in Epidemiology or Public Health, PhD students in epidemiology, clinical interns and residents, clinical gastroenterology and hepatology fellows, postdoctoral research fellows, early and mid-career faculty, and international visiting scholars. She also serves as Pre-Major Academic Advisor for the undergraduate school. Her mentees are from Stanford as well as other institutions in the US and overseas.

Dr. Nguyen is a Fellow of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), and a member of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), the European Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (EASL), and the Asia Pacific Association for the Study of Liver (APASL).

Dr. Nguyen is active in national and international professional society service and community outreach efforts locally, including service as an executive board of director for nonprofit organizations. She is very active in AASLD, having served as Chair of the Hepatitis B Special Interest Group and in the Education and Hepatology Associate Committees, as member of the Steering Committee for the Hepatobiliary Neoplasia and Hepatitis B Special Interest Group, and as a member of the Practice Guideline Committee. She is a member of the Research Award Panel for the AGA, and a member of the Practice Management Committee for the ACG, and Officer of the Global Governing Council of the International Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (IASL).

Dr. Nguyen has served in the editorial and advisory boards for several journals, including Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Lancet GI Hepatology, and as ad hoc reviewer for over thirty scientific journals including JAMA and AIM.






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2022-09-18 17:40-18:00 2022-09-18,17:40-18:00Meeting Room 3

Concurrent Session 18 - HCC and Transplant

Speaker HCC risk and surveillance in patients with cirrhosis