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Wenming Peng
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University of Bonn
Research focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to dysregulated immune responses in atopic dermatitis and allergic skin diseases.
After completing my habilitation in 2019, I continued investigating mechanisms associated with the pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis, including allergen-specific immunotherapy, skin barrier dysfunctions, and interactions of immune cells in skin inflammation in patients with atopic dermatitis
Published 40 peer-reviewed papers, which were cited more than 1800 times in the field. My current h-index is 2






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2022-09-18 14:40-15:00 2022-09-18,14:40-15:00Dermatology

Dermatology (p.m.)

Speaker Cutaneous neuroimmune interactions in the development of allergic skin inflammation
2022-09-18 15:40-15:55 2022-09-18,15:40-15:55Dermatology

Dermatology (p.m.)

Discussant Discussion